Author Topic: Scott Brown to the rescue (again)? Former Massachusetts senator to announce New Hampshire run, hopes to return in November Republican landslide  (Read 12276 times)

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Offline xyno

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I have no problem with someone new.  That is why we have primaries.  But, I have a couple problems here...

No one has given me the decoder ring to figure out who is what flavor Republican around here.

I get the real sense that some around here would rather have a Democrat elected if the Republican is the wrong flavor.  Am I wrong?

Look, the only thing I give a damn about is that more R's hold office than D's after November.  Then we can sort it out to some extent in 2016.  Otherwise, we will be inexorably screwed.  Hell, we are now.

Offline Rapunzel

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You mean like Steve Stockman who failed to campaign against John Cornyn?  Or Matt Bevin, who was for TARP before he was against it?  Or Lee Bright, who's sitting at 8% against Lindsey Graham?  Or Milt Wolf, who had some kind of necrophiliac obsession?

The quality of Tea Party candidates is getting worse, not better.  Not one GOP Senator will lose his primary this year.

I stayed out of your Texas primary......... there was never a viable senate opposition.  However contrary to your comments above everyone who lives in SC says Lee Bright is a very good person and would make an excellent senator.... according to R4 who LIVES there Lindsay is running ads 24/7..... like every other incumbent K-street gives them men money to keep their power and in return they sell their allegiance to K Street.  It's pretty clear to me... and has nothing to do with Tea Party this or Tea Party that which you like to glom onto day in and day out... fact is people like McConnell, Graham, McCain, etc... need to go..... period.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline xyno

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They do not want to rock the boat so as long as it keeps their 401K high and/or they are able to continue to suck on the government teat.


Offline Rapunzel

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I have no problem with someone new.  That is why we have primaries.  But, I have a couple problems here...

No one has given me the decoder ring to figure out who is what flavor Republican around here.

I get the real sense that some around here would rather have a Democrat elected if the Republican is the wrong flavor.  Am I wrong?

Look, the only thing I give a damn about is that more R's hold office than D's after November.  Then we can sort it out to some extent in 2016.  Otherwise, we will be inexorably screwed.  Hell, we are now.

You're mixing up primaries and general elections.. This is all about primaries right now.  I said months ago Scott Brown would run in NH and he stands the best chance to beat Shaheen... but do I think he will be a reliable Republican... not on your life.  As I said, he is a member of No Labels .. if he was honest he would run as an independent.    Frankly I don't like him... but that is just my impression of the man, he's an ass...

I have real issues with the last time the GOP held the senate, they spent and spent and spent and that is why they were summarily swept from office.... and complain about Tea Party as much as you all want, the congress is only in power because of the Tea Party - who had received ZERO respect in return.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline sinkspur

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You're mixing up primaries and general elections.. This is all about primaries right now.  I said months ago Scott Brown would run in NH and he stands the best chance to beat Shaheen... but do I think he will be a reliable Republican... not on your life.  As I said, he is a member of No Labels .. if he was honest he would run as an independent.    Frankly I don't like him... but that is just my impression of the man, he's an ass...

I have real issues with the last time the GOP held the senate, they spent and spent and spent and that is why they were summarily swept from office.... and complain about Tea Party as much as you all want, the congress is only in power because of the Tea Party - who had received ZERO respect in return.

Ted Cruz has done more to damage the reputation of the Tea Party than any other single person.  He damaged that brand irreparably with non-Tea Party Republicans with his role in the government shutdown.

And now, he's decided he won't support any incumbents in primaries.  The non-Tea Party Republicans are a much larger force than the Tea Party.  And they are speaking loud and clear in this primary season.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline Rapunzel

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Ted Cruz has done more to damage the reputation of the Tea Party than any other single person.  He damaged that brand irreparably with non-Tea Party Republicans with his role in the government shutdown.

And now, he's decided he won't support any incumbents in primaries.  The non-Tea Party Republicans are a much larger force than the Tea Party.  And they are speaking loud and clear in this primary season.

Ted Cruz has done absolutely no harm to the Tea Party. 

You really need to work on your obsession with Cruz, you've had it in for him since the day he announced he was running against Dewhurst who you swore would not lose to Cruz.

And, BTW NO ONE in the GOP RNSC, RNCC, RNC should insert themselves into primaries... Cruz is actually doing the right thing. Want to stop the so-called inflghting in the GOP - get them out of the primaries and let the candidates and the voters in their states duke it out and then endorese the winner. 
« Last Edit: March 15, 2014, 01:55:09 am by Rapunzel »
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Atomic Cow

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You're new here, so I'll let that one pass.  There are people here who have admitted what they care about is ensuring their own financial success via the government.
"...And these atomic bombs which science burst upon the world that night were strange, even to the men who used them."  H. G. Wells, The World Set Free, 1914

"The one pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections." -Lord Acton

Offline sinkspur

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Ted Cruz has done absolutely no harm to the Tea Party. 

