Author Topic: Gruber A Genocidal, Racist, Elitist Punk; Senate “Intelligence” Committee Even Worse  (Read 480 times)

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Gruber A Genocidal, Racist, Elitist Punk; Senate “Intelligence” Committee Even Worse

Gruber represents everything that is wrong with people who think they know how the rest of us should live our lives.
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Avatar of Fred Weinberg   Fred Weinberg — December 12, 2014
On Tuesday, we were treated to the spectacle of the Senate Intelligence Committee—an oxymoron—releasing a report on what they and their friends in the mainstream media called “torture” at exactly the same time that the House Oversight Committee had as its “guest” an MIT professor who thinks voters are stupid.

In the words of Dana Carvey’s Churchlady, “Isn’t that special?”
 The professor—Jonathan Gruber—helped design Obamacare; and it turns out that he’s a genocidal racist (more about that later), elitist embarrassment for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in addition to the progressive movement as a whole.

His testimony was a sound byte-a-minute laughathon or cringathon (depending on your political views), including a section where he “couldn’t recall” how many millions he was paid for what passed as work on the so-called Affordable Care Act.

But it was totally overshadowed in the media—pure Democrat intention—by the alleged “torture” report.

Fortunately, the joke is on the politicos who worked so hard to arrange that juxtaposition.

Because I promise you the video of Gruber will go viral, and nobody but al Qaeda will ever read the report.

Further, if you walk into the average coffee shop or gas station and ask an average American—not an average MIT professor—you’ll undoubtedly find that the average American could care less about somebody who was involved in killing Americans getting slapped around or dunked in water a bit.  Especially if that someone was a foreign national who was caught on the battlefield.

But I can guarantee you that being called stupid by a guy who helped write a bill that has raised the price of health care for virtually everyone it touches—except Congress—will continue to irritate the crap out of the average American.

Or, put another way, slapping around a few terrorists is like cracking a few eggs to make an omelet.  Screwing the average American with a healthcare reform bill he doesn’t want is like poisoning the omelet.

Gruber represents everything that is wrong with people who think they know how the rest of us should live our lives.

When I was growing up, the son of an engineering professor and a first grade teacher, MIT was revered as THE engineering school the graduates of which would take us to the moon.  They did.

Apparently, being in the vanguard of every major engineering development in the 20th century wasn’t enough.  Now, they have to hire a slickie boy economics professor fresh from earning his Harvard PhD who, in the immortal words of Slim Pickens, uses his tongue prettier than a twenty dollar whore.

By now, you have seen the outrageous comments Gruber made that were caught on video about the stupidity of the American voter. And maybe even his BS apology.

Here’s what you haven’t seen:

In 2006, Gruber co-authored a paper for MIT’s National Bureau of Economic Research that, boiled down for us common folk, says abortion is good because it rids us of “born unwanted” children which they called “marginal children,” thus leaving us with kids who grew up in “better” conditions.

Adolf Hitler had a similar philosophy.  How did that work out for him? And the rest of us?

The racist part comes in because, statistically, the most likely group to abort a pregnancy happens to be black.  Gruber and his pals appear to encourage that: “their analysis suggests that the crime reduction … was primarily due to the fact that there were fewer teens around to commit crime in the years after abortion was made available.”

We have another term for that.  Genocide.

Imagine that. Abortion as a method of crime control. What’s next. Retroactive abortion?

These are the fertile minds who concocted the so-called Affordable Care Act.  No death panels here, right?

And one of their leaders called us stupid?

So this comes from the guy who helped write the Obamacare law. And the media is worried about our slapping around some terrorists?

I have an idea. Why don’t we put some of those protesters from Ferguson, Missouri in a room with Jonathan Gruber, explain Gruber’s theories on race and abortion, lock the door, and come back tomorrow.

Problem solved.