Author Topic: Joint Chiefs chairman says ISIS not a direct threat to US, won't recommend Syria strikes yet  (Read 961 times)

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Joint Chiefs chairman says ISIS not a direct threat to US, won't recommend Syria strikes yet
Published August 25, 2014

Despite threats to the contrary, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff insisted the Islamic State terror group is a regional threat and said he would not recommend U.S. airstrikes in Syria until he determines that they have become a direct threat to the U.S.

Gen. Martin Dempsey, speaking to reporters on board a military plane traveling to Afghanistan, said Sunday that he believes the Sunni insurgent group formerly known as ISIS is not currently plotting or planning attacks against the U.S. or Europe.

ISIS has repeatedly made threats to attack the U.S. through social and conventional media. Earlier this month, in a Vice News documentary, a spokesman for the group vowed to "raise the flag of Allah in the White House." The group took over Iraq's second largest city, Mosul, in June, and has since declared an Islamic state, or caliphate, in a swath of territory covering northeastern Syria and northern and western Iraq. U.S. airstrikes and a new policy of direct military aid to Kurdish Peshmerga fighters have served as a check on a threatened ISIS advance toward Kurdish territory in northern Iraq.

On Sunday, Dempsey contrasted ISIS to the Yemen-based Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which has plotted and attempted attacks against the U.S. and Europe. As a result, the U.S. has conducted counterterrorism strikes against the group within Yemen.

Dempsey said that so far, there is no sign that the Islamic State militants are engaged in "active plotting against the homeland, so it's different than that which we see in Yemen."

"I can tell you with great clarity and certainty that if that threat existed inside of Syria that it would certainly be my strong recommendation that we would deal with it," said Dempsey. "I have every confidence that the president of the United States would deal with it."

Dempsey also told reporters that he believes that key allies in the region -- including Jordan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia -- will join the U.S. in quashing the Islamic State group.

"I think ISIS has been so brutal, and has wrapped itself in a radical religious legitimacy that clearly threatens everybody I just mentioned, that I think they will be willing partners," said Dempsey, who added that those regional partners could come together and squeeze the Islamic State group "from multiple directions in order to initially disrupt and eventually defeat them. It has to happen with them, much less with us."

Up to now, when asked about airstrikes inside Syria, Dempsey and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel have said all options remain on the table. But so far there has been no broader authorization for such operations.

The Obama administration has authorized airstrikes within Iraq to protect U.S. personnel and facilities and to help Iraqi and Kurdish forces assist refugees driven from their homes by the Islamic State. Most of the recent strikes have been around the Mosul Dam, which Islamic militants had taken, but it is now back in the hands of the Iraqi and Kurdish troops.

Senior U.S. leaders, from the White House to the Pentagon, have said the key to success in Iraq is the formation of an inclusive government that will include disenfranchised Sunnis.

As the Islamic State militants moved across Iraq, some Sunnis -- including some members of the Iraqi security forces -- either threw down their weapons or joined the group.

The U.S. has been encouraged as new Iraqi leaders, including Shiite prime minister-designate Haider al-Abadi, begin to take steps to form a new government and reach out to Sunnis.

Officials have suggested that any additional military assistance from the U.S. to Iraq is contingent on those political and diplomatic steps by the government.

One possibility, said Dempsey, would be to have U.S. forces provide more expanded advice and assistance to the Iraqi force.

He said military assessment teams looked at about 50 Iraqi brigades and a number of the Kurdish units and have a good idea which ones have appropriate training and equipment and have not been infiltrated by militia.

So far, Dempsey said the U.S. has not sought or received permission to put advisers into Iraqi brigades or headquarters units and accompany them into combat.

To date, U.S. forces have conducted a total of 96 airstrikes across Iraq. Of those, 62 have been around the Mosul Dam.

The strikes have helped to break the insurgents' momentum, said Dempsey, and strip away some of the mythology that the Islamic State is impregnable or overwhelming.

Dempsey is on his way to Afghanistan to attend a change of command ceremony Tuesday. Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford is stepping down as the top commander there; Army Gen. John Campbell will take over.
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Offline MACVSOG68

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Hell of a change from Thursday, when ISIS was "a threat beyond anything we've seen".  Nice to have a consistent foreign policy.   **nononono*
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Online mystery-ak

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Hell of a change from Thursday, when ISIS was "a threat beyond anything we've seen".  Nice to have a consistent foreign policy.   **nononono*

Yep....I guess they're gonna wait til the US is attacked and then, maybe retaliate..9/11 taught them nothing
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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
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Offline Relic

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Yep....I guess they're gonna wait til the US is attacked and then, maybe retaliate..9/11 taught them nothing

9/11 taught US nothing, (present company excluded). Americans are oblivious.

Offline GourmetDan

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9/11 taught US nothing, (present company excluded). Americans are oblivious.

What will it take for them to figure out that our 'leaders' are liars?

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

"The sole purpose of the Republican Party is to serve as an ineffective alternative to the Democrat Party." - GourmetDan

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From Michelle's Mirror:

Monday, August 25, 2014
State Department Barbie: She’s Come Undone

Okay, I ignored your complaints at first. I resisted your demands that the spokesmouths for the State Department be demoted from their JV status to intramural. However, based on this recent statement by Marie Harf –  darling of the Mo Beta Sorority of the Traveling Pants – I’ve been forced to reconsider my position:

Thursday at the daily briefing, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf declined to acknowledge ISIS’ declaration of war with the Untied States of America.

When a reporter said,”The reality is ISIS has announced it’s in a war against America,” adding, “Right or wrong that is what they are saying.”

Harf replied, “Well, they can say whatever they’d like, but what I am making clear is that’s not what ISIL represents. And they don’t represent any religion. They are at war with everybody they come into contact with.”

Now, before you all pile on State’s Ms. Harf, let me point out that she’s only 33 years old – which translates to about 14 in sorority-girl years. How much intellectual maturity can you expect, really? ...
Read on

Offline MACVSOG68

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9/11 taught US nothing, (present company excluded). Americans are oblivious.

How can we be concerned about terrorism right now while we're all waiting for Frederick Douglass to speak at the funeral of the decade?
It's the Supreme Court nominations!

Offline Dexter

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Yep....I guess they're gonna wait til the US is attacked and then, maybe retaliate..9/11 taught them nothing

We can't just preemptively destroy anybody we want because we think they might possibly try to attack us someday. There is no real way to defend against terror attacks, and hatred towards the U.S extends far beyond just ISIS. I think a defeated and bitter ISIS would be more of a threat to us than they are right now. At that point what remained of them would have little/nothing to lose, unlike now when they have everything to lose. We desperately need to cut government spending and start working to fix our debt/deficit. Waging more war tends to have the absolute opposite effect.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 02:30:46 pm by Dex4974 »
"I know one thing, that I know nothing."

Offline NavyCanDo

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With a Billion dollars at their disposal, ISIS makes Al -Qaeda look like corner beggars in comparison. AQ had their training camps, a huge  stock pile of shoulder fired weapons and material to make IEDs.  And they  where determined to demonstrate their terror capabilities, much of it suicide bombings and IEDs, and an occasional attack abroad.  ISIS however has a rolling army, equipped with as much equipment and weapons, and men as many small countries. And they are taking territory, just as a rolling army would.  They are extremely brutal, and will not be stopped by negotiations, or pin-point pricks. Only with their complete extermination, can they be stopped. The one thing in our favor is they have spread themselves out too thin. Now is the time!    If we don’t do it with “boots on the ground” then by God we better do it through the Kurds and the Iraqi Army.  But it needs to get done, and now.
A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it. :Jonathan Cahn

Offline Dexter

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With a Billion dollars at their disposal, ISIS makes Al -Qaeda look like corner beggars in comparison. AQ had their training camps, a huge  stock pile of shoulder fired weapons and material to make IEDs.  And they  where determined to demonstrate their terror capabilities, much of it suicide bombings and IEDs, and an occasional attack abroad.  ISIS however has a rolling army, equipped with as much equipment and weapons, and men as many small countries. And they are taking territory, just as a rolling army would.  They are extremely brutal, and will not be stopped by negotiations, or pin-point pricks. Only with their complete extermination, can they be stopped. The one thing in our favor is they have spread themselves out too thin. Now is the time!    If we don’t do it with “boots on the ground” then by God we better do it through the Kurds and the Iraqi Army.  But it needs to get done, and now.

The difference being that AQ actually attacked the United States. Nobody is saying these guys shouldn't be dealt with, but it needs to stop being us who deals with it. How many more decades of war and countless billions are we willing to waste on accomplishing nothing in the Middle East?
« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 02:39:03 pm by Dex4974 »
"I know one thing, that I know nothing."

Offline alicewonders

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With a Billion dollars at their disposal, ISIS makes Al -Qaeda look like corner beggars in comparison. AQ had their training camps, a huge  stock pile of shoulder fired weapons and material to make IEDs.  And they  where determined to demonstrate their terror capabilities, much of it suicide bombings and IEDs, and an occasional attack abroad.  ISIS however has a rolling army, equipped with as much equipment and weapons, and men as many small countries. And they are taking territory, just as a rolling army would.  They are extremely brutal, and will not be stopped by negotiations, or pin-point pricks. Only with their complete extermination, can they be stopped. The one thing in our favor is they have spread themselves out too thin. Now is the time!    If we don’t do it with “boots on the ground” then by God we better do it through the Kurds and the Iraqi Army.  But it needs to get done, and now.

As is usual, you are correct Navy!  Now is the time to stop them and then eradicate them in a vividly decisive way.  Given our current leadership, will it happen?

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Offline alicewonders

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The difference being that AQ actually attacked the United States. Nobody is saying these guys shouldn't be dealt with, but it needs to stop being us who deals with all of this stuff. How many more decades of war and countless billions are we willing to spend accomplishing nothing in the Middle East?

I agree Dex, this has to be a global effort, and it has to be couched in no uncertain terms - you're either WITH the civilized world, or you are AGAINST it. 

THIS is the type of thing that I always envisioned the United Nations facilitating - but it doesn't seem to be happening.  There is no redeeming feature of ISIS that proves their worth to a civilized world - in fact, they are the opposite. 

Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!

Offline GourmetDan

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THIS is the type of thing that I always envisioned the United Nations facilitating - but it doesn't seem to be happening.

One-world government... guaranteed to be worse than a centralized federal government...

"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Offline DCPatriot

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I agree Dex, this has to be a global effort, and it has to be couched in no uncertain terms - you're either WITH the civilized world, or you are AGAINST it. 

THIS is the type of thing that I always envisioned the United Nations facilitating - but it doesn't seem to be happening.  There is no redeeming feature of ISIS that proves their worth to a civilized world - in fact, they are the opposite.

...which is exactly what George W. Bush did BEFORE attacking Saddam Hussein's Iraq.  FOURTEEN UN resolutions, dozens of signed pledges from countries around the world were also obtained.

And yet, because it was a Republican president, history was quickly rewritten..or an attempt was made to do so.
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

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Offline alicewonders

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...which is exactly what George W. Bush did BEFORE attacking Saddam Hussein's Iraq.  FOURTEEN UN resolutions, dozens of signed pledges from countries around the world were also obtained.

And yet, because it was a Republican president, history was quickly rewritten..or an attempt was made to do so.

True true DC.  Bush went about it the right way - it had to be a coalition!  But then, Bush was able to network that way because he hadn't already destroyed our allies trust and alliances.  Obama couldn't put a coalition together to give out free water in the desert.
Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

We told you Trump would win - bigly!