Author Topic: Neb. Governor: Feds ‘Conducting Secret Operation’ Placing Immigrants In States Without Officials’ Knowledge  (Read 573 times)

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Online Fishrrman

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Neb. Governor: Feds ‘Conducting Secret Operation’ Placing Immigrants In States Without Officials’ Knowledge
July 15, 2014 10:34 AM

LINCOLN, Neb. (CBSDC/AP) — Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman believes federal authorities are conducting secret operations by sending immigrant children into states without the knowledge of state officials.

Heineman told Fox News he learned from Sen. Mike Johanns, R-Neb., that 200 unaccompanied immigrant children were placed with relatives or sponsors in the state. Heineman says no federal officials notified them that would be happening.

“We want to know the names of those individuals, who their sponsor is. Is their sponsor legal? What communities did you send them to? Why are they conducting a secret operation, essentially, transporting them all over the country … and the federal government won’t tell us what’s going on.”

Heineman and most of Nebraska’s congressional delegation sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell demanding to know more information about these immigrants.

“I hope the Congress will insert language that says governors, mayors and other local elected officials deserve to know when they’re sending these individuals to our states,” Heineman told Fox News.

The Nebraska governor says he’s concerned that this lack of transparency will continue and immigrants will be brought to more states without their knowledge.
“It’s going to happen all over America and I’m concerned. It’s 200 today, how many more tomorrow?” Heineman questioned.

“They said they believe in transparency in goverment, why won’t they be transparent on this situation?” Heineman said, referring to the Obama administration. “What are they hiding?”

Heineman stated that he believes taxpayers will be footing the bill to pay for immigrants in the U.S. illegally.

“They know who they are, where they’re sending them and again, they won’t tell us whether they’re arriving by bus, by plane, by car. I have no idea and I have no idea what communities they’re going to in our state,” he told Fox News. “And then again, who’s going to foot the bill? And in all likelihood, that means legal taxpayers are going to pay for services for illegal individuals.”

The government estimates that 90,000 children, primarily from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, could make the journey alone by this fall, and that as many as 145,000 of them could arrive next year.

Last week Heineman expressed outrage that federal officials had refused to share the information.

A new bill introduced by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, and Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, would allow U.S. Border Patrol agents to turn many of the kids around quickly at the border. Under current law, the youths stay here while awaiting an eventual hearing in the backlogged immigration court system, something that can keep them in this country for years.

Of more than 57,000 unaccompanied minors who’ve arrived at the border since October, only 1,254 had been returned home as of the end of June, according to a law enforcement official who spoke anonymously to discuss confidential data.

Online Fishrrman

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This is a deliberate, planned, and executed operation to destabilize the United States and to change its ethnic makeup.

Obama should be -- MUST be -- held responsible for this, and action MUST be taken against him via the impeachment process. He has deliberately (and conspiratorially) acted to violate his Oath of Office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, particularly Article IV, Section 4 which reads:
"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion"

What could be more clearly stated, even to the "average American citizen"?
Even the folks who get their news from the networks, are coming around to understand this (and they've expressed as much in public opinion polls).

If we continue to twist our hands and fret over the notion that "we can't impeach Obama because he's black", he'll continue to trample the Constitution into shreds, and the tramplin' is gonna get a lot worse AFTER the 2014 elections.

To quote (the despicable) Spike Lee, perhaps it's finally time to grit our teeth, get on with it, and "do the right thing".

If we are unwilling to do this, we will literally "lose the country" to an ongoing flood from Central and South America that will NEVER stop, once it has started.

Visualize an earthen dam, where "maintenance" (i.e., border defense) has gone to naught, and water works its way through, and a small hole is formed. If the problem is not dealt with, how goes the hole? Does it get smaller, or does it grow larger?

If you can visualize that, then it's time to visualize this, as well:
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 03:47:21 pm by Fishrrman »

Offline mountaineer

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A friend of mine on a recent evening sat on his deck enjoying the nice weather when three military transport planes flew over, headed for the local airport where there is an Air National Guard facility. His immediate thought was that our area was getting its first shipment of illegals - and then he was saddened that our government is so underhanded that our first thought always is that they're sticking it to us once again.
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Online Fishrrman

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[[ His immediate thought was that our area was getting its first shipment of illegals - and then he was saddened that our government is so underhanded that our first thought always is that they're sticking it to us once again. ]]

Here's a map that may be of some use to determine as where they may be going:,-95.405273&spn=29.283014,54.404297&t=m&source=embed&dg=feature

Offline mountaineer

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Well, from that map it looks like they're sending them to a city about 40 miles away, so it's possible to sneak them into our smaller airport and bus them to their new home.
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Offline katzenjammer

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This is a deliberate, planned, and executed operation to destabilize the United States and to change its ethnic makeup.

