Author Topic: What Are The ‘Apparent Facts’ About Ferguson?  (Read 308 times)

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What Are The ‘Apparent Facts’ About Ferguson?
« on: October 24, 2014, 10:22:31 am »
- The Daily Caller - -

What Are The ‘Apparent Facts’ About Ferguson?

Posted By Jim Treacher On 1:18 PM 10/23/2014 In | No Comments

If you’ve been paying attention to the news for the past couple of years, you may have noticed a pattern: When a black teenager is shot by a white person, or even a “white Hispanic,” that black teenager becomes a secular saint. Once his martyrdom has been established, as quickly as possible, any facts that interfere with his veneration are dismissed if not condemned.

Such it is with Michael Brown, the Ferguson, Mo. teen who was shot last August by Officer Darren Wilson. Wilson claimed that Brown reached into his car, punched him, and tried to grab his gun before he fired. For this, Wilson has been called a liar, a racist, an executioner, and pretty much every other name under the sun. For this, we have race riots in American cities in 2014.

Never mind that the physical evidence and eyewitness testimony don’t support these accusations. They don’t need to. They’re irrelevant.

But at least some of our friends on the left are backing down, however ineptly. Take the dependably smug Sally Kohn. Please:

She’s referring to her snap judgment back in August, which the fine folks at have reminded her about:


Those “sure facts” didn’t come from the police. The “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” narrative was wholly created by those exploiting this shooting for their own ends. Whether or not they believe that’s how it happened — and I have no doubt that some of them sincerely do — it’s not based on any of the available facts.

Kohn can’t just say she was wrong, and that spreading such misinformation* has contributed to the chaos in Ferguson. No, she was operating under the “apparent facts.” Never mind that they were neither.

But, I suppose half an acknowledgement of fallibility is better than none. Give it a try, Ferguson racebaiters. You can do it:

*To be very, very charitable.

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