Author Topic: Obama Releases Osama bin Laden Adviser Who Vowed to Kill Bush  (Read 343 times)

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Obama Releases Osama bin Laden Adviser Who Vowed to Kill Bush
« on: January 02, 2015, 10:48:06 am »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

Obama Releases Osama bin Laden Adviser Who Vowed to Kill Bush

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On January 1, 2015 @ 10:25 pm In The Point | 3 Comments

It’s a shame that the Navy SEALS decided to disobey Obama’s orders and killed Osama, instead of taking him back for trial. If Osama were still alive, Obama would have set him loose.

Since Osama is feeding the squid somewhere, Obama had to settle for the next best thing and released a veteran senior terrorist who was also one of his military advisers.

After releasing a nuclear terrorist, Obama decided to give the Jihad a New Year’s present by freeing 5 more terrorists. They include Adel Al-Hakeemy.

Adel Al-Hakeemy, was sent off to Kazakhstan, where he will enjoy long walks on the sand, moonlit nights and killing infidels.

Detainee is assessed to be a senior member of the Global Jihadist Support Network (GJSN) with specific membership in the Tunisian Combat Group (TCG) and the Armed Islamic Group (GIA).

Detainee is a veteran terrorist with a proven history of violence and possesses both the capability and intent to conduct violence against US citizens if released.

Detainee is assessed to have participated in hostilities against US and Coalition forces in Tora Bora where he reportedly served as a military advisor for Osama Bin Laden (UBL) and possibly commanded a defensive position. He received training at the Khaldan and Derunta training camps and is associated with senior terrorism operatives.

Detainee’s extremist activities included counterfeiting, passport forgery and al-Qaida network travel facilitation in Europe, North Africa, Pakistan (PK), and Afghanistan. Detainee participated in jihad in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BK) and terrorist support activities in

Italy (IT) and Afghanistan (AF). JTF-GTMO determined this detainee to be:

A HIGH risk, as he is likely to pose a threat to the US, its interests and allies.

• A HIGH threat from a detention perspective.

• Of HIGH intelligence value.

So of course Obama had to let him go because that’s how much he cares about national security and the lives of Americans.

Detainee stated if the detainees at JTF-GTMO are released, they are going to exact revenge against the US. Detainee also stated that he would kill President Bush if given the chance.

Well that explains why Obama released him.


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