Author Topic: ‘Daily Show’ Trolls NYPD ‘Slowdown,’ Invites You to ‘Sh*ttier New York’  (Read 476 times)

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‘Daily Show’ Trolls NYPD ‘Slowdown,’ Invites You to ‘Sh*ttier New York’

Posted By Contributing Author On January 9, 2015 @ 3:00 pm In Conspiracy Fact and Theory,Cops and Robbers,Crime/Police State,Editor's Choice,Featured,General,Headlines & Head Lies,Humor,Humor (Videos),News,People,Perspectives,Videos and Media | 17 Comments

jonstewart [1]

Daily Show host Jon Stewart took a more optimistic tack on the news that New York City police were intentionally cutting down on arrests as part of a grudge against Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“A slowdown sounds so negative,” Stewart said on Thursday. “It’s really more of a public safety stay-cation, if you will. It explains the NYPD’s new motto: ‘To chill and reflect.’”

Stewart and correspondent Jason Jones, along with the “committee for a sh*ttier New York,” then invited viewers to visit the city, now that Jones could act like he was negotiating drug deals in full view of an officer without any hassle.

(Read more at Raw Story [2])


Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces [3]

Police State – Ten Secrets The Police Don’t Want You To Know! “How To Survive Police Encounters!” [4]

Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare is Becoming Our Reality [5]

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple [6]

Contributed by Arturo Garcia of Raw Story [2].

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[1] Image:

[2] Raw Story:

[3] Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America’s Police Forces:

[4] Police State – Ten Secrets The Police Don’t Want You To Know! “How To Survive Police Encounters!”:

[5] Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare is Becoming Our Reality:

[6] The Daily Sheeple: