Author Topic: Larry King: I Have Never Heard Of Juanita Broaddrick  (Read 912 times)

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Larry King: I Have Never Heard Of Juanita Broaddrick
« on: February 14, 2014, 01:42:40 am »

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
February 13, 2014 4:28 pm

Famed former CNN host Larry King said he has never heard of Juanita Broaddrick Thursday in an interview with Steve Malzberg on Newsmax TV.

Broadrrick, a former Arkansas nursing home worker, accused President Clinton of raping her during the late 1970s in a 1998 Dateline interview.

Malzberg was describing a double standard of media coverage during the 2012 conventions, noting left wing pundits dubbed the GOP convention a “convention of rapists” while remaining silent on President Clinton’s keynote address despite sexual assault allegations directed against the former president.

King interjected “Hold up, hold up. Stop! Bill Clinton was accused of rape?” Malzberg reacted incredulously, telling King his obliviousness was revealing considering King’s prior work in the mainstream media.

The former CNN host doubled down and asked Malzberg to start “spreading the name Juanita Broaddrick around and see how many correct answers you get as to who is Juanita Broaddrick.”

The two embarked on a further heated exchange about partisanship within the national media. King alleged he’s never worked a network where there was a “built in” bias against a particular party’s convention:

STEVE MALZBERG: Larry, let me tell you something that they (the media) didn’t cover, okay? The convention. The convention of the Republicans in 2012 was called by some in the media — on the really radical left — and many politicians and pundits, ‘the convention of rapists.’ Why? Because one stupid Congressman said something stupid about rape. That tainted the whole convention. Yet, Bill Clinton was the keynote a week later for the Democrats. Bill Clinton, who was accused of rape, of sexual assault, of taking it out and having an affair in the Oval Office.

LARRY KING: Hold up, hold up. Stop! Bill Clinton was accused of rape?

MALZBERG: Juanita Broaddrick. Wait a minute. The name Juanita Broaddrick. You don’t know that name?

KING: Accused him of rape?

MALZBERG: Larry, with all due respect, that speaks volumes, Larry, volumes.

KING: Was he charged?

MALZBERG: I said he was accused. Larry –

KING: Okay, Steve, I accuse you of being a [inaudible] –

MALZBERG: If George W. Bush, if a story had come out from a woman while he was running for president, that he had raped a woman in college, you think you never would have heard of that woman, Larry? You made my point.

KING: I never heard of Clinton — Steve, it sounds like you’ve gone off the top.

MALZBERG: Larry, Larry, Google Juanita Broaddrick. Larry, Lisa Myers of NBC News –

KING: Steve, Clinton was one of the great presidents we have ever had. And what a president does — I never heard of her.

MALZBERG: Larry, Lisa Myers of NBC News did a half hour sit-down with her at the time. Google it, look it up. I can’t believe you do not know the name Juanita Broaddrick.

KING: I’ll tell you. Start spreading the name Juanita Broaddrick around and see how many correct answers you get as to who is Juanita Broaddrick.

MALZBERG: Okay. And Kathleen Wiley said in the Oval Office she was assaulted sexually. Have you heard of her?

KING: If you are — if you like these kind of things as conspiracies –

MALZBERG: She was on 60 Minutes, Larry!

KING: Will you respect me that I have never heard an agenda of any network that I have ever worked at? Will you respect that or are you not believing me?

MALZBERG: What’s that?

KING: I’ve never heard network people get together and have an agenda. I’ve never heard of it. I’ve covered every convention since 1960, never gone to a convention with a built-in bias.

MALZBERG: Okay, I respect that is how you feel.
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Re: Larry King: I Have Never Heard Of Juanita Broaddrick
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2014, 01:43:42 am »
Larry's lying or he has dementia...everyone in the MSM knew who Broaddrick was..they just refused to report it..
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Re: Larry King: I Have Never Heard Of Juanita Broaddrick
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2014, 01:45:36 am »
Well, thanks for proving that you're NOT a journalist, Larry.
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Re: Larry King: I Have Never Heard Of Juanita Broaddrick
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2014, 01:50:56 am »
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: Larry King: I Have Never Heard Of Juanita Broaddrick
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2014, 03:04:19 am »
Larry has been soiling adult Depends for some time now so he likely doesn't remember what he had for breakfast this morning either.  I cannot think of anyone's opinion off the top of my head I care less about....

Moving on....


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Re: Larry King: I Have Never Heard Of Juanita Broaddrick
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2014, 03:51:59 pm »
I wonder if he still remembers which wife he's married to now.
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Re: Larry King: I Have Never Heard Of Juanita Broaddrick
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2014, 04:07:21 pm »
article dated 2005

Broaddrick is also tremendously proud of her son, attorney Kevin Hickey, who appeared on “Larry King Live” in March 1999 defending his mother against guests Dee Dee Myers and David Gergen, former Clinton advisers. Kevin was only 9 years old when the rape happened, and his mother didn’t burden him with her ordeal until rumors began surfacing during the 1992 campaign. Then, she sat down with Kevin and told him what Bill Clinton had done to her. He was shocked and angry at then-candidate Clinton.

“I couldn’t believe what was happening,” Kevin told Larry King. “But I could tell, just by the look in her face, that this was just a terrible, terrible experience.” When Larry King asked Kevin what his feelings were toward Clinton, Kevin replied, “Disgust. The guy has got into a high office – a lot of people think he’s a very good politician and that may be true, but I think he leaves a lot to be desired as a person and that’s pretty much my feelings of him.” Dee Dee Myers and David Gergen were left fumbling for words, admitting that they found Kevin and his mother quite believable. Gergen said that Kevin’s interview gave him pause because “what mother would tell her son that she had been raped if it hadn’t happened?” Broaddrick says of her son’s interview, “He was awesome. … Dee Dee Myers and David Gergen were speechless after Kevin’s interview.” After Broaddrick’s interview with the WSJ, the White House issued its first direct statement mentioning Juanita Broaddrick by name.