Author Topic: The CPAC Wedding, and How The 'Liberty Movement' Are Acting Just Like 'Obama Zombies'  (Read 2002 times)

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Offline Lipstick on a Hillary

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National Harbor, MD – Even a CPAC veteran like me was shocked on Saturday night. I've been to six Conservative Political Action Conferences in six years. But I don't think I could have ever been prepared for the 'Casa De Liberte' party, hosted by some friends of friends of mine this weekend. Note the degrees of separation.
I have a lot of colleagues that align themselves with the Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) organisation, a spin off of Ron Paul's student network from his presidential bid in 2008. So when I was told that the party was an unofficial YAL gathering, I gladly RSVPd.

Abandoning Steve Stockman's 'Bath Party' and snubbing Reaganpalooza were maybe my best and worst decisions of a week-long trip. Upon entering we were charged a fee and told there were kegs outside and some other booze floating around. Pretty standard party then. Apart from the staircase portraits of America's founding fathers leading up to a huge, framed Ron Paul. Eep.

While CPAC proper has its own fair share of eccentrics (and we love them for it), the robotic nature of this year's 'Stand With Rand' (Ron Paul's son) entourage deeply distressed me. While the expression 'PaulBots' goes back to his father, former Congressman Ron Paul, the Rand Paul followers of this year seemed devoid of emotion. Ruthless perhaps, even cultish.

A messianic picture was hanging in the front room of the party. Ron Paul with his hand placed on the shoulders of some small black children, smiling down. Was he turning water to wine, or feeding 5000? Of course a Gadsden Flag hung proudly next to it, while some frat boy types played beer pong (beirut to purists) on a YAL branded beer pong table.

I wasn't yet hugely surprised by any of this. More intrigued as to how many libertarian cliches could be crammed into one house. My conservative friends who made the trip with me agreed: this was no ordinary CPAC event.

Our suspicions were confirmed when a man, presumably one of the hosts, stood atop a chair and began to read a poem from a crumbled yellow piece of paper. It was of course predictably PaulBotesque, He struggled to read his own writing: "We stand at the precipice of something quite large. When soon you wackobirds will be the ones who are in charge... A toast if you will, please raise your glass tall, to the next President of the United States: Dr. Rand Paul!"

"President Paul!" they chanted back monotonously. The leader is good, the leader is great...

After the speech I spoke to man who reflected on the crowd's chants of "U.S.A! U.S.A!"

That was my favourite part, I said. Nothing wrong with a bit of healthy patriotism. "Oh, that was ironic," I was told. "They regard chanting the name of the country as inherently statist. And it is".

"Uh..." I eloquently replied.

"They should have been chanting each state's name, individually. And even then its still kind of pro-government," he explained. I made my escape.

Outside, numerous students exchanged opinions about Rand Paul. I say exchanged opinions. It was basically a "where were you when?" affair relating to Rand's speech, or Rand's appearance at some event. Someone bragged about having touched the Kentucky Senator's arm: "And then he looked at me and smiled".

Another well-dressed liberty lover regaled me with a story about how a dock worker from Virginia was responsible for the formulation of the U.S. Constitution due to tidal levels of the Potomac River. I forget how, but when I told him I was going to look up his story to corroborate it, he remarked, "Oh I doubt you'll find that written anywhere".

When the kegs ran out, I figured it was my cue to leave. We ordered our Uber taxi and attempted to make our escape. That is until a ground-shaking cheer emerged from the house. A man came running out, "They got married! They got married!" Our faces were puzzled to say the least.

He explained that a couple had just been married inside the house by a friend who "became ordained within minutes on the internet".

"So this cult is now marrying people?" a friend of mine asked. The man looked upset and walked away. Which was probably fair. After all, two of his friends just entered into contract with one another ('marriage' is like, so statist, right?)

But there's no denying that the peculiarity of this party had just reached unprecedented highs. Our cab arrived, but I rushed back inside to find out what had happened. No one explained any further. People were back to chanting, "President Paul" and playing beer pong. The happy couple were nowhere to be seen.

While Rand Paul swept the CPAC straw poll due to his father's forerunning, his own personal appeal, and the grassroots YAL-type networks that now flood the conference each year, I couldn't help but feel that there was something a little Obama Zombie about this 'liberty movement'. Ironically, they don't come across as individuals at all, but rather a hive-mind, operating as one.

