Author Topic: White Support for democrats Fades (AP excerpt)  (Read 366 times)

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Offline Fishrrman

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White Support for democrats Fades (AP excerpt)
« on: November 07, 2014, 05:07:59 pm »
Full article here:


Exit polling shows racial polarization of the electorate has begun to cross party lines, with whites less likely to back Democratic candidates than they have been in the past. Across 21 states where Senate races were exit polled, whites broke for the Republican by a significant margin in all but four - Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire and Oregon. None of those four states has backed a GOP candidate for president in the post-Reagan era except when New Hampshire went for George W. Bush by 1 point in 2000.

The Senate seats on the ballot this year were last up for re-election in 2008, a presidential year. Democrats typically rely on greater turnout among their core voters when the presidential race tops the ticket. But still, Democratic Senate candidates lost ground among white voters by an average of 10 points compared with 2008. White voters abandoned Democrats in droves in places with heated contests as well as those without much action. The exceptions were Minnesota and Oregon - where Democratic incumbents improved their overall support across the board - and Mississippi - where Travis Childers managed to grow the Democratic share of the white vote from 8 percent to 16 percent.

The shift is particularly acute in the South, where some of the last white Democrats in the House of Representatives lost their seats on Tuesday.

- In North Carolina, Sen. Kay Hagan carried just 33 percent of the white vote, down from 39 percent in 2008. White voters under age 30 backed Hagan decisively in 2008, 60 percent for her to 36 percent for her opponent, as they helped to sweep Barack Obama into office. But this year, younger white voters who cast ballots in North Carolina broke just as decisively for Thom Tillis, with 56 percent to 32 percent for Hagan. Twelve percent backed Sean Haugh, the Libertarian.

- In Louisiana, Mary Landrieu captured just 18 percent of the white vote, a sharp decline from the 33 percent she garnered in 2008. Younger whites there broke for her Republican opponent in 2008, 68 percent to 30 percent, and they were even more likely to back one of her GOP opponents this time around - 22 percent voted for Landrieu while 74 percent went for Bill Cassidy or Rob Maness.

- In one surprisingly competitive Senate race Tuesday, whites in Virginia voted 37 percent for Mark Warner, 60 percent for Ed Gillespie. In 2008, Warner won the votes of 56 percent of whites. Younger whites broke heavily this year for Ed Gillespie in Virginia, 57 percent to 31 percent for Warner. In 2008, Warner carried 59 percent among this group.

- Even winning Democrats aren't immune to the drop-off in white support: Illinois Democratic Senator Dick Durbin captured 43 percent of the white vote in his successful bid for re-election, that's down 18 points from his support among whites in 2008.

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Re: White Support for democrats Fades (AP excerpt)
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2014, 05:23:51 pm »
Posted about that yesterday, in another thread:,153435.msg619070.html#msg619070

So much for "the black vote", "the Hispanic vote", "the Asian vote".
The future of the Republican party lies in the "Euro-American" vote.

With the possible exception of Texas, Hispanics (now and in the future) will vote overwhelmingly for the democrats. The larger their share of the electorate becomes, the higher the number of votes cast for the democrats. (Aside: even in Texas, the majority of Hispanics still vote for the democrats)

By contrast, look to The Deep South. Although faced with high numerical numbers of minorities (in the South's case, these are mostly blacks), whites there realize the situation they face, and act accordingly. They vote overwhelmingly for the Republicans.

Why do they do that?
The answer is obvious (so obvious it shouldn't need to be stated here, but I will state it anyway):
Southern whites have adopted "identity politics" (in the same way minorities have ALWAYS used such politics before) -- they realize they must "band together" if they are to retain governing power in the South, and [rightly] choose the Republican party as their vehicle by which to do so.

This may not be the polite and politically-correct path by which to achieve victory, but it works.

And this election (read the AP excerpt above) is "working" not only in the South now, but in almost all "red" and "purple" states where the left hasn't yet achieved an unbeatable majority (such as in New England).

In reply to this post, the usual suspects will jump in and proclaim that Euro-Americans are shrinking in their numbers, that Hispanics will soon become the majority, etc., blah, blah.
Nonsense. Euro-Americans still constitute roughly 72% or so of the population, and will remain a majority for decades to come.

Hispanics (again, with the exception of Texas) seem to be congregating to those states which are democratic in any case. Republican attempts to woo them in such states would be as useless as trying to cajole the -white- liberals of those states into "voting right". Ain't gonna happen.

The key to holding and expanding Republican political power lies in getting its message out to the whites. If some Hispanics and Asians take heed of that message, they too should be welcomed into Republican/conservative ranks. But "the message" should not change otherwise. They should come to us because of what we value. We cannot change that which we value to accommodate them...