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Re: Eric Cantor Loses Primary to David Brat; Post-Election Analysis
« Reply #150 on: June 11, 2014, 04:34:49 pm »
a great, big giant waste of money.  smugglers from Egypt into the Gaza Strip have continually made a mockery of the border walls put up by Egypt - which have included massive steel barriers rammed 20 meters under the surface.  And the cost will be prohibitive.  Building a basic wall - i.e., one without deep steel barriers or massive fortifications like in your picture - easily costs $1 million per kilometer; the US-Mexico border is 3,145 kilometers long, so it would cost at least $3 billion dollars to build a basic wall, without deep underground steel barriers, which would slow smuggling across the border for about a year or so while the smugglers dig new tunnels under that wall; thereafter, the illegal immigration will continue unabated.

$3 billion is a pittance compared to how much we spend on Medicare, Medicaid, public education and other very expensive entitlements— which the government effectively requires local municipalities to give to people regardless of immigration status— each year alone. If an effective border system can cut the number of illegal aliens in this country down by just 1%, it would effectively pay for itself.
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Re: Eric Cantor Loses Primary to David Brat; Post-Election Analysis
« Reply #151 on: June 11, 2014, 04:36:03 pm »
Commentary from an establishment Republican (W.Va. state chair of the Romney campaign):
Have We Learned?
Bill Phillips

An earthquake hit the Republican Party last night. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's (R-Va.) was defeated by a Tea Party challenger. This will fuel Tea Party types with the real impact hitting in 2015 and 2016 as battle for the Republican nomination moves into full gear.

I just hope this is realized by all Republicans not just insiders. The consequence will be significant as we enter the contest to select a 2016 Republican presidential nominee.

Every day Republicans not active in the party must get involved immediately if we are to nominate a presidential candidate who can get elected. Otherwise, let's just crown Hillary Clinton.

This cannot wait until the excitement of a campaign. Anyone who follows politics will recall the movement to nominate Barry Goldwater in 1964 started well before that year. F. Clifton White was organizing, recruiting and taking control of Republican Party machinery at the local level. This is well document in his book Suite 3505.

That year regular Republicans waited too long and the battle ensured. Throughout the spring and summer of 1964 there was blood on the floor everywhere you looked. At the last minute even former President Dwight Eisenhower got involved trying to save the Republican Party from itself. We all know how 1964 turned out!

In West Virginia control of the party has been underway for some time by Tea Party believers.   Our representatives to the Republican National Committee are Tea Party in their heart. The State Chairman is a "wolf in sheep's clothing".  Following the May election when new county GOP committee members were elected the same is taking place as committees reorganize.

This take over extends even to selecting a Congressman to replace Shelley Moore Captio in the 2nd District. Not only has the Tea Party prevailed there but it was done with a Maryland resident coming across our state line.

Eric Cantor is a conservative Republican but not obviously to the extent liked by the extremists.

Extremism cannot win in 2016 get involved now - don't wait until it's too late.
Gee, Mr. Phillips. We nominated - and voted for - your guy in 2012, didn't we? And we ended up crowning B. Hussein Obama for a second term

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Re: Eric Cantor Loses Primary to David Brat; Post-Election Analysis
« Reply #152 on: June 11, 2014, 05:05:37 pm »
Tea Party groups that offered Dave Brat zero support sure are thrilled he defeated Eric Cantor
T. Becket Adams
Washington Examiner
June 11, 2014

A Tea Party candidate soundly defeated House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., on Tuesday, sending shockwaves through the Republican establishment and the Democratic Party.

And Dave Brat, the 52-year-old chairman of the Randolph-Macon College Department of Economics and Business in Ashland, Va., staged the huge upset without any help from major Tea Party organizations.

But this troublesome fact hasn't stopped certain so-called Tea Party groups from capitalizing on Brat's victory, declaring enthusiastically that Cantor’s defeat equals a Tea Party insurgency.

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Tea Party groups that offered Dave Brat zero support sure are thrilled he defeated Eric Cantor

By T. Becket Adams | June 11, 2014 | 9:15 am

A Tea Party candidate soundly defeated House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., on Tuesday, sending shockwaves through the Republican establishment and the Democratic Party.

