Author Topic: Obama Visits Minnesota, Minnesota’s Dem Senators Avoid Him Like the Plague  (Read 484 times)

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Obama Visits Minnesota, Minnesota’s Dem Senators Avoid Him Like the Plague

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On June 28, 2014 @ 10:27 am In The Point | 13 Comments

You know things are bad when the Clown of the Senate whose whole ID is that he’s leftier than left doesn’t want to be seen with you.

Obama visited Minnesota to meet with “ordinary people”. That was his only option since his own party’s radical left-wing senators didn’t want to be seen with him.

Obama descended on Minnesota on Thursday where freshman Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) is seeking reelection. Obama won Minnesota by 10 points in 2008 and 8 points in 2012. With one exception, no public opinion survey has shown Franken leading his likely GOP opponent, businessman Mike McFadden, by less than 10 points in over a year.

And yet, Franken in taking no chances. On Friday, CNN reported that the comedian-turned-politician is avoiding being caught on camera in proximity with the Democratic President of the United States.

CNN anchor John King reported on Friday that both Sens. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Franken cancelled a scheduled appearance with Obama and a flight on Air Force One. He noted that both Senators intend to be in Minnesota, but appear to be going out of their way to avoid Obama.

“Is the president that toxic?” King asked his panel. “Are they that worried about Minnesota that they’re trying to over-manage this?”

Clearly they are. It’s estimated that 140,000 people in Minnesota would lose their health insurance policies because of ObamaCare.

ObamaCare’s approval rating isn’t doing too well there and it will be easier for Franken if he isn’t seen with the Obama of ObamaCare.

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