Obama should be -- MUST be -- held responsible for this, and action MUST be taken against him via the impeachment process. He has deliberately (and conspiratorially) acted to violate his Oath of Office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, particularly Article IV, Section 4 which reads:
"The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion"

What could be more clearly stated, even to the "average American citizen"?
Even the folks who get their news from the networks, are coming around to understand this (and they've expressed as much in public opinion polls).

If we continue to twist our hands and fret over the notion that "we can't impeach Obama because he's black", he'll continue to trample the Constitution into shreds, and the tramplin' is gonna get a lot worse AFTER the 2014 elections.

To quote (the despicable) Spike Lee, perhaps it's finally time to grit our teeth, get on with it, and "do the right thing".

If we are unwilling to do this, we will literally "lose the country" to an ongoing flood from Central and South America that will NEVER stop, once it has started.

Visualize an earthen dam, where "maintenance" (i.e., border defense) has gone to naught, and water works its way through, and a small hole is formed. If the problem is not dealt with, how goes the hole? Does it get smaller, or does it grow larger?

If you can visualize that, then it's time to visualize this, as well:

You are correct, Fishrrman.  Like most of us I am sure, I've been rolling that whole impeachment elephant around for weeks now.

I don't think that there is any doubt that an impeachment case can be made, and certainly the exposure of this most recent wicked plot can certainly viewed as the cherry placed on the top.

I have read carefully almost all of the arguments against taking this on, including the recent one that made a good case for why a strong plan and case would have to be developed as a prerequisite.  I also don't believe that many of the "antis" have any doubt that the case would be valid, and if judged fairly, would result in a conviction and removal. 

In my opinion there are two fear factors at play behind the overall "we can't do it, it will be death for the GOP, we'll never win in 2016 and beyond" meme, neither of them all that tasteful nor encouraging:

1.  A complete lack of confidence that the national GOP Leadership (House GOP, GOP Senators, GOP supporting public figures, et al), can make a compelling legal and public relations case for impeachment.  Granted that the media will work tirelessly against the movement, no one doubts that.  But, if planned and executed properly, the leaders (were that we had any) can force the media into covering the proceedings (along with the long run-up), and use the coverage to relentlessly hammer the properly crafted messages home.  Aside from that, everyday more and more people turn away from the MSM and embrace new media, that is a trend that has been long running and is accelerating; events like this also serve to propel it further along the rails.  So every day the audience that will actually be exposed to the truth will increase, dramatically.  An event like this can often be a watershed moment in turning the tide and forcing broader acceptance (and hunger for) a new paradigm; in this case, learning the truth about what has been happening over the past 5+ years in America.

2.  A complete lack of faith in the American people.  (Who really knows?  In my opinion the jury is still out on this one.  I'd like to cling to my shred of belief that there are still enough people out there that can be slapped out of their zombie-like fog, and when presented with the truth in a carefully designed and tailored manner, will snap out of their lethargy and rise up in anger.  But maybe I am wrong, perhaps it is too late??  Why not try and find out, before it gets much later....)  We all know that conviction in the Senate is problematic; at this point it certainly is.  But we also know that for the most part these "senators" are nothing but vile political whores of the worst degree.  While they may parrot the party lines with much ginned up vigor, deep down inside the only interests that they have are themselves.  And for the most part, they understand that their power comes from their position. 

If we can succeed with item one, and there is still dormant hope that enough Americans can be awoken (remember, not every one needs to be rallied around all, or even most, of the issues; all it takes is one that hits home, hard), then these "senators," regardless of what party letter they wear on their sweaters, will vote in a way that they believe will ensure their best hopes at clinging to their personal power.

As you point out this most recent assault on the country is grievous and unimaginably widespread in its long term impact.  Virtually all segments of We The People are beginning to take note and speak out against it.  The reality is that there are no sizable segments of We the People that are welcoming this invasion, it is only the cronies, federal gubmint, and special interests that are cheering this on.  Even state gubmints are pressing back on this.  This invasion may prove to be the proverbial line in the sand that has been crossed too hastily, too over confidently, without enough contingency planning.  Shall we not see?

As I am sure that it has been in the thoughts of many others of late, this Churchill quote has been on my mind for some time now:

“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”

When we will make a stand?  Has the time passed for all but the worst case?  I would like to think not (but I certainly can't make a case that convinces myself fully that it hasn't).

Surely it will take time to plan out and refine the overall strategy, that will certainly take us past the November 2014 elections, which is good.  (Not that I am placing any hopes at all that the results of these elections will amount to a hill of beans, no matter what the outcome.)  So as a new Congress is seated in January of 2015, that will be the time for us to finally begin to fight.  For if we don't begin to fight and simply hand wring ourselves up to 2016, at that point I truly believe that we will most likely have passed into Mr. Churchill's last case. 

