Author Topic: Gutfeld: Obama’s Climate Change Plans “Nuttier Than Elephant Poop”  (Read 270 times)

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Gutfeld: Obama’s Climate Change Plans “Nuttier Than Elephant Poop”

08.28.2014 | Jerome Hudson | 1
Fox News’ “The Five,” co-host Greg Gutfeld said President Barack Obama’s reportedly planned policy to act on so-called climate change is “evil” and “illegal”

“The president plans to sign an international climate change accord in 2015 without approval of Congress,” Gutfeld said. “It’s nuttier than elephant poop. The New York Times said the thing would compel countries, including ours, to cut carbon, even though our Constitution demands approval for such treaties. The White House bypasses that by inking a politically binding deal that names and shames countries into submission.”

As Daily Surge reported yesterday, Obama plans to bypass Congress and unilaterally enact a multi-national climate change agreement.

“There are four problems here,” Gutfeld said. “It’s illegal, it’s wrong, it’s crazy, and it’s evil.”

“First, it’s illegal. Politically binding is as legally binding as an Ouija board. If that’s a treaty, then so is graffiti. To Obama, the Constitution is like waiting in line for barbecue–it’s for other people.

“Second, it’s wrong. The Journal of Science said the 17-year pause in global warming will last another decade, a natural fluctuation in global climate creates 30-year warming and cooling periods. This is what Obama is about to punish us for – inevitable variability.”

“Third, it’s crazy,” Gutfeld added. “Addressing global warming before global terror makes as much sense as worrying about indigestion while playing in traffic. To him, terror is a nuisance hindering his march into the abyss. That’s the evil part. Masked as established science, this is wealth redistribution on a global scale, draining our economy in a spasm of socialism. And he wishes to shame us? Don’t bother. We’re ashamed, but not of us.”

No one really knows exactly why Obama is so wedded to pleasing his already depressed base. And it really doesn’t make a lot of sense as to why he is choosing to ignite his base by pursuing such a politically risky plan like this.

Even liberal hack Bob Beckel slammed Obama’s crackpot climate plan.

“I wish we could get this climate thing,” Beckel lamented, “It will go no where. It’s clearly a violation of the treaty making power of the president.”

“When you have a binding treaty, you can’t possible do” what Obama is pursuing without Congress, Beckel added.

Co-host Andrea Tantaros knocked the ball out of the parking, adding that “the world is burning and the President of the United States is focusing on banning cupcakes, rearranging our menus, and controlling the weather.”