Online jmyrlefuller

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I couldn't help but feel that there was something a little Obama Zombie about this 'liberty movement'. Ironically, they don't come across as individuals at all, but rather a hive-mind, operating as one.
It's kind of sad that because of what happened in 2012, this kind of environment will have to be cultivated as the years go on. The Democrats openly encourage such behavior and if there is going to be any hope of an opposition we need people that can do the same.
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Online mountaineer

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I saw the Ron Paul-bots in action in 2008 at our state's GOP convention and only hope his son has enough sense to separate himself from such leftist (not libertarian) fools.

Offline Rapunzel

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and this is what continues to concern me about a potential Rand Paul run for office.  I cannot shake the fact he IS Ron Paul's son - maybe a lot smarter and that could also make him much smoother.. ala Obama.
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Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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I tried hard to find something I could write that would piss off the conservative who responded but I could only come up with "I pretty much agree with the sentiment of the others who have commented on this thread."  Rand Paul is a very attractive candidate unfortunately some of his supporters inherited from his father concern me.

Offline Slide Rule

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Lots of conservatives don't go to CPAC for a straw vote.

It takes the votes of all of us.  And in the counting it seems conservative principle stands for more
than the name Paul.

I vote.  I have not missed a vote since my first for Nixon.  I used to work the election, but no longer.

We need a total conservative, not just an economic one.

This is as humble as I am.


White, American, MAGA, 3% Neanderthal, and 97% Extreme Right Wing Conservative.


J Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson
E Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France
N Davies, Europe: A History
R Feynman, The Feynman Lectures on Physics
R Penrose, The Road To Reality & The Emperor's New Mind
K Popper, An Open Society and Its Enemies & The Logic of Scientific Discovery
A Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, & Everything he wrote

Offline Lipstick on a Hillary

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My first vote was for Nixon, too. 

I will happily vote for Rand Paul, or whatever candidate is running to the right of Hillary Clinton.


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I tried hard to find something I could write that would piss off the conservative who responded but I could only come up with "I pretty much agree with the sentiment of the others who have commented on this thread."  Rand Paul is a very attractive candidate unfortunately some of his supporters inherited from his father concern me.

did you read the op-ed he wrote at breitbart?

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I will happily vote for Rand Paul, or whatever candidate is running to the right of Hillary Clinton.
Me too. Nothing more complicated. In my case, I never threaten to not vote, or threaten to vote 3rd party, either. That means the Republican.
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Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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did you read the op-ed he wrote at breitbart?
Just read it now, because you pointed it out.  Thanx.

I thought it was a powerful arguement and it makes me like Rand Paul even more.  His admission that use of the military was needed after 9-11 shows he is not his father.

As far as his perceived swipes against Cruz, both men need to differentiate each other to stand out in the run for President.  It's bound to get less cordial and I'd remind everyone that the GOPe is paying Sen Paul good money to endorse and defend Sen McConnell. ^-^

Offline katzenjammer

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If Rand Paul decides to seek the nomination he will have a whole host of tightropes to walk.  One of the largest will be to galvanize the support of the nationwide liberty movement that his father's campaigns spawned, without appearing to embrace the fringiest of the fringe.  There are a lot of these liberty movement people (especially the younger ones) that are already suspicious of Rand's "smooth politicking."  The appearance of Jesse Benton in the senior Paul's last campaign started a rift that's been torn open wider by the Benton-McConnell connection.  To say the least, it will be a very big challenge for Rand Paul.

Offline ABX

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One of the things that was the final nail in the coffin of me never being able to support Ron Paul was the realization in 07-08 that he saw all of this cult of personality going on, including not just the creepy actions of his followers, but out and out scams like the 'Ron Paul Race Car' (someone raised thousands for a NASCAR sponsorship and disappeared with the money), Blimp, etc. Not only did he turn a blind eye to it, he encouraged it. The 'Liberty' movement became a cult of personality around a politician. I didn't believe a thing about the movement being about real Liberty. It seemed to be more of stroking one man's ego and branding his name.

"Liberty" turned into demanding a guy from the government to help (and it had to be that one guy- only Ron Paul can save us....)