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Obama Has Change Of Heart On Immigration...3 Times In Less Than A Year

Posted on September 8, 2014 by Frank Camp — 1 Comment   

“With more opportunity come more opportunists.” – Amy Gardner

A simple observation that speaks volumes when applied to the correct situation. The more opportunity that comes along, the more opportunists emerge to seize those opportunities. Frequent cultural and situational changes are the key to identifying a political opportunist. And an opportunist is simply another version of a liar. Unfortunately for those who live by the sway of the wind, a fickle breeze reveals just how inconsistent and variable their opinions are.

Few politicians can match Barack Obama, in terms of his ability to change positions while claiming that he never changed at all. And because the majority of the media are dedicated to the liberal cause, whenever Obama is involved, integrity is checked at the door.

Back in January, David Remnick of The New Yorker wrote a long profile on the president, specifically focusing on a three day fundraising effort that took place in November of last year. According to Remnick, during a speech in San Francisco focusing on immigration, “an undocumented immigrant from South Korea named Ju Hong… [also] a Berkeley graduate, broke in, demanding that the President use his executive powers to stop deportations.” Obama replied, saying “If, in fact, I could solve all these problems without passing laws in Congress, then I would do so, but we’re also a nation of laws.”

At another event, Remnick writes that someone shouted out “Executive order!” during Obama’s speech. Obama replied, saying “I’m going to actually pause on this issue, because a lot of people have been saying this lately on every problem, which is just, ‘Sign an executive order and we can pretty much do anything and basically nullify Congress,’…Before everybody starts clapping, that’s not how it works. We’ve got this Constitution, we’ve got this whole thing about separation of powers. So there is no shortcut to politics, and there’s no shortcut to democracy.”


Remember, this was less than a year ago–about 9 months ago, to be exact. The president–rightfully, I might add–quelled the applauding crowd, telling them that he could not simply subvert congress, even if he wanted to. He was correct. It’s not the president’s job to make a go around congress simply because he isn’t getting his way. Now, let’s fast forward to the present.

According to The LA Times, back in July:

“Obama said last month that because Congress had failed to act on comprehensive immigration reform, he would take executive action…That move will come by the end of the summer, White House senior advisor Dan Pfeiffer told reporters Friday.”

Additionally, Obama himself said back in June that executive action was on the table:

“I take executive action only when we have a serious problem, a serious issue, and Congress chooses to do nothing…And in this situation, the failure of House Republicans to pass a darn bill is bad for our security, it’s bad for our economy, and it’s bad for our future.“

So, which is it? Is executive action on immigration a legal right of the president, or is it not? Obama claimed last November that taking executive action on immigration would “nullify congress,” and act against the constitution, and the separation of powers. Disregarding legality, and propriety, in the span of nine short months, the president went from standing firmly against executive action to actively promoting it as a solution to a recalcitrant congress. If that wasn’t enough flip flopping, now, after calls from Democratic candidates across the country who are rightfully afraid that any executive amnesty will cost them their elections, Obama has delayed his planned executive amnesty until after the November mid-terms.

When asked by Meet the Press‘ Chuck Todd about this delay, Obama balked, denying it was a political move.

Todd: “What do you tell the person that’s going to get deported before the election, that this decision was essentially made in your hopes of saving a Democratic senate?”

Obama: “Well, that’s not the reason…No, no, no, I’m going to act because it’s the right thing for the country. But it’s going to more sustainable and more effective if the public understands what the facts are on immigration, what we’ve done on unaccompanied children, and why it’s necessary.”

There it is! There’s the excuse! So, let’s make a timeline:

November, 2013: executive action on immigration unconstitutional, and a violation of the separation of powers.

June, 2014: I’m taking executive action because congress is not cooperating, and I think this is a very important issue. I’ll make a decision by the end of summer.

Late August/early September, 2014: oh wait, I’m going to wait until after November to enact any executive action. Why November, you ask? It just seems like the perfect amount of time to get Americans on board. I mean, they haven’t been on board yet, and we’ve been dealing with an immigration crisis for years, and an even more severe one over the last four months, but they’ll get it by November. What date? I dunno, probably somewhere around–when’s the mid-term? (Not saying it has anything at all to do with the mid-term, I just coincidentally want to know), November 4th?–November 5th or so. Yeah, I know I said it was a super important issue that needed my immediate executive attention, but it can wait until November…and later if necessary–you know, because of…reasons.

I’m just going to set aside all the coincidence, and believe you, Obama. I mean, I’m sure you just want to help. And I guess that whole “nation of laws” thing you told that South Korean immigrant was just an opinion of the moment. And, if you change your mind again, I’ll just chalk it up to a change of heart…a third change of heart in less than a year.


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Re: Obama Has Change Of Heart On Immigration...3 Times In Less Than A Year
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2014, 03:02:28 pm »
Obama & Co can get away with this because everyone has their back. 
Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!