Author Topic: FreedomWorks Directing Calls To Congress Urging Boehner Ouster  (Read 380 times)

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FreedomWorks Directing Calls To Congress Urging Boehner Ouster
« on: January 04, 2015, 06:04:28 am »
The grassroots conservative group FreedomWorks is directing calls to Congress among its 6.7 million supporters nationwide, urging Republicans to vote out House Speaker John Boehner and replace him with a viable alternative. FreedomWorks president Matt Kibbe says:

    With a growing Republican majority in the House and a historically high number of liberty-voting fiscal conservatives within it, there is an urgent need replace Speaker Boehner with fresh, bold leadership that better represents the views of the whole caucus. Speaker Boehner has kicked fiscal conservatives off committee positions for voting against his wishes, caved on numerous massive spending bills at the eleventh hour, and abused the legislative process to stomp out opposition by holding surprise votes and giving members little time to actually read the bills before they vote. An effective Speaker would be someone who leads through action, consistently doing what Republicans promised the American people they would do. We need someone willing to shake up the status quo.

Kibbe added that his organization aims to pressure Republicans. “FreedomWorks plans to mobilize its community of over 6.7 million grassroots activists to contact their representatives in the House using phone calls, email messages, and social media in the days leading up to the Tuesday vote.”

Several members have already publicly indicated their intention to vote against Boehner for speaker on Tuesday. They include Reps. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK), Thomas Massie (R-KY) and Ted Yoho (R-FL). Yoho also offered himself up as a potential alternative candidate to Boehner for members who think they need an alternative.

Bridenstine backed Yoho as a potential Speaker candidate in a statement on Saturday evening as well, and called on his colleagues to view the forthcoming vote as a choice to change the status quo in Washington.

“Congressman Ted Yoho is a courageous leader,” Bridenstine said. “I applaud and respect him for standing up to offer an alternative to the status quo. I could certainly vote for Ted Yoho as Speaker of the House. The idea that John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi are the only two alternatives is incorrect. Now we have a real choice. Members must decide if they are for the status quo or for a change in direction.”

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