Author Topic: De Blasio Dodges Families of Cops his Rhetoric Helped Kill  (Read 313 times)

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De Blasio Dodges Families of Cops his Rhetoric Helped Kill
« on: December 23, 2014, 12:13:21 pm »
- FrontPage Magazine - -

De Blasio Dodges Families of Cops his Rhetoric Helped Kill

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On December 22, 2014 @ 12:07 pm In The Point | 7 Comments

It’s probably not guilt.

Bill de Blasio has made it abundantly clear that he’s here for the criminals. Not for New Yorkers. Like a lot lefties he’s waiting for the outrage over the murder of two cops by one of the Ferguson/Garner protesters to die down so he can get go back to backing up Al Sharpton’s racist hate campaign.

Police Commissioner Bill Bratton visited the scene of the horrific attack in Brooklyn and Gov. Andrew Cuomo paid a wrenching condolence call at the home of one of the slain cops, but de Blasio ran from reporters and was nowhere to be found after the church service.

He showed up for 10:15 a.m. Mass with his wife, Chirlane McCray, and Bratton, with all three sitting in a front-row pew as Cardinal Timothy Dolan urged prayers for the slain cops’ families, the NYPD — and the embattled mayor.

Reporters were then told to leave the church early for a nearby news conference with the mayor, but de Blasio — who was snubbed by scores of cops at Woodhull Hospital on Saturday — scooted out after the service and ignored questions as he hopped into an SUV.

The cops have made it very clear that Bill de Blasio’s support for the anti-cop and anti-white lynch mobs led to this atrocity. They’ve made it even clearer that they’re not going to allow themselves to be used for photo ops by Bill de Blasio who just wants to redirect outrage away from his rotten administration.

So he put in a show and then abandoned a press conference preemptively before heading to whatever he genuinely considers important, probably a new plan to pardon drug dealers or move serial rapists into public housing.

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