You really need to work on your obsession with Cruz, you've had it in for him since the day he announced he was running against Dewhurst who you swore would not lose to Cruz.

Ted Cruz is the FACE of the Tea Party.  Surely you know that. And he is not popular outside of Texas and the Tea Party.

I'm no more obsessed with Cruz than you are with driving Mitch Mc Connell, or Lindsey Graham, or John Cornyn from office.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline sinkspur

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You're new here, so I'll let that one pass.  There are people here who have admitted what they care about is ensuring their own financial success via the government.

I'm completely unaware of any who have expressed that view.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline Rapunzel

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Ted Cruz is the FACE of the Tea Party.  Surely you know that. And he is not popular outside of Texas and the Tea Party.

I'm no more obsessed with Cruz than you are with driving Mitch Mc Connell, or Lindsey Graham, or John Cornyn from office.

Cruz is a conservative.  McConnell and Graham and Lamar Alexander are not........
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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How nice, another reliable vote for the Democrats for almost everything.

Maybe so, but also a warm body with an 'R' after his name who could make the difference between the GOP being the majority and getting to set committee membership and control the proceedings, or being the minority (again).

As much as I hate to admit it, as truth_seeker points out, Brown is about the best we could in terms of getting a republican out of the Northeast; at least he's not a Bloomberg.  In other words, the only choices in many of these places is between a Scott Brown type Republican or a democrat.

This is one place where I think we just have to "close our eyes and think of England" or, to paraphrase it, "close our eyes and think of the Congressional majority."
« Last Edit: March 15, 2014, 02:15:27 am by Oceander »


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Maybe so, but also a warm body with an 'R' after his name who could make the difference between the GOP being the majority and getting to set committee membership and control the proceedings, or being the minority (again).

As much as I hate to admit it, as truth_seeker points out, Brown is about the best we could in terms of getting a republican out of the Northeast; at least he's not a Bloomberg.  In other words, the only choices in many of these places is between a Scott Brown type Republican or a democrat.
You're new here, so I'll let that one pass.  There are people here who have admitted what they care about is ensuring their own financial success via the government.

I don't think that remark was aimed at you; I think it was aimed at those who might harbor the sentiments you described.


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I have no problem with someone new.  That is why we have primaries.  But, I have a couple problems here...

No one has given me the decoder ring to figure out who is what flavor Republican around here.

I get the real sense that some around here would rather have a Democrat elected if the Republican is the wrong flavor.  Am I wrong?

Look, the only thing I give a damn about is that more R's hold office than D's after November.  Then we can sort it out to some extent in 2016.  Otherwise, we will be inexorably screwed.  Hell, we are now.

Unfortunately, the decoder rings were on that Malaysian Airlines flight, so I don't think any of us will be getting them anytime soon!  :silly:

I don't think that anyone here would rather have a democrat elected if the republican on offer is unsavory (shall we say), but there are some people who are extremely dissatisfied with what they see from the average republican politician, and it is that dissatisfaction they focus on.

But when it comes to an actual vote, I think that everyone here would ultimately vote 'R', even if they had to remove their political olfactory organs to do it.

Offline sinkspur

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Cruz is a conservative.  McConnell and Graham and Lamar Alexander are not........

Sez you.  You're in the minority.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline R4 TrumPence

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It is only March and I have seen more Lindsey TV ads than all of obama's in 2012!!!! It is to the point you want to throw something thru the TV and I am not exaggerating!

I am Repub4Bush on FR '02

Offline speekinout

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I get the real sense that some around here would rather have a Democrat elected if the Republican is the wrong flavor.  Am I wrong?

Look, the only thing I give a damn about is that more R's hold office than D's after November.  Then we can sort it out to some extent in 2016.  Otherwise, we will be inexorably screwed.  Hell, we are now.

The posters here are just like the GOP everywhere. There are two factions. One wants to elect a GOP majority in both Houses of Congress. The other wants to purify the GOP. Those two goals are occasionally irreconcilable.

You seem to be on the same side I am. I don't think the twain will ever meet.

Offline speekinout

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I don't think that anyone here would rather have a democrat elected if the republican on offer is unsavory (shall we say), but there are some people who are extremely dissatisfied with what they see from the average republican politician, and it is that dissatisfaction they focus on.

But when it comes to an actual vote, I think that everyone here would ultimately vote 'R', even if they had to remove their political olfactory organs to do it.

I disagree with that. There were a lot of so-called conservatives who didn't vote for Romney in 2012 because he wasn't pure enough. I don't think they've learned their lesson yet.

Online andy58-in-nh

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Ted Cruz has done more to damage the reputation of the Tea Party than any other single person.  He damaged that brand irreparably with non-Tea Party Republicans with his role in the government shutdown.

And now, he's decided he won't support any incumbents in primaries.  The non-Tea Party Republicans are a much larger force than the Tea Party.  And they are speaking loud and clear in this primary season.

Horse Shit.

Pure, and unadulterated.

So put it on your lawn and leave it out of here.

I have my issues with Mr. Cruz's approach to politics, but his opposition to the make-believe "Conservatives" in Washington is not one of them. The Tea Party exists because the GOP leadership is corrupt, bought and paid for by special interest groups that, after they retire from office, they will work for as lobbyists. At least until it all comes undone.

F*** them. I will not sit idly by and await the destruction of my country by people too greedy or stupid to see what Obama and his minions are truly up to, because I don't have a Cayman Islands bank account and a plane fueled and ready to evacuate my family when Hell comes to town, like McConnell and Boehner and all of those little Pretend Patriots do. They know what's coming and have already given up, because they want to milk it for all it's worth before the intractable mathematics of economic impossibility decimates those of us powerless to escape what they have wrought.

I have seen the future and it fails. Unless we rise up and fight the Democrats and Republicans who have bankrupted America, economically and morally.

Oh, and should Scott Brown be the candidate for Senate here in NH, I will vote for him. He's no Tea Party guy. But he's better than what we've got. America won't escape what's coming. But at least we'll have a shot at a Senate - and perhaps a Presidency - controlled by the least corrupt party, with at least a few members who understand that what is at stake is more important than their personal careers.
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn


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The posters here are just like the GOP everywhere. There are two factions. One wants to elect a GOP majority in both Houses of Congress. The other wants to purify the GOP. Those two goals are occasionally irreconcilable.

You seem to be on the same side I am. I don't think the twain will ever meet.

If the twain don't meet then we'll have another in a long line of GOP twain-wrecks and this country will be so much the worse off for it.  Furthermore, if moderates really just care about getting as many 'R's elected as possible, they'd start sweet-talking the conservatives and seducing them into going along with the rest rather than trying to put their backs up against the wall, which just makes them ornery and uncooperative.

Offline katzenjammer

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Horse Shit.

Pure, and unadulterated.

So put it on your lawn and leave it out of here.

I have my issues with Mr. Cruz's approach to politics, but his opposition to the make-believe "Conservatives" in Washington is not one of them. The Tea Party exists because the GOP leadership is corrupt, bought and paid for by special interest groups that, after they retire from office, they will work for as lobbyists. At least until it all comes undone.

F*** them. I will not sit idly by and await the destruction of my country by people too greedy or stupid to see what Obama and his minions are truly up to, because I don't have a Cayman Islands bank account and a plane fueled and ready to evacuate my family when Hell comes to town, like McConnell and Boehner and all of those little Pretend Patriots do. They know what's coming and have already given up, because they want to milk it for all it's worth before the intractable mathematics of economic impossibility decimates those of us powerless to escape what they have wrought.

I have seen the future and it fails. Unless we rise up and fight the Democrats and Republicans who have bankrupted America, economically and morally.

Oh, and should Scott Brown be the candidate for Senate here in NH, I will vote for him. He's no Tea Party guy. But he's better than what we've got. America won't escape what's coming. But at least we'll have a shot at a Senate - and perhaps a Presidency - controlled by the least corrupt party, with at least a few members who understand that what is at stake is more important than their personal careers.

You captured it all in that one sentence.  Thank you for your clarity!!   :patriot:
« Last Edit: March 15, 2014, 02:35:57 am by katzenjammer »

Offline speekinout

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If the twain don't meet then we'll have another in a long line of GOP twain-wrecks and this country will be so much the worse off for it.  Furthermore, if moderates really just care about getting as many 'R's elected as possible, they'd start sweet-talking the conservatives and seducing them into going along with the rest rather than trying to put their backs up against the wall, which just makes them ornery and uncooperative.

Now, how does one do that? The moderates want the most electable GOP candidates, be they Tea Party or not. The Tea Party wants the ones who sound like them, be they electable or not. We would have been much better off without Angle & McDonnell for two. Esp. Angle.

The moderates also don't want to spend all of their campaign funds in primaries. Those funds are better used against dims than against other GOPers. The Tea party is happy to spend funds to eliminate RINOs.

What should the Tea Party do to heal the breach? Or do you think it's only the moderates who need to do something different?