Waiting beyond 2016 has nothing to offer, and places everything else at grave risk.  I'll be specific.  If we pin our hopes on electing a GOP POTUS what will that yield in reality?  The kind of man or woman that the GOP is willing to nominate will not be anyone that is willing to halt this decline, and their chances of actually being elected are slight to begin with.  A GOP POTUS in 2016 will yield nothing as things stand now.  But maybe the kind of uprising and yes, "revolution," that I am talking about here, that which would be required to shake things out and put a stop to this lawless regime, maybe that will usher in the chance for a true reformer to take the reigns, with the support of the vast majority of We the People.  (Important note, I fervently pray and hope that all of this can still be accomplished with little or no bloodshed.  I am not advocating for violence.  Is it too late?  As I said above, I honestly don't know.)

So by continuing to sit on the sidelines and fret about electability and make meaningless speeches over the next two years we will just welcome in more of the same of the last 6 years, and then some!!  This regime will undoubtably turn up the heat in ways that we can not yet imagine once the 2014 mid-terms have passed.  Take my word on that; but I don't think that many of you need to.

If we can't muster the faith and strength to begin what will be a multi-generational struggle at this point, exactly what year or decade shall we??

Many will very astutely argue that there is no true opposition party, that pinning our hopes on the GOP to do anything for the true and vital interests of We the People is a fool's gambit.  Maybe they are right, wouldn't now be the right time to actually find that out?

I understand that it is human nature to cling to "the easier, softer, more gentle way," for no one wants to willingly give up their comforts.  Any that say they do are either foolish or lying.  I am open to being convinced that some how more waiting, being "patient" and continuing to "go along, to get along" are going to yield any worthwhile fruit.  Please do, if you can.

Otherwise, I hope that enough of our countrymen remain that will prove themselves to be willing to, as our ancestors were, “mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor.”  Americans don't give up without a fight, eventually.

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Katzenjammer wrote above:
[[ A complete lack of confidence that the national GOP Leadership (House GOP, GOP Senators, GOP supporting public figures, et al), can make a compelling legal and public relations case for impeachment.  Granted that the media will work tirelessly against the movement, no one doubts that.  But, if planned and executed properly, the leaders (were that we had any) can force the media into covering the proceedings (along with the long run-up), and use the coverage to relentlessly hammer the properly crafted messages home. ]]

If I recall my history correctly, at the time of the American Revolution, only about one-third of the colonists supported the idea of "a revolution" against England and the king.

Yet, the Patriots pressed ahead anyway, and against overwhelming odds defeated the British and went on to create the greatest nation in history and in the process, redefined the meaning of human freedom.

Yet, look at Republicans -today-. Just mention the idea of calling Obama to account by using the only avenue available (impeachment), and you get hemmin' and hawin', faces turning white with fear, trembling voices moaning, "oh, noooooooooo, we can't do that… we'll be callled "racists'!"

Some leadership, eh?
How would you like to have had them for leadership in 1776?

Yet even here, in this very forum, we have the Nervous Nellies who turn, run and hide the moment the word "racis'" is raised or tossed at them. It's time for a dose of reality. And the reality is that under Obama, the country is rapidly slipping away, enduring damage that might be unrepairable, even in the longer term. It's time that he was removed, by the Constitutionally-prescribed procedure available to us.

I believe there remain enough Americans left (almost exclusively of Euro descent) who will embrace the notion of "impeachment" if the charges are properly presented. I also believe that number to be well above "the thirty percent" that supported the original idea of the American Revolution.

I sense that they -- like us -- have had enough.

I'm not afraid of Joe Biden as president -- I would -welcome- it, considering the hatred Obama has for America and the destruction he is wreaking upon us. I sense that deep down Mr. Biden actually -likes- America, rather than loathes it as does Obama.

It's time to do what must be done!

(and thanks for your superb post above)
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 01:05:59 pm by Fishrrman »

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I've read similar estimates over the years: 1/3 supporting revolution, 1/3 with no opinion, 1/3 were loyalists.

I've also read many times that the actual percentage that active bore arms in the revolution was about 3% (III%) but I honestly don't know how that number has been estimated.

We haven't seen the leadership that you speak of and reference arise yet.  Will they?  I don't know.

I believe there remain enough Americans left (almost exclusively of Euro descent) who will embrace the notion of "impeachment" if the charges are properly presented. I also believe that number to be well above "the thirty percent" that supported the original idea of the American Revolution.

I sense that they -- like us -- have had enough.

I would like to believe that as well.  Time will tell if we are mistaken.  (But those fear factors must be overcome.)