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Angle and O’Donnell, Akin and Mourdock, the names just roll off the tongue … just as easily as lunatic and loser do. In 2010 and 2012, these were the primary winners in what should have been easy senate wins for the GOP only to expose themselves as unelectable in short order. This is simply not a mistake Republicans can allow to happen again this year.

If you’re a bargain shopper then you’ll be pleased to know there’s a “four-fer” available right now in the form of Bevin, Brannon, McDaniel and Wolf … yes, the “purity for profit” crowd has managed to dredge up (without any obvious vetting, of course) a group of fund-raising products because they certainly do not qualify as electable candidates.

Bevin ran afoul with even his most ardent supporters in February for his flip-flop on TARP; the Kentucky Tea Party itself bailed on him; and he quickly became as irrelevant as Steve Stockman. His name has been noticeably absent from virtually all recent emails from any of the organizations who endorsed him and then raised millions of dollars using his name. The McConnell campaign, while not taking anything for granted, is already transitioning into general election mode; and the only remaining question is how much does Bevin lose the primary by on May 20.

Brannon, who is running in the GOP primary in North Carolina, is considered the principle competition for Thom Tillis, the current Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives and front-runner in the primary race. Brannon, cut from the “shoot mouth now, load brain later” cloth has a history of controversial positions and just recently added to that resume by embracing the possibility that the 9/11 attacks may have been an “inside job”. If this was his only suspect statement or position things may be different but the catalogue of issues he would be pummeled with in the general is building rapidly.

As if there wasn’t enough lunacy already surrounding Brannon, we have the latest just appearing today in the form of a BuzzFeed article, 13 Things You Won’t Believe The Man Who Could Be North Carolina’s Next Senator Said.

Tillis must garner 40% of the vote on May 6 to avoid a run-off against the second place GOP primary finisher. Incumbent Democratic Senator Kay Hagan is vulnerable, and this race is key to regaining a Republican majority in the senate. Latest polling put Tillis comfortably ahead but short of the magic 40% number; however there are more than 30% of the GOP voters still undecided and I would strongly urge them to consider the unelectability of Brannon, support Thom Tillis with their primary vote and allow the GOP to get on with the effort to defeat Hagan.

History has a strange way of repeating itself and the likelihood of more Brannon miscues coming to light is high. It took minimal effort for the liberal blogs and media to uncover what they have thus far; and one can only imagine what other counterproductive tidbits will be found by a concerted effort if the Democrats really went to work.

McDaniel, running against incumbent Thad Cochran in Mississippi, has a veritable treasure trove of controversial and unproductive gaffes and statements. In spite of numerous recent demands he release recordings of his former radio show appearances, he has failed to produce any such information leaving only the worst to be suspected. It begins to sound like a broken recording but McDaniel is simply another amateur candidate recruited for purposes of fund-raising with little regard to substance; and again the likelihood of more foibles surfacing is extreme. Recent polling shows Cochran in a solid place headed toward the June 3 primary but diligence is the order of the day to ensure McDaniel’s lack of electability is regularly conveyed to primary voters.

Wolf, the reported second-cousin to Barack Obama, is running against incumbent Pat Roberts in Kansas with the GOP primary not slated until August 5. Wolf ran afoul in February when revelations about significant improprieties as a doctor and his disclosure of patient information on social media came to light. Now it has been reported that in a 2012 radio interview Wolf embraced the “crown jewel of Donald Trump’s political career” – birtherism – suggesting Obama may have been born in Kenya.

As in other races discussed here, the incumbent, Roberts, has a considerable lead in the polls but the distractions of an unelectable candidate such as Wolf serves no greater good; and yet again we have to seriously consider the inevitability that there are more “skeletons in the closet” that will simply usurp new cycles while detracting from the overall Republican effort.

There is only one mission for realistic Republicans in 2014, and that is to regain the senate majority so we can stymie Obama’s disastrous agenda for his last two years while beginning to legislate for many conservative policies from a position of strength.

This objective can only be realized by nominating quality electable candidates in the primaries. It is a serious process not a carnival freak-show, but the GOP suffered with Angle and O’Donnell in 2010, then Akin and Mourdock in 2012, and lost four easy seats. The last thing we can allow this year is a repeat performance of the last two cycles; and every one of this “four-fer” of fund-raising products, not legitimate candidates, has the regrettable ability to create such an occurrence. Republicans can ensure that does not happen but just saying NO to Bevin, Brannon, McDaniel and Wolf as their respective primaries arrive.

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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2014, 01:07:19 pm »
The reason why the goofball parade is continuing to gain traction is that mainstream republicans are seen as little more than enablers of an out-of-control fiscal snake-pit.  And to be sure, they seemed to roll over on debt ceilings and continuing resolutions, all of which should have put them in a fair bargaining position.  Of course it's not all the fault of the GOP.  The House continues to send bills to the Senate, but Reid routinely shoves them into the shredder before the ink dries. 

Primary challenges are usually a good thing; issues raised and debated, personalities brought out.  But cross-party voting can propel an incompetent featherbrain into the general election as we saw in 2010.

And far more in the GOP are disenchanted with the direction of the Country and of their party than Democrats, thus much more in the hunt for some new blood.  Serious talk of going 3d party isn't helping.  And the simple solutions being touted to some of the most complex issues including taxes, spending, immigration and of course health care can be very popular, giving some candidates a larger podium than they might have the competency for.

On the bright side, it might make for some interesting threads.  I recall some spirited discussions here on candidates like Hayworth, Angle, O'Donnell, and of course Palin.  I sense it won't be an echo-chamber here in the coming months.  :pondering:
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Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2014, 03:21:12 am »
On the bright side, it might make for some interesting threads.  I recall some spirited discussions here on candidates like Hayworth, Angle, O'Donnell, and of course Palin.  I sense it won't be an echo-chamber here in the coming months.  :pondering:
Pretty much agree with all you wrote, and the entertainment value of the upcoming primaries may be the only value to find.

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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2014, 03:51:24 am »
One big problem is that too many people don't realize how impotent the minority party is. Unless a party has 2 of the three law making positions (House, Senate, and Presidency) they don't have power to do anything. Sometimes they can say no and have that stick, and other times they may get a concession or two. But that's all they can do.
And it does no good for us in the electorate to whine about how little they've done, when we haven't done the most important thing which is to give them majority positions.
If we won't use our power, they won't have any.

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2014, 01:19:05 pm »
One big problem is that too many people don't realize how impotent the minority party is. Unless a party has 2 of the three law making positions (House, Senate, and Presidency) they don't have power to do anything. Sometimes they can say no and have that stick, and other times they may get a concession or two. But that's all they can do.
And it does no good for us in the electorate to whine about how little they've done, when we haven't done the most important thing which is to give them majority positions.
If we won't use our power, they won't have any.
Very true.  In many ways the House is the least effective branch to hold.  The Senate confirms nominees, and the Prez issues executive orders.  We must take the Senate in Nov.

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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2014, 02:07:48 pm »
One big problem is that too many people don't realize how impotent the minority party is. Unless a party has 2 of the three law making positions (House, Senate, and Presidency) they don't have power to do anything. Sometimes they can say no and have that stick, and other times they may get a concession or two. But that's all they can do.
And it does no good for us in the electorate to whine about how little they've done, when we haven't done the most important thing which is to give them majority positions.
If we won't use our power, they won't have any.
Point taken, but there have been times when the party has refused to use the power they do have... such as the authority they and they alone have as ruling party of the House to write the budget.
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Offline MACVSOG68

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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2014, 02:12:25 pm »
Very true.  In many ways the House is the least effective branch to hold.  The Senate confirms nominees, and the Prez issues executive orders.  We must take the Senate in Nov.

You're right. Taking the Senate is an absolute must.  Reid has been running interference for Obama for far too long.  The power of a majority leader to schedule votes is greater than many people realize.  With the GOP running the Senate, Obama might veto bills, but that would be on him to defend.  Today, Reid refuses to take up a bill sent by the House, and Obama can blame the Republicans for doing nothing.
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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2014, 02:17:18 pm »
We hold primaries for a reason.  If moderates can't stand up to the party faithful and make their case then they deserve to lose.  I strongly object to those who would like to just allow the GOPe to anoint their nominees and be done with it.  Usually, the reason moderates are so fearful of "Tea Partiers" is that their own positions are so compromised as to be indefensible. 

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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2014, 03:14:05 pm »
We hold primaries for a reason.  If moderates can't stand up to the party faithful and make their case then they deserve to lose.  I strongly object to those who would like to just allow the GOPe to anoint their nominees and be done with it.  Usually, the reason moderates are so fearful of "Tea Partiers" is that their own positions are so compromised as to be indefensible.

I'm all for primaries that bring out all sides.  With respect to indefensible positions though, we can look at a number of "tea-Partiers" and see exactly that.  With some of them, it's all rhetoric and that degenerates into absurd "paint-yourself-into-a-corner" positions.  Establishing one's positions on issues is essential; drawing lines in the sand (signing pledges)can be disastrous for that politician.  Willingness to negotiate and compromise while maintaining one's principles is essential for success in politics.  Reagan, with his faults (and he had them) could successfully do that.  Romney would have.  Many others yesterday and today can't.

But without winning, as in this Fall, all the principles and lines in the sand are worthless.
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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2014, 05:21:35 pm »
But without winning, as in this Fall, all the principles and lines in the sand are worthless.

Spot on. Taking the Senate and keeping the House is the only thing we should be concentrating on right now.
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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2014, 09:37:35 pm »
Point taken, but there have been times when the party has refused to use the power they do have... such as the authority they and they alone have as ruling party of the House to write the budget.

The House has passed a budget every year. Harry Reid refuses to bring it to a vote in the Senate. The House has no authority to force him to do it.

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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2014, 01:55:27 am »
The House has passed a budget every year. Harry Reid refuses to bring it to a vote in the Senate. The House has no authority to force him to do it.
Then that is the Senate's problem. The House can, as I discussed once before, use censure to reprimand those members of the Senate (theoretically they can censure anyone) who refuse to cooperate.

While I agree, there is only so much a party can do with one house of Congress (hence why elections are so important), there are things they can do.
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Offline speekinout

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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2014, 02:19:34 am »
Then that is the Senate's problem. The House can, as I discussed once before, use censure to reprimand those members of the Senate (theoretically they can censure anyone) who refuse to cooperate.

While I agree, there is only so much a party can do with one house of Congress (hence why elections are so important), there are things they can do.

Of course it's the Senate's problem. But the Senate is majority dim. There's nothing the GOP can do to get them to act. Waving their arms and complaining - whether you call it censure or just whining - doesn't get anything done. With this admin., it's possible that nothing other that a veto proof GOP majority in both Houses is enough to accomplish anything.

I agree that elections are important, and electing as many GOP members of Congress as we can is very important this year.

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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2014, 02:23:57 am »
We hold primaries for a reason.  If moderates can't stand up to the party faithful and make their case then they deserve to lose.  I strongly object to those who would like to just allow the GOPe to anoint their nominees and be done with it.  Usually, the reason moderates are so fearful of "Tea Partiers" is that their own positions are so compromised as to be indefensible.

 :amen: Victor!


"And this is the tendency of all human governments. A departure from principle in one instance becomes a precedent for a second; that second for a third; and so on, till the bulk of the society is reduced to be mere automatons of misery, and to have no sensibilities left but for sinning and suffering.

Then begins, indeed, the bellum omnium in omnia, which some philosophers observing to be so general in this world, have mistaken it for the natural, instead of the abusive state of man.

And the fore horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in its train wretchedness and oppression."

 Thomas Jefferson, letter to Sam Kercheval about reform of the Virginia Constitution, July 12, 1816; "The Writings of Thomas Jefferson," Definitive Edition, Albert Ellery Bergh, Editor, The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Association (1905) Vol. XV, p. 40

« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 02:28:55 am by Bigun »
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"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2014, 02:27:55 am »
Then that is the Senate's problem. The House can, as I discussed once before, use censure to reprimand those members of the Senate (theoretically they can censure anyone) who refuse to cooperate.

While I agree, there is only so much a party can do with one house of Congress (hence why elections are so important), there are things they can do.
The US House of Representatives voting to censure a Senator? Simply never heard of such a thing.
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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #15 on: April 27, 2014, 04:37:53 am »
I put my Matt Bevin yard sign out in the yard the other day - I sent him $20 for it!



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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #16 on: April 27, 2014, 05:23:58 am »
The reason why the goofball parade is continuing to gain traction is that mainstream republicans are seen as little more than enablers of an out-of-control fiscal snake-pit.  And to be sure, they seemed to roll over on debt ceilings and continuing resolutions, all of which should have put them in a fair bargaining position.  Of course it's not all the fault of the GOP.  The House continues to send bills to the Senate, but Reid routinely shoves them into the shredder before the ink dries. 

Primary challenges are usually a good thing; issues raised and debated, personalities brought out.  But cross-party voting can propel an incompetent featherbrain into the general election as we saw in 2010.

And far more in the GOP are disenchanted with the direction of the Country and of their party than Democrats, thus much more in the hunt for some new blood.  Serious talk of going 3d party isn't helping.  And the simple solutions being touted to some of the most complex issues including taxes, spending, immigration and of course health care can be very popular, giving some candidates a larger podium than they might have the competency for.

On the bright side, it might make for some interesting threads.  I recall some spirited discussions here on candidates like Hayworth, Angle, O'Donnell, and of course Palin.  I sense it won't be an echo-chamber here in the coming months.  :pondering:

I keep thinking back to this quote by President Reagan:

"Government is not a solution to our problem government is the problem."

There is so much undeniable truth in that statement. No matter how many times I read that, I know that Reagan was absolutely right.

Then comes time to elect new public servants, and we discuss the merits of one candidate over the other.

This guy over that guy.

This Party over that Party.

Then it hits me.

This guy, that guy.

This Party, that Party.

They're all "government".

They are the problem, not the solution to the problem.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 05:24:18 am by Luis Gonzalez »
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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #17 on: April 27, 2014, 05:27:53 am »
Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again


1. holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
synonyms:   traditionalist, traditional, conventional, orthodox, old-fashioned,

We are the Party of "everything that's old is better".

How do we campaign against the very definition of who we claim to be?
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 05:28:16 am by Luis Gonzalez »
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

Offline MACVSOG68

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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2014, 12:32:01 pm »
I keep thinking back to this quote by President Reagan:

"Government is not a solution to our problem government is the problem."

There is so much undeniable truth in that statement. No matter how many times I read that, I know that Reagan was absolutely right.

Then comes time to elect new public servants, and we discuss the merits of one candidate over the other.

This guy over that guy.

This Party over that Party.

Then it hits me.

This guy, that guy.

This Party, that Party.

They're all "government".

They are the problem, not the solution to the problem.

Indeed, but in reality none of us wants the alternative to government. 
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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2014, 12:39:25 pm »
Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again

We are the Party of "everything that's old is better".

How do we campaign against the very definition of who we claim to be?

I recall Luis, when you asked the question on another site a few years ago. "What is a conservative"?  You got a few varied responses, which I'm not sure answered the challenge, but I will say it's not always the loudest self-proclaimed "true conservative". 
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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2014, 05:37:06 pm »
I recall Luis, when you asked the question on another site a few years ago. "What is a conservative"?  You got a few varied responses, which I'm not sure answered the challenge, but I will say it's not always the loudest self-proclaimed "true conservative".

In asking that question, I also predicted that the thread would descend into an out and out brawl within 20 posts.

It took even less time than that.

It was after that thread that I developed what I consider to be the answer to the question posted:

« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 05:37:26 pm by Luis Gonzalez »
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2014, 05:45:40 pm »
Indeed, but in reality none of us wants the alternative to government.

I just want an alternative to THIS government.

The problem today is the conflicting nature of the two existing controlling bases of political ideology.

The left spends all its time and energy trying to force people into doing things they don't want to do, while the right spends its time trying to stop people from doing things they want to do.

Both sides see people like me, the "neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg" types as radicals. I am a leftist in right-wing blogs, and a right wing nutjob in left wing ones. Contrarian by nature because I don't want to do things that I don't want to do, and want to do the things that I want to do, so long as I neither pick pockets or break legs.
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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2014, 06:11:36 pm »
"...I just want an alternative to THIS government."

hear, hear!

I don't see us making great strides in 2014 until someone addresses the matter of FRAUD.

And I'm not talking just about the old home garden variety "I found these votes in the trunk of my car" type of fraud.  I'm talking about the type when dims support a faux libertarian to run and take away 5% of the votes which is just enough for our guy to lose. Witness the Virginia governor's race.
Any close race automatically goes to the dim.

What are we going to do about that? Are any of our leaders even going to talk about it?
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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2014, 06:16:03 pm »
"...I just want an alternative to THIS government."

hear, hear!

I don't see us making great strides in 2014 until someone addresses the matter of FRAUD.

And I'm not talking just about the old home garden variety "I found these votes in the trunk of my car" type of fraud.  I'm talking about the type when dims support a faux libertarian to run and take away 5% of the votes which is just enough for our guy to lose. Witness the Virginia governor's race.
Any close race automatically goes to the dim.

What are we going to do about that? Are any of our leaders even going to talk about it?

When I say "this government", I include both parties.

I no longer see this as being a Republican vs Democrat thing. I see it as  people vs government thing.

No one has clean hands in the mess that this nation finds itself in right now.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2014, 06:17:12 pm by Luis Gonzalez »
"Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, i have others." - Groucho Marx

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Re: Winning the GOP Senate Races, Everything Old CANNOT Be New Again
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2014, 06:25:59 pm »
When I say "this government", I include both parties.

I no longer see this as being a Republican vs Democrat thing. I see it as  people vs government thing.

No one has clean hands in the mess that this nation finds itself in right now.

Nailed it. Governing should not be a profession.
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