Author Topic: Cali Professor Kelly Campbell Says Black People Have The Right To Act Like A Bunch Of Angry Assholes  (Read 553 times)

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Cali Professor Kelly Campbell Says Black People Have The Right To Act Like A Bunch Of Angry Assholes

By V. Saxena, December 20, 2014.

A California State University professor known as Kelly Campbell penned a piece for Psychology Today in which she asserted that black people have the right to act like angry assholes and insinuated that the “conversation on race” would be more fruitful were blacks to destroy the neighborhoods of wealthy white people.

Let’s start from the beginning:

Those in power don’t care if thousands of people disagree with the Brown and Garner verdicts as long as white supremacy remains intact.

The officials who operate our court systems don’t care if a few thousand dingbats disagree with the verdicts because said dingbats’ uneducated opinions have no bearing on our fair and impartial justice system. Plus, while a few thousand disagree with the verdicts, I imagine that millions agree with them.

Peaceful protests mean that rich white people will continue to live comfortably. Marching and lying down in the streets does not change the system. Change will occur when the lives of white people are disrupted. If the rioters had destroyed affluent white neighborhoods, the “conversation on race” might have led to some action.

So just because some black people live in poverty means that black people now reserve the right to destroy the neighborhoods of those white AND black people who work hard and actually succeed in life? Do you want to know what I call this? Terrorism!

 The President can’t speak his mind because he’s a pawn in a system run by white people.

Are you serious? Three times our president has interjected himself in situations that did not warrant his intrusion: during the Henry Louise Gates controversy, after the Trayvon Martin shooting and after the Mike Brown shooting. And in all three instances, he acted like race had played a role in what occurred, though the evidence has since shown otherwise. Obama is what Sean Hannity likes to call a “three-time loser.”

Worse yet, he realizes that black leaders who call for change, and even white leaders who seek to balance the power structure risk losing their lives.

The only thing Reverend Al Sharpton is afraid of losing is his race card.

Although white people think racism is a thing of the past, ethnic minorities (African, Latin, and Native Americans) disproportionately live in poverty. On average, they earn 20-35% less income than whites, receive an inferior education, are more likely to occupy dangerous jobs, and live in polluted, run-down neighborhoods. They have worse health outcomes, higher incidence of disease, and they die younger. Ethnic minorities know they live in a racist system but lack the power to change it on their own.

Excuse me, but what about Chinese minorities, Japanese minorities, Somalian minorities, Pakistani minorities, Indian minorities, etc.? They all seem to be doing just fine, thank you. Might it be because they prioritize the right things in life, like say, education and family? I hate to be the jerk to mention this, but have you ever noticed that shows like “Jerry Springer” and “Maury” never ever feature East and Southeast Asian minorities? Why might that be?


It’s time for white people to admit that they benefit from racism. They have benefitted in many ways throughout history such as profiting from minority exploitation, receiving a superior education, being allowed to purchase homes, securing loans at lower interest rates, being able to vote, and being granted citizenship when other racial groups could not. They haven’t had their families torn apart through slavery, unfair imprisonment, deportation, violence, or murder at the same rates as blacks, if at all.

I agree that once upon a time, white people benefited from racism. However, it is currently 2014, not 1814.

There are too many instances of people being killed when they speak about racism.

Name one, LOL! I am not aware of a single person who has been killed recently for merely speaking about racism.

Overt discrimination, such as Daniel Pantaleo killing Eric Garner, is not as common as the implicit mechanisms used by a majority of Americans such as doing nothing.

Eric Garner resisted arrest. That he died in the process sucks, but again, he resisted arrest. Follow the law and thou shalt not place yourself at the risk of dying.

Although peaceful protesting may offer psychological comfort to whites, more is needed to affect change. Establishing an equitable system will require white people to give up the privileges they’ve been granted simply by being born white. Structural pluralism must be used to promote ethnic minorities into positions of power. Each person, irrespective of race, should recognize his or her role in maintaining the current system and commit to changing it.

I get it now. You want to force diversity and blah, blah, blah upon the rest of us by eroding our electoral voting system and replacing it with one based on racial quotas. Gotcha’ . . .

Malcolm X said, “I believe that there will ultimately be a clash between the oppressed and those that do the oppressing. I believe that there will be a clash between those who want freedom, justice and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the systems of exploitation.”

Yes, and this clash already occurred way back in the 1960′s. And in case you haven’t heard, black people rightfully won it!

It is important to assess which side you are—equality or oppression—and if equlity, to take steps to make it happen. My career affords opportunities to address racism such as writing this post. I also teach a university course in which I discuss oppression and injustice and encourage my students to affect change through voting, running for office, mobilizing their community members, blogging, and joining clubs to fight racism. Given your position in society, what can you do to make it happen?

Well, lady, I intend to keep fighting for true equality by doing everything in my power to refute the Socialist garbage that lunatic professors like you spew. You claim you want equality, but what you want instead is a society that bases itself on the feelings of butt-hurt black people. Sorry, but this is a society, not a daycare clinic for racially aggrieved minorities like Al Sharpton.

Anyway. You can read her article here or email her directly at If you do send her an email, please do so in a cordial way. No hate mail please. We at Downtrend could get in trouble otherwise.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 12:37:34 pm by rangerrebew »