240b wrote above:
[[ Le Pen grows stronger amid disillusion as FN surprises in French elections Far-right National Front hails breakthrough after disillusioned voters reject François Hollande and both mainstream parties ]]
It will be the nationalistic parties "of the far right" that save Western Europe, if it is to be saved.
No one else can -- or will -- rise to the task.
To some, this may seem ominous. But it is simple reality, for all the "mainstream" parties throughout Europe have run from the cultural destruction that faces them. The far right merely fills the vacuum left by their absence.
Europe's only chance for survival will come with one or more modern-day Charles Martels who literally drive the muslims from their midst, and back to dar el islam.
Harsh -- of course.
But Europeans have but two choices before them in the twenty-first century:
1. Boxcars, or
2. Burqhas.
Which shall it be?