And Dave Brat, the 52-year-old chairman of the Randolph-Macon College Department of Economics and Business in Ashland, Va., staged the huge upset without any help from major Tea Party organizations.

But this troublesome fact hasn't stopped certain so-called Tea Party groups from capitalizing on Brat's victory, declaring enthusiastically that Cantor’s defeat equals a Tea Party insurgency.

FreedomWorks president Matt Kibbe wrote: “Congratulations to Dave Brat on his huge upset. The statement from the grassroots could not be any clearer. It doesn't matter what office you hold or how powerful you are. If you lose touch with activists on the ground, then your seat is in danger.”

“The grassroots are taking their seat back at the table and returning accountability to Washington. Votes on Capitol Hill will be heard back in the district,” he added. “We are proud to stand with Dave Brat in his election and look forward to working with him to reform Washington, D.C.”

FreedomWorks has so far backed two losing primary candidates in 2014 and switched its endorsement in the Nebraska primary to Ben Sasse two weeks before the primary election. FreedomWorks later took credit for Sasse's victory.

Neither Club for Growth nor Heritage Action, two groups that "aim to pick off Republicans who stray from strict party orthodoxy," as the Wall Street Journal puts it, got involved with Brat's campaign.

The Madison Project also weighed in on Brat's win, saying, “just a few short weeks ago, the Establishment was working the media over trying to shut the coffin on conservatives and the Tea Party.”

The group added: “But first Mississippi, and now Virginia's 7th show that the people, and not the political class will not accept a growing government dead-set on expanding their power, and passing policies that do nothing but line the pockets of special interests,” he added.

And although Brat’s shocking victory can certainly be attributed to the tireless work of grassroots activists in his district, it’s important to remember that the aforementioned outside Tea Party groups offered him zero support.

Not one penny.

“Of the measly $4,805 in political expenditures against Cantor reported to the Federal Election Commission, none came from the big national tea party groups,” the Washington Post reported. “The bulk was spent by a newly formed super PAC called We Deserve Better PAC on an online ad that attacked Cantor as pro-amnesty.”

Meanwhile, outside groups spent nearly $366,000 on pro-Cantor ads.

Brat’s victory over the longtime Virginia congressman is even more impressive when you consider the fact that the self-identified Tea Party candidate spent a mere $100,000 on his campaign.

Cantor, on the other hand, burned through approximately $5 million trying to fend of his primary challenger, handing the House Majority Leader an obviously lopsided financial advantage. In fact, Cantor's office spent more money renting out steak houses for campaign events than Brat's office spent during the entire election cycle, according to FEC campaign finance data.

In short, conservative grassroots activists proved Tuesday that no entrenched politician is safe from a challenger with a strong, personalized ground game. That’s why Brat won. So-called Tea Party groups had nothing to do with Cantor’s defeat.
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If this doesn't show the true colors of SCF, Heritage Action and Freedom Works, I don't know what does.

The ONLY major win from a Tea Party candidate, and the PACS--those PACS that have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to defeat incumbents--had nothing to do with it.  Now, Matt Kibbe and his other clown-car drivers are racing to bask in the glow of Brat's win.

These groups are about raising money to feather the nests of their organizers.  Give money to campaigns.  Stop funding Matt Kibbe and Jenny Beth Martin.
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This is more of a referendum of the people against the establishment. Those groups have their place, but when it gets down to brass tacks, the people want control again. They are tired of establishment power brokers and they'll work to make a change with or without the help of 'titled groups'.


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"One Of the Best Teachers": David Brat's Professor Ratings Page
« Reply #157 on: June 11, 2014, 05:42:57 pm »

June 11, 2014

"One Of the Best Teachers": David Brat's Professor Ratings Page

Kevin Glass

6/10/2014 9:35:00 PM - Kevin Glass


David Brat, the grassroots-fueled candidate who defeated Eric Cantor in the GOP primary in Virginia's 7th congressional district, is an academic economist at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia. As anyone who's been in college in the age of the internet knows, that means he's got a page on - a page where students can submit their reviews.

The reviews for David Brat paint a picture of a well-liked professor who often had high demands of his students. Also, he has the coveted "hot chili pepper" on his profile - the symbol of a professor students think is particularly attractive.


Brat is "charming" and "knows how to incorporate real world examples to keep the class exciting and relatable," writes one typical reviewer. But Brat can "change assignments" and "sometimes it's unclear what he wants you to do." The review ends, "he's total eye candy!!"

Others write that Brat is "talented, humorous, and helpful"; "unparalleled in his knowledge"; "drills the material into your head"; and "one of the best teachers I have had."

They're not all good, though. Among "poor quality" reviews, Brat received comments like "not a great teacher... great guy, but almost too smart to teach"; and "no one ever understood what he wanted us to do... he was almost never there when we needed help."

One reviewer objected, writing that "the other comments that say he was not clear are BS. If you need clarity ask questions! I did and everything became very clear and apparent... really cares, great guy."

Whether any of these comments about his character or how he handles his assignments translates to Washington remains to be seen.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2014, 05:43:44 pm by rangerrebew »

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Cantor Cancels Keynote Address to Pro-Amnesty Group After Primary Loss
« Reply #158 on: June 11, 2014, 05:43:20 pm »

by Tony Lee 11 Jun 2014, 7:33 AM PDT

After his shocking primary loss on Tuesday, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) canceled his keynote address to the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) that was scheduled for Wednesday morning.

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) took Cantor's spot.

Jay Timmons, the CEO of NAM, has been one of the more prominent amnesty supporters. He recently joined Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohue on a panel where Timmons announced that he thought Congress would pass amnesty legislation during the lame-duck session as the final act of this Congress.

After Cantor's loss, though, amnesty legislation may be all but dead for this Congress.

During the final month of the campaign, Cantor tried to hide his past support of amnesty legislation by sending anti-amnesty mailers to voters in his district while Brat told voters that a vote for Cantor was a vote "for open borders." Brat, in an appearance on Breitbart News Sunday, said his primary against Cantor was the "last chance" to stop amnesty legislation.

"The central policy issue in this race has become Cantor’s absolute determination to pass an amnesty bill. Cantor is the No. 1 cheerleader in Congress for amnesty," Brat wrote in a Richmond Times-Dispatch op-ed in the final week of the campaign. "This is not the Republican way to fix our economy and labor markets."
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Re: Cantor Cancels Keynote Address to Pro-Amnesty Group After Primary Loss
« Reply #159 on: June 11, 2014, 05:52:53 pm »

"This is not the Republican way to fix our economy and labor markets."

Oh, I like this.

Turning the tables on the redefinition crowd...

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Re: Eric Cantor Loses Primary to David Brat; Post-Election Analysis
« Reply #160 on: June 11, 2014, 05:58:27 pm »
This is not some massive turnaround for the Tea Party.  The TP has LOST everywhere this primary season until tonight (not counting McDaniel's razor thin win).  And Cantor was more TP than anything else.

So, the TP did what it does best and that is cut the throat of one of its own.  To prove that it can do it.

Meanwhile, Lindsay Graham cruises to victory.  The guy who WROTE the immigration bill in the Senate.  Some Tea Party clout.

Where do you live?

Cantor was so anti tea party that he went to a George Soros and Union backed convention in Florida that was all about destroying the Tea Party!

That is one of the reasons for his loss!

And another thing .. People trying to act like there is some kind of third party called the Tea Party are morons.

As one lady put it .. so much better than I:

There is no such national political group named the “Tea Party”!

Whoever ignorantly proclaims themselves a “leader” of the Tea Party, you can discount them out of hand as an outright liar.

The Tea Party, of which I am a proud member, is nothing more and nothing less than a nationwide grass roots movement of individual USA citizens firmly taking responsibility, duty and control over our local, state and federal level elected government representatives, and also taking back our country as free men and women.

We, the people, are not very popular with the professional political class, and their idiotic pseudo partisan “teams”, but we vastly outnumber them, and we can't be easily bought off or intimidated.

We don't elect “leaders”, we elect representatives.

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Re: Eric Cantor Loses Primary to David Brat; Post-Election Analysis
« Reply #161 on: June 11, 2014, 06:04:20 pm »
Any population sector that is unfailingly tied to the drug of freebies and big oppressive government is not going to vote GOP, no matter what.

You can take that to the bank.

We can never lose em cause we never had em. And we ain't gonna get em.

After Reagan gave amnesty to the illegals .. hispanic support of the republican party .. went Down!

They come from a third world $#it hole and want to make America another!

Just like the cancerous Democrats who move from state to state destroying each in their path!
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Re: Eric Cantor Loses Primary to David Brat; Post-Election Analysis
« Reply #162 on: June 11, 2014, 06:07:35 pm »
Tea Party groups that offered Dave Brat zero support sure are thrilled he defeated Eric Cantor
T. Becket Adams
Washington Examiner
June 11, 2014
I read the entire article. My guess is that the "established" Tea Party groups, presumed Cantor would win, and didn't bother to support his opponent.

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This is more of a referendum of the people against the establishment. Those groups have their place, but when it gets down to brass tacks, the people want control again. They are tired of establishment power brokers and they'll work to make a change with or without the help of 'titled groups'.

The people of Cantor's district kicked him out because he was virtually absent from their district.  Yes, immigration played a role, but Lindsay Graham won in SC.


Because Lindsay is always in his district.  Cantor, not so much.
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The people of Cantor's district kicked him out because he was virtually absent from their district.  Yes, immigration played a role, but Lindsay Graham won in SC.


Because Lindsay is always in his district.  Cantor, not so much.

Reminds me of a saying attributed to the late Tip O'Neill:  All politics is local.

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Cantor had an ACU rating of 95 for his 13 years in the House. It was 84 for 2013.
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln


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Cantor had an ACU rating of 95 for his 13 years in the House. It was 84 for 2013.

but if he wasn't present in his own district a sufficient amount of the time, then that rating is not as relevant as his absence.  Sometimes absence doesn't make the heart grow fonder; sometimes it causes the abandoned one to seek someone else to love.


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Re: Eric Cantor Loses Primary to David Brat; Post-Election Analysis
« Reply #167 on: June 11, 2014, 07:09:42 pm »
After Reagan gave amnesty to the illegals .. hispanic support of the republican party .. went Down!

They come from a third world $#it hole and want to make America another!

Just like the cancerous Democrats who move from state to state destroying each in their path!

Perhaps because rank-and-file republicans continued to demonize them while democrats, sensing the opportunity, wooed them assiduously.

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Re: Eric Cantor Loses Primary to David Brat; Post-Election Analysis
« Reply #168 on: June 11, 2014, 07:16:46 pm »
Oceander wrote above:
[[ Then what is your solution - in detail - for "protecting" the nation's borders?  How would you stop the flow of illegals?  No generalities, details, specific, precise details. ]]

OK, I'll step up to the plate.
We need to re-establish a real "border" to begin with.
I like what the Israelis have done in this regard:

How's that for starters?


If we cannot control our own borders we have no business calling ourselves the greatest nation on Earth!

Once we get REAL control of the borders then we can discuss rationally what to do with the malefactors already present inside them.

And it has not one thing to do with "hating", or even disliking,  anyone!
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Re: Eric Cantor Loses Primary to David Brat; Post-Election Analysis
« Reply #169 on: June 11, 2014, 07:19:00 pm »
I'll take a crack at it.

First, foremost, and without delay, I would tighten penalties on employing illegals. I wouldn't over burden employers, I'd simply use SSN as the qualifier. If your prospective employee produces an SSN that checks out, the employer is safe. For small businesses, this is problematic, so the real impact would be on employers with say, over 50 employees.

I would absolutely not offer government services to illegals. If you are a guest worker, or have a visa sure, you get access. If it's a life threatening event, emergency services apply to anyone, legal or not. Beyond that, if you're an illegal, that means... NOT legal. Get legal, or get out.

Tighten security on the border. Why is it that Mexico can secure it's southern border, but we can't? Does the Mexican government have more money than us? No. They have the political will. They turn people back, or jail them. We do neither.

The people who are here, if they have been here for some arbitrary period, say 5 years, they are ours, like it or not. Put them on a path to citizenship. Amnesty. But do that AFTER the border has been secured. Those here less than 5 years, illegally, face deportation. Not in the sense of a man hunt, but as they become known, (traffic violations, applying for aid, etc), they face deportation. Why should Mexicans get preference to Indians, or Irish, or Laotians or whatever? I know people who have been fighting the immigration system, legally. It's not easy. But, for some reason, we accept that walking across the border is a good thing to do for Mexicans.

Agree on all points!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

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The people of Cantor's district kicked him out because he was virtually absent from their district.  Yes, immigration played a role, but Lindsay Graham won in SC.


Because Lindsay is always in his district.  Cantor, not so much.

....and Lindsay had six opponents who tried to 'I'm more conservative than you RINO' each other. You are right though in that Lindsay does know how to play the  local game like Bernie played the blue hairs for their money and sympathy.

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....and Lindsay had six opponents who tried to 'I'm more conservative than you RINO' each other. You are right though in that Lindsay does know how to play the  local game like Bernie played the blue hairs for their money and sympathy.
And yet you would think, if anti-Graham sentiment was so high, that the populace would have known that a vote for ANY of the six other opponents— even as a protest vote— would have had the same effect of forcing Graham into a runoff.

Instead, the only places where Graham failed to break majority were Greenville/Spartanburg (where Bright broke 25%) and Edgefield County (where Richard Cash almost beat Graham). Graham won at least a plurality in every county. There are quite a few counties in SC where Graham managed over 2/3 of the vote. That's not the work of a divided opposition; in fact, that's pretty much no opposition at all.
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And yet you would think, if anti-Graham sentiment was so high, that the populace would have known that a vote for ANY of the six other opponents— even as a protest vote— would have had the same effect of forcing Graham into a runoff.

Instead, the only places where Graham failed to break majority were Greenville/Spartanburg (where Bright broke 25%) and Edgefield County (where Richard Cash almost beat Graham). Graham won at least a plurality in every county. There are quite a few counties in SC where Graham managed over 2/3 of the vote. That's not the work of a divided opposition; in fact, that's pretty much no opposition at all.

Some habits die hard and South Carolinians have a habit of going with what they know.  See Strom Thurmond and Ernest Hollings for examples of this.  I don't know about Hollings but Thurmond was perceived as very responsive to his constituents.  But it's hard to believe that over the two or three hundred years he was in the Senate, no better candidates came along to replace him.  :-)
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Cantor Campaign Spent More at One Steakhouse than Brat on Entire Campaign
« Reply #173 on: June 11, 2014, 08:37:31 pm »

 by Tony Lee 11 Jun 2014, 1:17 PM PDT

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's (R-VA) campaign spent more money at one posh steakhouse before his shocking Tuesday primary defeat than his opponent Dave Brat spent on his whole campaign.

Cantor's campaign spent $124,177 at Bobby Van'S Grill and Steakhouse and $44,460 at Blt Steak for a total of $168,637.

According to Open Secrets, Cantor raised $5.4 million while Brat raised $206,663. While Cantor spent nearly all of his haul ($5.1 million), Brat spent $122,793 for his entire campaign, which was less than what Cantor's campaign spent at Bobby Van'S alone ($124,177).

Some analysts felt Brat was more effective in delivering red meat to his conservative base.

The data is based on filings to the Federal Election Commission. Cantor's latest filing was submitted May 29 and covers through May 21.
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Some habits die hard and South Carolinians have a habit of going with what they know.  See Strom Thurmond and Ernest Hollings for examples of this.  I don't know about Hollings but Thurmond was perceived as very responsive to his constituents.  But it's hard to believe that over the two or three hundred years he was in the Senate, no better candidates came along to replace him.  :-)
Maybe, just maybe opposition to Graham would be more effective if it avoided silly juvenile stuff naming him as a homosexual, and ignoring his 30+ year service as an Air Force reservist JAG Attorney.
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln