Author Topic: Dishonest Degeneres: Gay Activist Ellen Says 'I Don't Have An Agenda'  (Read 320 times)

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Dishonest Degeneres: Gay Activist Ellen Says 'I Don't Have An Agenda'
By Tim Graham | January 16, 2015 | 10:43 PM EST

The magazine TV Week certainly demonstrated a bias as it promoted a “Must-See Video: With Humor and Class Ellen DeGeneres Punctures Argument of Christian Pastor Who Accuses Her of Promoting a Gay Agenda on Her TV Show.”

Ellen certainly can have her disagreements with Bible-thumpers. But it ought to be acknowledged that Ellen and many other LGBT entertainment makers are routinely promoting homosexuality as every bit as normal as heterosexuality.       

DeGeneres claimed: "I don't have an agenda. I'm not here to brainwash anyone … The only way I'm trying to influence people is to be more kind and compassionate with one another … That is the message I'm sending out." Liberals -- they're only promoting kindness and compassion.

That's dishonest. It's not honest to deny she’s used her program on occasion to shamelessly promote Obamacare with Obama, to promote gay marriage at Hillary Clinton,  and to promote Obama’s re-election with some precocious left-wing children.

In 2012, she was awarded the Mark Twain Prize at the Kennedy Center, and on PBS, leftists lined up to thank her for her courage in "changing the world" and pushing what may easily be called a “gay agenda.” On that scene, she described how "very, very scary" a President Romney might be. The dishonesty about no agenda just comes tumbling from Ellen’s mouth.

“I heard there was an article written about me and I'd like to address it right now," DeGeneres began. "It's a pastor [Larry Tomczak] who wrote an article for The Christian Post where he accuses Hollywood of having a gay agenda and said that 'Ellen DeGeneres celebrates her lesbianism and 'marriage' in between appearances of guests like Taylor Swift to attract young girls,"  she quoted. (That's clumsily stated; she works some gay politics into the show, and the show has lots of guests that would appeal to young people.)

Disproving her own claim she wasn’t promoting a cause, Ellen said: "First of all, let's just break this down, I'm not 'married.' I'm married, that's all.” Applause and shrieking followed.

"Larry, I don't even know what it means to celebrate my lesbianism, I mean, I guess I do, it's like that," she said as she pulled a party popper from her pocket, releasing it and pronouncing "I'm gay!"

She then began listing some of the TV shows Tomczak listed as promoting a gay lifestyle such as "Glee" and "Modern Family" before quipping, "If you ask me, Larry is watching a lot of gay TV." Gays often do this when challenged, claim their opponents sound awfully gay when they start laying out the evidence that gays lie about having no agenda.

Tomczak’s listing of an "avalanche" of gay-promoting fare on TV is only partial, but pretty much accurate (with a few tweaks):

– Super hyped "Empire" series starts with Oscar nominee Terrence Howard having a homosexual son - and he's a hunk.
– "Glee" features over five gay characters.
– Home and remodeling reality shows regularly feature lesbians and gays in partnerships exploring homes.
– "Modern Family" features a gay couple who married over two episodes recently.
– "Ellen DeGeneres" celebrates her lesbianism and "marriage" in between appearances of guests like Taylor Swift to attract young girls.
– "Dancing with the Stars" hosts a gay judge and gay couples. [Several of the “stars” that have danced on the show have been gay or transgender celebrities, but there’s been no same-sex dancing couples.]
 -- "Biggest Loser" had lesbian Jillian Michaels as a role model coach. [And gay coach Bob Harper.]
–  "The Good Wife" now has a lesbian/bisexual investigator.
–  "Scandal" has two gays.
– "2 1/2 Men" just added a lesbian daughter [in 2013].
– "Grey's Anatomy" highlights a lesbian couple with their child.
– "Survivor" and other reality shows regularly parade homosexuals as contestants.
–  Anderson Cooper boasts openly on TV he'd rather "have sex" with a man, plus co-hosts New Year's Eve festivities nationwide. [We missed this recent one; Kelly Ripa pushed him on Bravo to say he’s rather sleep with her husband Mark Consuelos than with her.]

How credible would a Franklin Graham be if he constantly claimed he had no agenda, he just wanted to pass some socially conservative laws and elect a Republican president or two. If that sounds silly, then Ellen sounds just as silly – even though the media applaud her for “humor and grace” as she lies.


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