Author Topic: MSNBC: Police Keeping Working People from Achieving “Economic Justice”  (Read 322 times)

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MSNBC: Police Keeping Working People from Achieving “Economic Justice”

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On December 11, 2014 @ 9:54 pm In The Point | 5 Comments
It’s hard to redistribute wealth when your victims can just call the cops if you start looting their store. That hasn’t stopped Obama because he is the police, but lower level community organizers still have that problem achieving “economic justice” through arson and looting.

Two guests on this evening’s Ed Show on MSNBC revealed what lies just below the surface for many in the current protest movement: opposition to capitalism.

First up was Rosa Clemente, a “hip hop activist” and 2008 Green Party VP candidate:

MICHAEL ERIC DYSON: Ms. Clemente, the problem extends beyond police departments.  What’s the next institution that you think needs to be isolated and then challenged?

ROSA CLEMENTE: The economy. Capitalism, I think that’s the institution that all over this country, right? It is really what is the oppressive force. And the police are actually, we have a lot of theory I think that proves this, are that force that are keeping us, as particularly working class people, from achieving this idea of, you know, economic justice.

Speaking of “us” working class people, Red Rosa is full time student / community organizer. If she works at any kind of job, it’s not listed.

She is a Puerto Rican separatist and supported of associated terrorist groups, along with some Black terror groups who has written for Farrakhan’s racist newspaper, the Final Call.

Despite not being black, Rosa Clemente leads assorted black groups and like Farrakhan, hates Jews, and cited the violent racist Kwame Ture as her mentor. Her Green Party ticket was with Cynthia McKinney who gave anti-Semitism a bad name and turned to Holocaust deniers.

That’s exactly the kind of activist who would claim that cops interfere with “economic justice”.


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