Author Topic: Palin to Media: Find Out Why Obama Broke Law in 'Very Concerning' POW Exchange  (Read 215 times)

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 by Tony Lee 2 Jun 2014 post a comment
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin believes President Barack Obama broke the law when he traded five high-ranking Taliban terrorists in Guantanamo for an American prisoner of war in Afghanistan who allegedly deserted his troops. She challenged the media notorious for protecting Obama to get to the bottom of this "very concerning situation."

At least six American troops died while searching for Bergdahl during a three-week period after he went missing five years ago. Taliban leaders have hailed the release of the five prisoners as a "victory." There have been reports that Obama, who said in his 2014 State of the Union speech that he would close down Guantanamo by the end of the year, may be using Bergdahl's exchange as a test case to see if he could empty the prison without notifying Congress.

"Let's have faith that light will shine truth in all this, via media or elected Republican leaders who are now asking questions about the Obama Administration's continual disregard for law," Palin wrote in a Sunday Facebook post.

Palin linked to a report that found Bowe Bergdahl's father on Saturday deleted his May 28 tweet that read, "I am still working to free all guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of Afghan child, ameen!"

Palin also quoted a report she was sent:


    The current Democrat administration has just released the 5 most dangerous detainees held at Gitmo in exchange for Army SGT Bowe Bergdahl. The terrorists which Obama approved for release are high ranking Taliban leaders and are responsible for murdering countless Americans (these 5 are also credited with forging working relationships with the terror group Al Qaeda in a joint effort to slaughter as many Americans as possible).

    So let's get this straight, Democrats admit to breaking the law, again, (with justification of course) all in an effort to free Islamic butchers so they can pick up where they left off in terrorizing and murdering Americans and innocents around the globe.

Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA), who is the Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, and Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), who is the Ranking Member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a joint statement that Obama "clearly violated laws which require him to notify Congress thirty days before any transfer of terrorists from Guantanamo Bay and to explain how the threat posed by such terrorists has been substantially mitigated."

"Our joy at Sergeant Berghdal’s release is tempered by the fact that President Obama chose to ignore the law, not to mention sound policy, to achieve it," they wrote. "Trading five senior Taliban leaders from detention in Guantanamo Bay for Berghdal’s release may have consequences for the rest of our forces and all Americans. Our terrorist adversaries now have a strong incentive to capture Americans. That incentive will put our forces in Afghanistan and around the world at even greater risk."

As Palin noted, the Obama administration cited "unique and exigent circumstances" for ignoring the law.

She also called out Bergdahl's father, who said of Hailey, Idaho, "We're so much like Afghanistan."

"I've been to the beautiful state of Idaho many times; t'was born there," Palin said. "Can't recall EVER thinking it was much like Afghanistan."

After his son was released, Bergdahl's father continued to tweet about releasing more Guantanamo prisoners.


    Ten years in Guantánamo: Tunisian families hope for loved ones' release - video via @guardian
    — Robert Bergdahl (@bobbergdahl) June 2, 2014
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