Author Topic: Hamas Tells Israeli Muslims Not to Worry, Their Rockets Only Hit Jews  (Read 354 times)

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Hamas Tells Israeli Muslims Not to Worry, Their Rockets Only Hit Jews

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On July 18, 2014 @ 1:29 pm In The Point | 11 Comments

Maybe the Iranians developed some special Jew-guidance system or Jewdar for Hamas’ rockets, but considering how many times those rockets have fallen on Muslim houses and hit Muslims, the system seems to be a little defective.

Or maybe those Muslims are really secret Jews.

Following are excerpts from an interview with Hamas Spokesman Fawzi Barhoum, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on July 11, 2014:

Fawzi Barhoum: We say to [Israeli Arabs], living in Haifa, Jaffa, Acre, Lod, Ramla, and the Negev: The rockets fired by the Al-Qassam Brigades will not hit you. We know those parts. We are familiar with the geography and with the history. Not a single Arab Palestinian child will be hit by one of our missiles. Our rockets are aimed at the Hebrews, the murderers, the Israelis, the criminals. Don’t be afraid. Go on with your everyday life, and celebrate our victory, just like we will celebrate it here, in Gaza.


We say to our people in Haifa: The missiles of Al-Qassam will not hit any Arab home. Rest assured, our missiles accurately target the homes of the Israelis and the Zionists. As Arabs, Muslms and Christians, you must support Gaza in the streets, by demonstrations, with slogans. You must besiege consulates of European countries supporting the occupation.

Yeah. Those rockets have already hit Muslim homes. But the owners don’t seem to mind.

On Sunday, the M75 missile hit the front yard of Taher Tameem, 32, leaving a crater in the ground. The bomb’s blast blew out his living room windows, and pierced the entrance to the home and its interior with shrapnel.

“This is so good,” agreed Tameem, the homeowner. “I saw the missile as a blessing from the sky, because it comes from Hamas. Good for Hamas!

But according to Hamas, Tameem might really be a Jew. Since their rockets are incapable of hitting Arab and Muslim homes.

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