Author Topic: Todd Fine: Vocal Opponent of 9/11 Museum Linked to Country that Aided Mastermind of 9/11  (Read 289 times)

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Todd Fine: Vocal Opponent of 9/11 Museum Linked to Country that Aided Mastermind of 9/11

Posted By Daniel Greenfield On May 27, 2014 @ 5:43 pm In The Point | No Comments

Todd Fine is making the news with his fiery denunciations of the 9/11 Museum. Fine is described as an “amateur historian” and leader of a “grass roots movement”.

According to a Shiite propaganda channel, Todd Fine was part of a group protesting the 9/11 Museum while claiming to be “Jews Against Islamophobia Coalition.”

The tiny group consisted of radically anti-Semitic groups, such as Jewish Voice for Peace, which the ADL linked to whitewashing anti-Semitism and collaboration with anti-Semitic groups. Its press releases are distributed by a member of the JVP hate group.

In CAIR’s photos of the group, some of its members appear to be wearing Burkas and are about as Jewish as Ahmadinejad. As a Jew, I am both offended and disgusted by CAIR’s attempts to whitewash its history of anti-Semitism by using a hate group.

The rest are the usual elderly hate-filled Trotskyists who show up to denounce anything American or Jewish.

Todd Fine has blogged repeatedly at the Huffington Post, denouncing the 9/11 Museum and demanding that a movie which points out that Al Qaeda was motivated by Islam and the Koran be censored. Fine has also launched attacks against Debra Burlingame, the sister of a pilot of one of the hijacked planes.

So who is Todd Fine? Beyond his current efforts to promote the “Syrian History of Lower Manhattan” he does have an interesting history.

He worked with the Qatar Foundation International and described visiting that country with the support of QFI. QFI appears to be a subset of the Qatar Foundation which was set up by Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, the former ruler of Qatar.

Qatar is considered extremist even by the standards of the region. Its regime has run into trouble with the Saudis and the UAE for its insistence on supporting Islamic terrorist groups. And the ruling family aided the mastermind behind September 11.

American officials say the FBI and CIA just missed capturing the al Qaeda leader believed to have organized the 9/11 attacks — and now believed to be planning a new attack against Americans — because it appears he was protected and tipped off by a member of the royal family in Qatar, Abdullah Bin Khalid al-Thani.

“Certainly it is well-documented that there is one member of the Qatar royal family that supports al Qaeda,” said Rohan Gunaratna, the author of the book Inside Al Qaeda and professor at St. Andrews University in Scotland.

According to American intelligence officials, Abdallah bin Khalid al-Thani, a member of the Qatari royal family tipped off Mohammed. He is listed on government Web sites as the current minister of the Interior for Qatar and is known as a radical Islamic fundamentalist with ties to al Qaeda.

Qatar’s regime also controls Al Jazeera which aired Osama bin Laden’s propaganda videos. Iraq has accused Qatar of funding Al Qaeda in Iraq.

As recently as last year, Todd Fine was touting a QFI event on the Huffington Post. QFI promoted his HuffPo post on Facebook suggesting a certain amount of coordination.

He runs the Washington Street Historical Society which attempts to lay claim to part of Lower Manhattan as Little Syria based on the Christian refugees from Syria who lived there for a while. The WSHS also runs his Project Khalid. Both are registered using a Virginia address an hour out of Washington D.C. It is unclear who funds these organizations.

Before all that, Todd Fine worked on the Iran Data Portal and authored a paper opposing any attack on Iran’s nuclear weapons program and urging that the US be more “attuned to Iran’s cultural needs.”

He also worked for the Center for Defense Information, a left-wing Washington think tank pushing for disarming the US.

Somewhere in between, Fine found the time to work as an Occupy DC activist.

There are a lot of unanswered questions about Todd Fine, but he seems rather comfortable with totalitarian Islamist regimes such as Qatar that have links to Al Qaeda. Furthermore he is attempting to stake a Muslim claim to Lower Manhattan based on the experiences of Greek, Armenian and Christians living temporarily in the area.

There’s something obviously inappropriate about the media using a man who is this comfortable with an Al Qaeda linked regime being used as a source for attacking a 9/11 widow and the 9/11 Museum.

You might as well have a Nazi collaborator attacking the Holocaust museum and Holocaust survivors.

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