Author Topic: Bundy hoax exposed: full video of Cliven Bundy's non-racist, pro-black, pro-Mexican, anti-government remarks  (Read 1840 times)

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Bundy Hoax Exposed: Full Video Of Cliven Bundy’s Non-Racist, Pro-Black, Pro-Mexican, Anti-Government Remarks

Posted on April 24, 2014 by Josey Wales

Before It’s News

Below you are two videos, the first video is the original video the NY Times edited to make there racist news report against Cliven Bundy. The second video is the NY Times Version Of how they want you to view Cliven Bundy.

Funny how even the NY Times edits (Government Censors) their videos to fit there progressive agenda. All of this to give a old rancher a black eye because he is standing up for his constitutional rights as an American citizen. Chicago style politics at it’s best. 

You be the judge as Bundy explains how we need to keep things from going backwards for blacks, and how the Federal government has created a sort of neo-slave class via entitlement dependency that is so bad it is arguably worse than plantation slavery was.

 Cliven Bundy is not saying that blacks should be slaves picking cotton, but that the Federal government has created conditions for them so terrible, that their current situation may actually be worse. (If you are person of low intelligence, the fact that that is his point might be too hard for you to understand.) If you watch these videos, you will see he’s not blaming blacks for the issues of abortions, and crime and broken families, he’s blaming the Feds.

Isn’t this the exact opposite of a racist, this is an advocate for the welfare and best interests of blacks. And just as importantly at the end of the video he gives passionate praise and defense of hispanic illegal aliens, lauding them for “better family structures than most white peoples’”  Yet mainstream media labels Cliven Bundy Racist?

Now watch the edited version from the NY Times, Cliven Bundy questioned whether black Americans were “better off as slaves” or “better off under government subsidy.” His remarks in this video initially appeared in a New York Times article on April 23.

Mr Bundy was only trying to say that the progressive welfare state has shackled the black community in ways that have been more harmful to the black families and communities than was going on in the times of slavery. He certainly was not advocating slavery. It was perhaps not the best or wisest articulation or choice of comparisons but Bundy is not a racist.

This is the same mainstream media that people defend and claim to be “Credible” ?
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 08:35:03 am by rangerrebew »

Offline SouthTexas

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Nope, doesn't matter what he actually said, he has lost his right to have an opinion.  Just ask any left winger and half of the so called right wingers. 

The "tolerant" party is becoming all encompassing.   **nononono*

Offline sinkspur

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Nope, doesn't matter what he actually said, he has lost his right to have an opinion.  Just ask any left winger and half of the so called right wingers. 

The "tolerant" party is becoming all encompassing.   **nononono*

What Bundy actually said was pretty bad.  Then he goes to clarify what he said and makes it WORSE.

Cliven Bundy is not saying that blacks should be slaves picking cotton, but that the Federal government has created conditions for them so terrible, that their current situation may actually be worse.

If Bundy thinks modern blacks are worse off than slaves, then he's as stupid as he comes across.

And when someone's statements are not self-evident, but have to be explained away, that someone has lost the argument.

Why are people defending what this old fool said?  It's indefensible.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline happyg

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What does it matter what he said? He is a private citizen whose only agenda is saving his ranch. He's not a politician, or even a speaker. He's no different than Joe Sixpack, but is treated like some powerful politician. This was a non story, hyped up by the media.

Bundy’s Black Bodyguard to CNN: ‘He Treats Me As His Own Family’

By Andrew Johnson

Cliven Bundy’s controversial comments about race are not reflective of the Nevada rancher’s character, according to Jason Bullock, his black bodyguard. He is standing by Bundy.

CNN’s Dan Simon spoke with Bullock at the ranch, saying he “noticed him, quite simply, because he’s black.” Bullock explained that he’s standing by Bundy and looks up to him “just like I do my own grandfather.”

“I would take a bullet for that man if need be,” he said. “I believe in his cause, and after having met Mr. Bundy a few times, I have a real good feel about him and I’m a pretty good judge of character.”

“He’s shown me nothing but hospitality and he treats me as his own family,” Bullock added.

Simon remarked that he found the “irony” of Bullock’s affinity for Bundy “to be super thick.”

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I understand in the aether of intellectualism what he was 'trying' to say. But the poor guy is way, way, way, too inarticulate to have the ability to express in modern terms what he what he meant.
The bottom line is that he bombed the whole thing. He was too stupid to stay on topic and the fame may have gone to his head. He handed his own head to Reid by straying outside of the things he knows about. Once he starts 'pontificating', well then he just screwed himself and all of us who support him along with him.
He is like a redneck rancher version of Sean Penn, in the sense that he trys to talk way over his head and winds up just making a fool of himself and us.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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What Bundy actually said was pretty bad.  Then he goes to clarify what he said and makes it WORSE.

If Bundy thinks modern blacks are worse off than slaves, then he's as stupid as he comes across.

And when someone's statements are not self-evident, but have to be explained away, that someone has lost the argument.

Why are people defending what this old fool said?  It's indefensible.


we spend hours making that very argument about Obama, and then turn around and become a bunch of Jay Carneys to defend Bundy.

This whole Bundy saga is like bad mirror image of the left vs right debates raging through the nation in the period of time immediately preceding the implementation of Obamacare into law.

The right argued from a point of the illegal nature of the law by bringing out all sorts of facts and figures, while the left just wanted to discuss the idea of "fairness" and what was "just" and "right".

Now, as I bring out facts, figures and laws proving that Bundy doesn't have a leg to stand on, others (allegedly from my own side of the political aisle) want to discard all facts, laws and figures and discuss what is "just", "fair" and "right".

Alleged conservatives, posting in an alleged conservative site (not this one), are describing the practice of the United States leasing land to ranchers for them to use in running their business as being "... a prime example of how the ruling class unjustly expropriates the labor of the poor."

I'm pretty sure that guy was channeling Karl Marx when he wrote that.

Curioser and curioser...
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 09:47:52 pm by Luis Gonzalez »
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

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Black Marine’s Letter Refutes Left-Wing Media Narrative that Cliven Bundy is a ‘Racist’ By Kyle Becker 

While Rand Paul, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck have rightfully distanced themselves from Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s racially bigoted comments (see Kira Davis’ sassy video for the difference with “racism”), there are still some standing up for the principle on which they sided with Bundy over the government’s bullies to begin with.

This letter via the great Kevin Jackson comes from a black Marine going by the name of Charlie Delta:

The media distorts information to the point of social division. This is a photo of myself and the resilient, often charismatic, and maybe not so tactful Cliven Bundy. He’s a cowboy and a helluva family man, not an orator.

One thing he definitely isn’t – a racist. I found his comments to not only be NOT racist, but his own view of his experiences. Who the heck are we to determine another man’s perspective on the world around him?! Just because Picasso’s view of the world was abstract, does it negate the fact that his art was genuine?

Furthermore, if you take the time to do your own research, you’ll find that his statements about some black Americans actually hold weight. He posed a hypothetical question. He said, “I wonder IF” … Hell, I’m black and I often wonder about the same about the decline of the black family.

Bottom line is that we are all slaves in this waning republic, no matter our skin color. Mr. Bundy could have used any racial demographic as an example: Native Americans on reservations, whites in trailer parks, etc. He noticed the crippling effects of receiving government “assistance” and the long term result of accepting handouts.

It’s not progress at all. I challenge Sean Hannity, Rand Paul, and others to read my comment and reconsider their position in this matter. Individual liberties are at stake here, yours and mine. THAT is the issue.

Don’t let the liberal media and ignoramuses like Glenn Beck and that weasel Harry Reid make you lose sight of the real issue here: The federal government is a burgeoning behemoth and a bully on a once constitutional playground.I sincerely hope you real patriots out there who can see through the smoke.

Semper Fidelis

Whatever Bundy’s ignorant views on race issues, that doesn’t change the matter at hand – and that’s liberty.

Offline Howie66

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Black Marine’s Letter Refutes Left-Wing Media Narrative that Cliven Bundy is a ‘Racist’ By Kyle Becker 

While Rand Paul, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck have rightfully distanced themselves from Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s racially bigoted comments (see Kira Davis’ sassy video for the difference with “racism”), there are still some standing up for the principle on which they sided with Bundy over the government’s bullies to begin with.

This letter via the great Kevin Jackson comes from a black Marine going by the name of Charlie Delta:

Whatever Bundy’s ignorant views on race issues, that doesn’t change the matter at hand – and that’s liberty.

I am finding it to be increasingly easy to distance myself from Rand Paul, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and their ilk. Really easy.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2014, 10:42:36 pm by Howie66 »
I come in peace, I didn't bring artillery.  But I am pleading with you with tears in my eyes:  If you bleep with me, I'll kill you all.

Marine General James Mattis, to Iraqi tribal leaders (Note: Mattis did NOT say "BLEEP". He threw the F Bomb)

I didn't enlist in the Corps just to watch my country become a Third World Communist Shit-hole. Don't know anyone who did.

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I am finding it to be increasingly easy to distance myself from Rand Paul, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and their ilk. Really easy.

It doesn't take a genius to realize Bundy is an inarticulate old man, who allowed himself be baited by a reporter. How many millions of other average citizens could be manipulated in the same way? He didn't seek the limelight, but wanted the feds leave him alone. It is that simple, and people are trashing him, because he phrased his sentence wrong. My grandfather spoke the same way he did, and he sure as heck wasn't racist. I can't believe how a private citizen is being beat up by supposedly smart people. They all act like he should be a spokesperson for the republican party. In many ways, he is a lot smarter than those who are belittling him.

Offline olde north church

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Does anybody remember the quote about not agreeing with what somebody says but fighting to the death the right to say it?
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Black Marine’s Letter Refutes Left-Wing Media Narrative that Cliven Bundy is a ‘Racist’ By Kyle Becker 

While Rand Paul, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck have rightfully distanced themselves from Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s racially bigoted comments (see Kira Davis’ sassy video for the difference with “racism”), there are still some standing up for the principle on which they sided with Bundy over the government’s bullies to begin with.

This letter via the great Kevin Jackson comes from a black Marine going by the name of Charlie Delta:

Whatever Bundy’s ignorant views on race issues, that doesn’t change the matter at hand – and that’s liberty.


Liberty to do what exactly?

Liberty to use land that doesn't belong to him without paying for it for two decades?

The liberty to ignore his State Constitution?

The liberty to ignore the Constitution of the United States?

The liberty to ignore Court orders because he does not approve of them?

The liberty to preach sedition?

The liberty to threaten violence to any individual trying to enforce those Court orders?

What liberty are you taking about exactly?

"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Does anybody remember the quote about not agreeing with what somebody says but fighting to the death the right to say it?

I'm not questioning his right to say anything.

I'm pointing our that his remarks were racist.
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

Offline katzenjammer

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I am finding it to be increasingly easy to distance myself from Rand Paul, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and their ilk. Really easy.

Me too, Howie.  They all run like scared children, it is a real shame.

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Looks like Mr. Bundy and his family ranching business had plenty of liberty to live life without harassment from the Gubmint for well in excess of a century.

What has changed?

Get used to the idea that not only is his liberty and freedom being placed in jeopardy by this Obama Regime....yours and mine is as well.

The question is, what are you willing to do about it? I already know where I stand.
I come in peace, I didn't bring artillery.  But I am pleading with you with tears in my eyes:  If you bleep with me, I'll kill you all.

Marine General James Mattis, to Iraqi tribal leaders (Note: Mattis did NOT say "BLEEP". He threw the F Bomb)

I didn't enlist in the Corps just to watch my country become a Third World Communist Shit-hole. Don't know anyone who did.

Offline katzenjammer

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It doesn't take a genius to realize Bundy is an inarticulate old man, who allowed himself be baited by a reporter. How many millions of other average citizens could be manipulated in the same way? He didn't seek the limelight, but wanted the feds leave him alone. It is that simple, and people are trashing him, because he phrased his sentence wrong. My grandfather spoke the same way he did, and he sure as heck wasn't racist. I can't believe how a private citizen is being beat up by supposedly smart people. They all act like he should be a spokesperson for the republican party. In many ways, he is a lot smarter than those who are belittling him.

 :hands: :amen:

Offline Howie66

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I'm not questioning his right to say anything.

I'm pointing our that his remarks were racist.

Much more than being "racist", his comments were IRRELEVANT.

That term "racist" hold no meaning any longer. It has been thrown around so much that it's a freaking joke. The only people that used that stupid and pointless word are the real "racists" if you think about it.
I come in peace, I didn't bring artillery.  But I am pleading with you with tears in my eyes:  If you bleep with me, I'll kill you all.

Marine General James Mattis, to Iraqi tribal leaders (Note: Mattis did NOT say "BLEEP". He threw the F Bomb)

I didn't enlist in the Corps just to watch my country become a Third World Communist Shit-hole. Don't know anyone who did.

Offline happyg

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Much more than being "racist", his comments were IRRELEVANT.

That term "racist" hold no meaning any longer. It has been thrown around so much that it's a freaking joke. The only people that used that stupid and pointless word are the real "racists" if you think about it.


Offline Luis Gonzalez

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Much more than being "racist", his comments were IRRELEVANT.

That term "racist" hold no meaning any longer. It has been thrown around so much that it's a freaking joke. The only people that used that stupid and pointless word are the real "racists" if you think about it.

So you all feel that you have the wherewithal to deem what I can consider relevant or not?

You agreeing with. Bundy doesn't make him right. It makes you equally wrong.
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

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The image I hold is one of a federal government acting like a bully against a Red State Conservative "Free Grazer".....who went above and beyond by spending his own money to improve access and egress from subject land parcel.

Now....with Open Range being one of my favorite in the Western genre...I'm am beginning to associate behaviors/opinions with characters in the flick.

No doubt, Cliven Bundy is Boss Spearman and a growing number of our posters are auditioning for the role of Denton Baxter.

Point here is being an a$$hole with racist proclivities is not a crime.   Yet.

Let's focus on an administration that has sigged the IRS on the Tea Party and are spoiling to get into armed conflicts with Red State Conservatives who aren't costing the government a thin dime.

Can somebody please show me where the United States Government is being cheated here?  What product has been stolen?  Grass?

IMO, the fee was paid soon as the bovine pooped.   LOL! 
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

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So you all feel that you have the wherewithal to deem what I can consider relevant or not?

You agreeing with. Bundy doesn't make him right. It makes you equally wrong.

I don't "feel" anything other than total disgust that while our freedoms and liberty are being threatened, the biggest amount of attention is being paid to a completely irrelevant issue. Whether or not I agree with Bundy is not important.

I'm not sure how many times I need to repeat this to make it understood.
I come in peace, I didn't bring artillery.  But I am pleading with you with tears in my eyes:  If you bleep with me, I'll kill you all.

Marine General James Mattis, to Iraqi tribal leaders (Note: Mattis did NOT say "BLEEP". He threw the F Bomb)

I didn't enlist in the Corps just to watch my country become a Third World Communist Shit-hole. Don't know anyone who did.

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I don't "feel" anything other than total disgust that while our freedoms and liberty are being threatened, the biggest amount of attention is being paid to a completely irrelevant issue. Whether or not I agree with Bundy is not important.

I'm not sure how many times I need to repeat this to make it understood.

Then clarify this.

Exactly what liberties and freedoms of ours (or Bundy's for that matter) are being threatened by this specific set of events?
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

Offline Luis Gonzalez

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The image I hold is one of a federal government acting like a bully against a Red State Conservative "Free Grazer".....who went above and beyond by spending his own money to improve access and egress from subject land parcel.

Now....with Open Range being one of my favorite in the Western genre...I'm am beginning to associate behaviors/opinions with characters in the flick.

No doubt, Cliven Bundy is Boss Spearman and a growing number of our posters are auditioning for the role of Denton Baxter.

Point here is being an a$$hole with racist proclivities is not a crime.   Yet.

Let's focus on an administration that has sigged the IRS on the Tea Party and are spoiling to get into armed conflicts with Red State Conservatives who aren't costing the government a thin dime.

Can somebody please show me where the United States Government is being cheated here?  What product has been stolen?  Grass?

IMO, the fee was paid soon as the bovine pooped.   LOL!

OK... I'll play.

I too want 750,000 acres of land for free to run my business on.

Better yet, we should ALL each get 750,000 acres of land free to use for us to build a business on.
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

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HappyG wrote above:
[[ I can't believe how a private citizen is being beat up by supposedly smart people. They all act like he should be a spokesperson for the republican party. In many ways, he is a lot smarter than those who are belittling him. ]]

Thought came to me while reading this thread.
Consider this a poll.
I will reckon that few here will answer honestly.

From out of the blue, you get two invitations:
- The first is from Cliven Bundy to visit his ranch, have lunch and survey the situation out there for yourself.
- The second is from Barack and Michelle Obama, inviting you to the White House for lunch.

All expenses will be paid. All you have to do is say yes.
But you can only accept ONE invitation.

Which shall be your choice?

Offline Fishrrman

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Howie66 wrote above:
[[ That term "racist" hold no meaning any longer. It has been thrown around so much that it's a freaking joke. The only people that used that stupid and pointless word are the real "racists" if you think about it. ]]

Total agreement, Howie.

Shame on those in this forum who accuse others of being "racis'". And that includes tossing the term at Cliven Bundy, as well.

I accuse their motivations by the use of that term, to be EXACTLY the same as when leftists use it: that is, to intimidate the [other] speaker into silence, and make them (and not their words) the issue.

Haven't we learned anything in the past forty years ??

Offline katzenjammer

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HappyG wrote above:
[[ I can't believe how a private citizen is being beat up by supposedly smart people. They all act like he should be a spokesperson for the republican party. In many ways, he is a lot smarter than those who are belittling him. ]]

Thought came to me while reading this thread.
Consider this a poll.
I will reckon that few here will answer honestly.

From out of the blue, you get two invitations:
- The first is from Cliven Bundy to visit his ranch, have lunch and survey the situation out there for yourself.
- The second is from Barack and Michelle Obama, inviting you to the White House for lunch.

All expenses will be paid. All you have to do is say yes.
But you can only accept ONE invitation.

Which shall be your choice?

That there is a no-brainer for me, I will choose to visit Bundy!!