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Now, how does one do that? The moderates want the most electable GOP candidates, be they Tea Party or not. The Tea Party wants the ones who sound like them, be they electable or not. We would have been much better off without Angle & McDonnell for two. Esp. Angle.

The moderates also don't want to spend all of their campaign funds in primaries. Those funds are better used against dims than against other GOPers. The Tea party is happy to spend funds to eliminate RINOs.

What should the Tea Party do to heal the breach? Or do you think it's only the moderates who need to do something different?

And this is why the democrats will pull off a miracle victory in November.

No, I don't think it's only the moderates who need to do something different, I think both sides need to do things differently, and sniping at each other as if the biggest problem this country faces was the other side of the republican party is the first thing both need to knock off.

I've taken just as much flame from the tea partiers here when I've said this as I'm likely to take from moderates.

That being said, reasonable minds would have to agree that it is the moderates who control the party and who have historically/traditionally controlled the party, and who tend to be a larger, but not overwhelming, portion of the members of the party.  As such, the moderates have an obligation to reach out to the dissidents - who this time around are the tea partiers - to see what they can do, without giving in to every Sharron Angle who comes around, to get some unity and cooperation to fight against the democrats rather than against each other.

It's just like in grade school:  the big kid has an obligation to not beat up on the little kid even if the little kid is making a real pest of himself.

Offline Rapunzel

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Now, how does one do that? The moderates want the most electable GOP candidates, be they Tea Party or not. The Tea Party wants the ones who sound like them, be they electable or not. We would have been much better off without Angle & McDonnell for two. Esp. Angle.

The moderates also don't want to spend all of their campaign funds in primaries. Those funds are better used against dims than against other GOPers. The Tea party is happy to spend funds to eliminate RINOs.

What should the Tea Party do to heal the breach? Or do you think it's only the moderates who need to do something different?

The moderates have not been doing so well .. Like Rombry... Why are the modetates so unwilling to do what  conservatives have been doing for 30 years... Why do moderates persist on looking down their noses at conservatives like we're dog pooh when the moderates are responsible for the initial spending nding spree that tankedour economy.  i think its time to try conservatism for a  change.

akways expecting us to go along eith your big doending, big hovernmdnt cznfiates
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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Now, how does one do that? The moderates want the most electable GOP candidates, be they Tea Party or not. The Tea Party wants the ones who sound like them, be they electable or not. We would have been much better off without Angle & McDonnell for two. Esp. Angle.

The moderates also don't want to spend all of their campaign funds in primaries. Those funds are better used against dims than against other GOPers. The Tea party is happy to spend funds to eliminate RINOs.

What should the Tea Party do to heal the breach? Or do you think it's only the moderates who need to do something different?

quoth the moderate

The moderates have not been doing so well .. Like Rombry... Why are the modetates so unwilling to do what  conservatives have been doing for 30 years... Why do moderates persist on looking down their noses at conservatives like we're dog pooh when the moderates are responsible for the initial spending nding spree that tankedour economy.  i think its time to try conservatism for a  change.

akways expecting us to go along eith your big doending, big hovernmdnt cznfiates

quoth the conservative/tea partier

Thank you so very much say the democrats.

Offline speekinout

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And this is why the democrats will pull off a miracle victory in November.

No, I don't think it's only the moderates who need to do something different, I think both sides need to do things differently, and sniping at each other as if the biggest problem this country faces was the other side of the republican party is the first thing both need to knock off.

I've taken just as much flame from the tea partiers here when I've said this as I'm likely to take from moderates.

That being said, reasonable minds would have to agree that it is the moderates who control the party and who have historically/traditionally controlled the party, and who tend to be a larger, but not overwhelming, portion of the members of the party.  As such, the moderates have an obligation to reach out to the dissidents - who this time around are the tea partiers - to see what they can do, without giving in to every Sharron Angle who comes around, to get some unity and cooperation to fight against the democrats rather than against each other.

It's just like in grade school:  the big kid has an obligation to not beat up on the little kid even if the little kid is making a real pest of himself.

I don't think the moderates have control of the party right now. The emotion is all with the Tea Party branch. I don't see them being willing to compromise. But I'm not sure what the compromise would be. It's a battle between gaining control of the Senate and purifying the party. Those two goals aren't often compatible. I'm sure that almost every moderate would vote for a Tea Party candidate in both the primary and general election if that candidate was the most electable GOP candidate in the state. And they would vote for that candidate in the general election if he or she won the primary. The Tea Party would only vote for their candidate in the primary, whether or not he or she had a better chance in the general than a more moderate candidate would. And they might just stay home if the moderate GOP candidate won the primary.

Cheer me up by convincing me that I'm wrong.  :shrug: