Author Topic: American Ebola Quarantine Zones Will Be Genocidal Death Traps  (Read 384 times)

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American Ebola Quarantine Zones Will Be Genocidal Death Traps
« on: September 29, 2014, 10:17:57 am »
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American Ebola Quarantine Zones Will Be Genocidal Death Traps

Posted By Contributing Author On September 28, 2014 @ 11:30 am In Camps and Detainment,Editor's Choice,Featured,Health,Videos and Media | 3 Comments

quarantine-zones-3 [1]

When Ebola hits the U.S. shores, the kind of response Americans can expect is beginning to take shape. Direct mobilization of military resources designed to respond to the crisis can be expected. What can also be expected are the inevitable and severe shortages of the most basic resources that will be needed in a crisis. This article explores the probably course that a U.S. governmental response will take and how it will impact American citizens.

How Fast Will Ebola Spread?

The CDC is estimating [2] that the number of cases in Liberia and Sierra Leone could rise to 1.4 million by January of 2015. What the CDC is not talking about is how fast Ebola will spread as it breaks containment from West Africa.

Noted researcher, Yaneer Bar-Yam, has developed models for how quickly a highly contagious pathogen would spread. These models depicting the spread of Ebola throughout the world are now championed by MIT.

Yaneer Bar-Yam stated that, “It wouldn’t take much for the current Ebola outbreak to spread to more countries or continents, it only takes one infected individual making it through an airport checkpoint.” Yaneer Bar-Yam does not believe Ebola can be contained and it is only matter of time until regional outbreak becomes an uncontainable global pandemic.  Watch the following silent video which depicts the Yaneer Bar-Yam prediction regarding the spread of the Ebola virus. Notice how quickly the United States is gobbled up by the threat.

After watching the video, I wonder if Australia will soon become the only safe place in the world?

Containment Efforts Destined to Fail

The CDC’s literature speaks about two basic strategies designed to contain the spread of Ebola. The first strategy is isolation in which the authorities remove an infected person to a “safe area”, while their habitat is isolated and placed off limits. Isolation, as a means of containment could be effective. However, Ebola is so contagious and the rapid spread of the virus is so quick, that isolation is simply not possible because the numbers of infected individuals would make render isolation, as a containment strategy, to be impractical.

The second strategy employed by the CDC to contain an Ebola outbreak is the implementation of a quarantine. A quarantine would be used to separate a large area of the population.  A quarantine is a frightening event as it represents a form of societal suicide. In a quarantine, both the healthy and the infected are trapped in the same geographic area.

Ebola is a death sentence for the infected in which only about 10% will survive once the virus is contracted. In a quarantine situation, most of the healthy will eventually become a statistic by contracting the virus. Therefore, a quarantine is a death sentence for the confined “healthy” members of a quarantined community as well. In a quarantine zone, normal commerce stops. Essential public services are, at some point, left unattended (e.g. water, sewage, trash). Death from secondary sources of disease will be just as common as are the deaths resulting from Ebola.

There will be widespread violence as “the many” will compete for a shrinking supply of food, water, etc. Normal law enforcement will have long been gone in a quarantine zone and people will be left to fend for themselves. Being trapped in a quarantine zone is a death sentence and will grant many people a very painful and prolonged death.

Most of America Will Be Placed In a Quarantine Zone

Africa provides a predictive model which shows the U.S. their future once Ebola arrives inside of the country.

Initially, Sierra Leone and Liberia attempted to isolate infected Ebola patients. The strategy was a failure. and isolation quickly turned to quarantining.  In fact, Sierra Leone’s government originally quarantined [2] more than a million people in an attempt to bring an end to the spread of the deadly Ebola virus. When this strategy became ineffective, the quarantine zone was expanded and included a total of two million. Sierra Leone has a population of only six million people. That means that a full one-third of the country was quarantined and containment of Ebola was still ineffective.

Can People Escape the Death Sentence of a Quarantine Before It Is Employed?

As I have racked my brain to trying to figure out why Obama would send 3,000 U.S. soldiers to Ebola infected areas, I was baffled. At least I was until now. The soldiers have been taken to Ebola impacted areas because they will work on learning the art of enforcing mandatory quarantine zones as they will inevitably be employed inside the United States.

There can be no question as some Americans become more aware of how acute the threat of the spread of Ebola will become, they will begin to prepare bug-out bags. However, this, too, will become a fool’s errand. When the quarantine was imposed in Sierra Leone, the British charity “Street Child [2]” said there had been no warning given of the latest lockdown and said it was concerned that this would lead to mass starvation.


On September 25, 2014, I interviewed Greg Evensen on the Hagmann and Hagmann Report, and the former Kansas State Patrol Officer shed some light on the speed in which a quarantine could be imposed inside of the United States. Greg cited a communication he had with law enforcement in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area and was told that upon receiving word of an impending quarantine, the entire region could be isolated within four minutes. Simply put, bug out strategies will not work. This fact should serve as a starting point of discussion in which we, the common people, are going to begin to consider what measures are available to us in order to increase our survival rates. These discussions need to happen quickly.

Additional Resources

Ebola Survival Handbook: A Collection of Tips, Strategies, and Supply Lists From Some of the World’s Best Preparedness Professionals [3]

“Like” Pandemic Watch [4] on Facebook

The Prepper’s Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster [5]

Sealing Yourself In: Prepping for Bioterrorism, Chemical Disasters, and Pandemics (The NEW Survival Prepper Guides Book 3) [6]

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple [7]

Contributed by Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show [8].

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[1] Image:

[2] CDC is estimating:

[3] Ebola Survival Handbook: A Collection of Tips, Strategies, and Supply Lists From Some of the World’s Best Preparedness Professionals:

[4] Pandemic Watch:

[5] The Prepper’s Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster:

[6] Sealing Yourself In: Prepping for Bioterrorism, Chemical Disasters, and Pandemics (The NEW Survival Prepper Guides Book 3):

[7] The Daily Sheeple:

[8] The Common Sense Show: