Author Topic: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread  (Read 59606 times)

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #50 on: July 13, 2010, 12:46:54 pm »


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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #51 on: July 14, 2010, 12:49:29 pm »
Revised and updated website on the truth about the Democrats and the BP oil spill:

Got more discussion of it on GBR here: BP Republicans?  No, BP Democrats.  The Real Story of the BP Oil Spill


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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #52 on: July 15, 2010, 12:26:19 pm »


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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #53 on: July 17, 2010, 04:30:35 am »

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #54 on: July 26, 2010, 01:56:29 am »
all of which begs the question: What, really, does the NutRoots want, really?  Even Dr. Dean this morning is all ticked at Obama......
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Badeye

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #55 on: September 30, 2010, 08:20:51 pm »
The drunk in the last hour was hilarious.
Trump is going to win AGAIN

Offline DCPatriot

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #56 on: January 12, 2011, 11:33:41 pm »

Jared Loughner's Friend on GMA: "He Didn't Listen to Political Radio"

January 12, 2011


RUSH:  It was interesting on Good Morning America today, and it was interesting what wasn't in the New York Times today that they no doubt heard, that they edited out.  And it's interesting how some people are upset with me over what I said yesterday.  So we'll deal with all of that and we'll just keep plodding on. 

The Excellence in Broadcasting Network.  I am Rush Limbaugh, great to be with you, folks, as is the case each and every day here at the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies.  Telephone number if you want to be on the program, 800-282-2882.  The e-mail address, 

Good Morning America in New York City was truncated today because of coverage of the snow bomb that went through there.  I got a tip earlier today that one of the shooter's friends appeared on Good Morning America and said the kid, the shooter, never listened to talk radio.  Well, now, I, Mr. Talk Radio, found that pretty interesting.  So we tried to find it on the New York feed of Good Morning America, it wasn't there.  So we got a transcript of the program, we found out that the kid did say it, the friend of the shooter did say it.  We had to get it from the Cleveland feed, and if we weren't able to do that we were gonna get it on the West Coast feed.  Here it is.  This morning on Good Morning America a portion of an interview Ashleigh Banfield did with Zach Osler, who is a high school friend of the shooter Jared Loughner.  Ashleigh Banfield: "What was his motive in Saturday's attack and what about the speculation that he may have been fueled by partisan politics and rhetoric in the media?"

OSLER: He did not watch TV. He disliked the news. He didn't listen to political radio. He didn't take sides. He wasn't on the left; he wasn't on the right.

RUSH:  Doesn't that kind of debunk virtually all speculation that we have heard since 30 minutes after the shooting on Saturday in the media?  You know what the latest template in the media is?  Why are we on the right so defensive about this?  Mark Halperin got this one started, TIME Magazine, "You know, these guys on the right, I mean, you know, they're reacting here, it's a little bit over the top."  What do you mean a little bit over the top?  We have been accused of being complicit in murder for four days.  It's not an isolated incident.  Ever since 1990 the political left in this country has been mobilized to try to get this program off the air via one form of government regulation or another, or other kind of public pressure.  They have never stopped.  I was blamed for the Oklahoma bombing in 1995. 

This is not an isolated event.  Every time something like this happens, some disaster, it doesn't take 30 minutes for the media to start speculating that it's talk radio, and now Fox News and the blogs on the right and everything else.  I got a lot of people who sent me e-mails yesterday: "Rush, I thought you were a little bit over the top yesterday when you said the Democrat Party profits from murder, wants to profit."  How else can I say this?  Try to put yourself in my shoes and I want you to try to do this outside of the normal give-and-take and ebb-and-flow of the daily hardball that is politics.  Here we have a deranged, obviously mentally insane young man who has fired on and killed a number of people, wounded others.  On Saturday, I was in my home watching NFL football.  I happened to be alone.  I hadn't been to Tucson, Arizona, in 20 years and all of a sudden I read it's my fault, and I'm hearing people say it's my fault and that it's inspired by me and what I do.  I want you to put yourself in my shoes.  And then more and more powerful political people start standing up and making that claim, including the chief law enforcement official for that county, Clarence Dupnik, a law enforcement official who has the ability to influence jury pools. You know the power of law enforcement.  I've dealt with it myself before. 

I'm minding my own business, bothering nobody.  This program does nothing but try to inspire people to be the best they can be.  This program takes aim at political opponents.  Can't say that anymore, I bet.  That's too incendiary.  That kind of rhetoric takes aim at political opponents.  Nevertheless, I'm just supposed to smile.  "Oh, that's just the sheriff. Oh, that's just the media."  I've had the president of the United States, Bill Clinton, accuse me of racism at a White House Correspondents Dinner.  I've had that same president blame me for the Oklahoma City bombing, and now while I'm watching a football game last Saturday afternoon, I'm listening to the entire Democrat Party and media complex blame me for what happened in Tucson on Saturday, and then the sheriff out there. 

Now, I ask you, you all know that I am a political enemy of these people.  These are the people that keep talking about limiting speech with the Fairness Doctrine. The other day Al Sharpton goes to the FCC to want hearings on me to get them to curb what I can say.  He came out of there claiming the FCC's interested in holding these hearings.  Look, I'm not telling you people anything you don't know.  You know that there are constant assaults on the existence of this program.  There are constant serious political efforts made to terminate this program and all of talk radio, Fox News and what have you.  So we have this incident, and now I have to sit here and just let it roll off my back that I'm responsible for this.  Anything I say is overreacting to it.  What I see is the Democrat Party, its representatives and its supporters on the American left attempting to take a genuine human tragedy, and their first instinct is to politicize it, and that desire, their political desire is to silence, to quiet people who they consider their opposition:  me, people who do what I do, and Fox News.  If that is not attempting to profit off murder, I don't know what it is.  "But Mr. Limbaugh, that was very vicious to say it that way." 
See, this is the problem.  The truth is the great casualty.  And what do you think the target is when people begin to say, "We've gotta dial back this heated rhetoric?"  Truth is the great enemy to the Democrat Party.  Truth is the great enemy to the American left.  They have to wipe out truth whenever they can and wherever they see it, because truth is not them.  So it was not intended yesterday as a media tweak.  I intended to say these people profit off of these things, they try to.  Their first instinct, they couldn't help it, every time something like this happens, is to advance their political agenda.  And we know that part and parcel of their political agenda is to shut this radio program down, to shut down Fox News, to shut down all of what they call conservative talk radio.  We know that this is what they seek.  We've got Jim Clyburn out today saying we need the Fairness Doctrine back, despite now clear-cut evidence this shooter was in no way, shape, manner, or form affected by what happens on this program.  Quite the opposite.  This man was affected by media creations of leftists. 

We have pretty good evidence here that one of the things that really upset this man or really influenced him was a series of documentaries and movies.  "According to reports..." In fact, let's keep the sound bites going.  I want to play #3 again.  Zach Osler this morning on Good Morning America -- and, by the way, the New York Times talked to the guy, too.  I have to think the guy told the New York Times the same thing he said to Good Morning America.  They edited it out.  Again, Ashleigh Banfield asked (this is Zach Osler, one of the friends of the shooter), "What was his motive in Saturday's attack?  What about all this speculation he may have been fueled by partisan politics and rhetoric in the media? "

OSLER: He did not watch TV. He disliked the news. He didn't listen to political radio. He didn't take sides. He wasn't on the left; he wasn't on the right.

RUSH: "He disliked the news. He didn't listen to political radio. He didn't take sides. He wasn't on the left; he wasn't on the right." He sounds to me like he's a candidate for membership in the new No Labels group.  This guy sounds to me like he's the model citizen for this bunch calling themselves No Labels and other political consultants who seek to identify the great undecided, the great independents, the great moderates and try to influence them to vote for the candidates that are paying them to get them elected.  This guy doesn't sound like a political partisan.  We know that his history with Gabrielle Giffords goes back to 2007.  We know that she had sent him a note thanking him for attending one of her public appearances, and he had written on the note. They found the note -- and I'm gonna quote accurately, so forgive me here if you're offended. 

The note says, "Die, bitch. Die, cops."

The note she wrote to him, that's his scribble on it. 

The letter thanked him for attending an event of hers, was found in a safe in his Tucson home.  I have a New York Times story that I'll dig outta my stack here in mere moments about the Republican agenda proving how they hoped to profit from this, a tragedy.  In fact, one of the New York Times stories that I have today is almost a threat to John Boehner. (You better cancel what you were gonna do now that this happened; don't even think about repealing Obamacare now.  You better not do that!)  Don't try to tell me these people are not advancing their political agenda on the backs of the wounded.  They always accuse us of trying to "balance the budget on the backs of the poor," do they not?  They always accuse us of making the homeless homeless.  Here they are attempting to advance their political agenda on the backs of the dead and the wounded.  I don't know how else to describe it. It's exactly what's happening here.  So Ms. Banfield, another portion of her interview with Zach Osler.  After Osler said that Loughner wasn't on the left or on the right, never listened to political radio, Ashley Banfield said...

BANFIELD:  Instead he points to this online documentary series called Zeitgeist as the gas on Loughner's fire.  It's a documentary movement that rails on currency-based economics.

OSLER:  I really think that this is Zeitgeist documentary had a profound impact upon Jared Loughner's mind-set and how he viewed the world that he lives in.

RUSH:  It wasn't just Zeitgeist. " According to reports, Loughner's favorites included little-known conspiracy theory documentaries such as 'Zeitgeist' and 'Loose Change' as well as ... 'Donnie Darko' and 'A Scanner Darkly.'" Now, Zeitgeist is "a 2007 documentary that asserts Jesus Christ is a myth, that 9/11 was orchestrated by the government, and that bankers manipulate the international monetary system and the media in order to consolidate power."  So a conspiracy movie (put together by deranged leftists, it turns out) appears to be, according to his best friend, the most influential media of this young man's life.  "'Loose Change' is a series of films released between 2005 and 2009 which argue that the September 11, 2001 attacks were planned and conducted by elements within the United States government..." 

So he's a "truther," or he bought into this notion that the people like -- a couple of Hollywood lefties, I forget their names -- have advanced the notion that Bush was behind all of this on 9/11, the government was.  "'Donnie Darko' (2001) and 'A Scanner Darkly' (2006) are movies about altered states of consciousness and brainwashing." So left-wing documentary makers are not to blame for his actions even though his close friends identify left-wing documentaries and movies as highly influential.  How come Hollywood is not to blame?  And guess who's also escaping total blame here?  Let me identify that person by asking you a question: If George W. Bush were president today, who do you think the media would be blaming for this?

George W. Bush and the war in Iraq and the lies about weapons of mass destruction would have been responsible for driving this guy crazy.  Plus, of course, Bush was behind 9/11! But Obama somehow escapes.  But who is it that has this hard-left agenda not supported by the majority of Americans?  Who is it that's the author of the hard-left agenda not supported by the majority of Americans -- shoved through without reading the health care bill -- that might make a sick man a little crazy?  Has Obama unified us, as was his promise, his intent?  As we saw last week, analysis of the last election shows that Obama, his party and their tactics have split us right on racial lines. 

"Oh, come on, Rush! Now you're really reaching for it, blaming Obama."

Oh, come on, folks.  Sarah Palin?  Sarah Palin?  I don't know what she was doing Saturday.  For all I know, she was hunting a moose, maybe watching football.  I have no idea, but I know that she wasn't in Tucson.  Nor were any of the people who have been accused of this.  Speaking of the Bamster, let's do a little flashback.  March 18th of 2009 in Washington, after Obama delivered remarks on the South Lawn about bonuses on Wall Street.  Remember, the shooter thought bankers were part of a conspiracy controlling the world.  A reporter said, "Mr. President, new round of bonuses from these contracts are coming out.  What could you say to the American public to quell the anger?  Because people are angry about this new round of bonuses coming out.  There's more bonuses.  It's said to be coming for AIG executives."

OBAMA MARCH 18, 2009:  I don't want to quell anger.  I think people are right to be angry.  I'm angry! What I want us to do, though, is channel our anger in a constructive way.  It's very important to r-remind ourselves that there are a whole bunch of folks now who are feigning outrage about these bonuses that a year ago or two years ago or three years ago said, "Well, we should never mettle in these compensation plans. These are the best and the brightest. They know what they're doing."

RUSH:  Right.

OBAMA:  "That's part of the market," and now suddenly they're outraged.

RUSH:  Right.  So here's a guy whose favorite movie is Zeitgeist, Jesus Christ is a myth, 9/11 was orchestrated, bankers manipulate the international monetary system and the media to consolidate power -- and the president of the United States in 2009 says, " I don't want to quell anger.  I think people are right to be angry.  I'm angry!"

"Come on, Rush, you can't seriously mean that."

Hey, look, there's more basis in fact for throwing that out. If you want to start talking about blaming people that aren't responsible, it's a two-way street, media. 

You don't like how it sounds? 

Join the club.


RUSH:  I stand corrected on something. Well, it's major but minor in terms of an error.  I said that ABC News did not post the Zach Osler story, his comments that the shooter, Mr. Loughner, did not listen to political radio.  They did post it, but they buried his comments about talk radio.  I've got the link to the ABC News website online.  The revelation that Loughner did not listen to talk radio or news did not make the first page of the ABC News story.  It wasn't mentioned by ABC until the 12th paragraph of their story.  Now, that happens to be purposeful because what has been the mantra? What's been the template, the narrative, ever since Saturday?  It has been that Loughner was influenced by the "mean-spirited rhetoric" heard on this program, Fox News and other talk radio programs. 

That's been the template, and the discussion has not been, "What are we gonna do about mentally deranged people?" not, "What are we gonna do about sheriffs that don't do their jobs?"  No! It's been, "What are we gonna do about Limbaugh?  What are we gonna do about Palin?  What are we gonna do about talk radio?"  So ABC News' Good Morning America bumped what for them was a major scoop, which has been the topic of the news cycle for four days.  They bumped it in New York for a snowstorm -- and who outside of the environs of New York City cared about weather in New York City anyway?  So will Dupnik now apologize?  We have ABC, Good Morning America, in the 12th paragraph of their website story: His friend says he never listened to political radio. 

"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #57 on: January 13, 2011, 01:22:19 am »
Thanks for posting this, DC
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #58 on: January 14, 2011, 11:52:42 pm »

Why Dems Want Everyone to Sit Together at the State of the Union

January 14, 2011


RUSH:  Listen to this.  This is Mark Udall who is related somehow to Mo Udall.  He's maybe a son -- nephew, niece, adopted brother, whatever -- of old congressional hand Mo Udall. He's from Colorado, a Democrat.  This was on MSNBC yesterday afternoon during a discussion about his proposal for Democrats and Republicans to sit together during the State of the Union address. "Did this idea," he was asked, "come to you after Sunday's horrific shooting?"

UDALL:  It did.  It just seems like it's an idea that -- whose time has come, and I'm pleased to tell you a number of my colleagues, Democrats and Republicans alike, seem to like the idea and I think you'll see it happen at the State of the Union.  A week from Tuesday, a group of us will do this. I intend to go over to the Republican side where the senators sit and I'll sit over there at the State of the Union, but I -- I think you're gonna see an upwelling of commitment and support for this idea in both the House and the Senate.

RUSH:  Okay.  So the Republicans and Democrats, House and Senate, are going to sit together in the House chamber.  That's the plan, that's the idea.  Yesterday afternoon I guess -- da-da-da-da-da-da -- anchor Thomas Roberts on MSNBC said this...

ROBERTS:  When we went from fourth grade to fifth grade, they mixed up our home rooms, and none of us liked it at the time --

MAN: (cackling)

ROBERTS: -- then we liked each other! In fifth grade, it all seemed to work out.

RUSH:  Oh, we did it when we were in school, okay.  That's the level of analysis you get in MSNBC.  "They made us switch fourth and fifth grade home rooms, put us together.  We liked the fifth graders."  Okay.  We go back to MSNBC's Morning Joe.  Kirsten Gillibrand was asked if she liked the idea.

GILLIBRAND:  It's a great idea, and I'm gonna encourage my colleagues to do exactly that.  I think to have a vision of our elected body sitting together -- not on opposite sides and one side standing up while on the other side sits down -- I think it would be a wonderful message and something that the American people would appreciate seeing.  I think it's a great idea.

RUSH:  Yeah.  What...? (interruption) What's gonna be right around the corner?  Play dates.  Well, this is the kind of garbage it leads to.  Utter symbolism! "We're going to sit together as a result of the shooting in Arizona."  Yeah.  Well, okay. (chuckles)  I just... (interruption) This is really gonna make it... (interruption) There's Kirsten Gillibrand asked, "Senator, she's a dear friend of yours.  Tell us something between you and Gabrielle Giffords that's happened.  Let us know more about her.  Obviously she's an extraordinary woman, a fighter.  Tell us so we know more about her beyond the strategic tragedy we've witnessed."

GILLIBRAND:  She's the most nonpartisan person I've ever met.  She represents a very conservative district, a border district in Arizona.  She loves her constituents.  She's someone who always gravitates toward solutions and finding compromise, working with Republicans.  She's the vision of hope for this country right now!  She embodies everything that President Obama was trying to say, that we have to be better than we are, that we all have to conduct ourselves better than we do.

RUSH:  Why?  Obama said none of that mattered.  None of that had anything to do with what happened.  What I don't like about this is the assumption that we are no good.  The premise that we are no good and everybody says, "Yes, that's true.  We really stink, and we have to really work a lot harder to become better people.  We are going to have to really work harder to become better than we are."  Who are they to castigate the rest of us?  If they want to categorize themselves as not good enough, fine and dandy.  But who are they?

Why do we have to sit around and listen to these people tell us we're not as good as we can be?  What message are we supposed to hear here? What's the message that we have to hear? That we're all ready for improvement? The GOP's supposed to capitulate? That's how we get along with everybody?  Here's Roger Simon today on MSNBC.  Question: "How important of a moment has this been for President Obama?  Did he lay down a marker that we will all -- that this will be one of those points on the timeline that all of us will look back on, or are we overhyping this a little?"

SIMON:  I think it was a heartbreakingly beautiful speech and important in that respect, and he did make an important point.  Underlying that speech was a statement that we are not worthy as a country right now --

RUSH:  Aw, come on!

SIMON:  -- to solve these problems --

RUSH:  Come on, man.

SIMON:  -- without spinning off into more heightened rhetoric and disagreement and that we have to become better in order to make our country better.

RUSH:  Speak for yourself! How dare you people characterize 300 million people upon the actions of one!  "I think the underlying point in that speech was the statement that we are not worthy as a country right now to solve these problems."  Okay. Well, then let's stop solving them.  Who the hell...? Did Obama even say that?  Did Obama say we are not worthy?  Well, wait.  He might have when he admonished all of us to make the America that the nine-year-old hoped existed. Well, maybe he did. Maybe that's how a liberal would hear that,   "We're not worthy," but liberals run around thinking that anyway. (sniveling academic impression) "We're all defined by our imperfections, Mr. Limbaugh.  You, too!  We are well aware of your imperfections, Mr. Limbaugh.  We're all defined by them. That's how we know who we are, Mr. Limbaugh."  

Well, fine, if you want to go around and govern yourself and define yourself by your imperfections.  "Underlying that speech was the statement that we are not worthy as a country to solve these problems, without spinning off into more heightened rhetoric and disagreement, and that they don't have to become better in order to make our country better"?  What we have to do to make our country better is defeat Obama in 2012!  That's what we have to do.  You know, Mr. Simon, what is this business about "conducting ourselves"?  What we need to do to save the country is put the brakes on spending.  It's real simple.

RUSH: Mark Udall and Kirsten Gillibrand want us to all sit together in the House chamber during the State of the Union show.  Why?  To show togetherness, to end partisanship, just like we did in fourth and fifth grade homeroom.  Now, what is leading to this?  What is leading to this -- and there are two answers here -- what is leading to this outpouring on the left of affection for us?  They wish to embrace, actually sit next to us in the House chamber.  Disasters.  Disasters are ending partisanship.  Well, a logical continuation of that would say what?  The Democrats are telling us disasters, one disaster could possibly end partisanship.  But what if it doesn't?  What if one disaster is not enough to end partisanship?  Maybe we need more disasters.  If disasters end partisanship, and the left is so desirous of ending partisanship, is that not a good thing?  Have the left not been demanding and striving, screeching, praying -- well, they don't pray -- hoping for an end to partisanship?  They want bipartisanship.  The American people want us to all get along.  What is promoting the left here and motivating and moving them in the area of getting along, it has been a disaster, has it not?  So why not more disasters?  If that's what it takes to end partisanship, we just follow the left's logic all the way out to its conclusion, and that's what we get.  

Here's the real answer.  And Snerdley was waving at me, and I was ignoring him 'cause, frankly, he's interrupted me too much today.  He was waving at me when I was talking about this Udall effort to sit together.  He said, "That's not what this is," he told me during the break.  For the first time in years Republicans have a noticeable majority in the House chamber during a State of the Union, and what the Democrats want to do here is dilute it so that during obvious Republican stand up lines it's not apparent how many Republicans there are, if they're all sprinkled out among the Democrats.  So Snerdley is suggesting that the Republicans not fall for this.  Go ahead and you occupy your side of the aisle, let the Democrats occupy theirs, and let's see how few Democrats there are in there anymore.  And I have to say that I agree with that.  Good catch, Snerdley.  Good catch, right alongside my logical conclusion to go hand in hand.  It's a sad thing.  Look at what one disaster they think is perhaps going to cause what bliss.

Schenectady, New York, next up, John, welcome to the EIB Network.  Great to have you here, sir.  Hello.

CALLER:  Thank you.  Mega dittos.  High praises to you.  This has been one of the best weeks in EIB entertainment, I have to tell you.

RUSH:  Really?  Thank you very much, sir.

CALLER:  I've been listening for a long time and high praises to you again because, you know, you're an idea man, Rush, and someone to admire, and I'm very glad that you don't do what those in the media have been doing lately and using this term which drives me nuts, after listening to some of these clips that you've been playing.  The term that they use all the time is moving forward, going forward.  It really infuriates my wife and I, because it's like, "What does that mean?  If I'm not going forward, am I moving backwards?"  These people are horrid in their wordsmithing.  You on the other hand, you're one to admire because you're an idea person, and these people are just wordsmithing us to death and all these clips that you've been playing are making me sick listening, especially with the senator in my own state right here in New York.

RUSH:  Which one?  There are two.

CALLER:  You were playing --

RUSH:  Gillibrand?


RUSH:  Yeah.

CALLER:  I mean it's anywhere you go, even Fox, and I watch Fox all the time.  They talk about moving forward.  I mean what the heck does that really mean, Rush?

RUSH:  It means getting rid of Republicans.

CALLER:  (laughing)  Well, they must have anticipated a Republican win because they've been doing it for about a year now.

RUSH:  Moving forward, getting rid of Republicans, getting rid of conservatives.  It's all part of the same thing. Udall's idea to split up during the chamber is to disguise how big the Republican victory was and this whole notion that, how about this:  We're not alone.  The conventional wisdom phrase, we're not alone.  And we're not worthy.  We can all be better people.  Yeah, look, I appreciate your comments, I really do.  I love that you have that perception and understanding of what happens on the program here.  I routinely avoid conventional wisdom by rote.  It's ingrained in me.  Conventional wisdom is just anathema to me.  That's why I always say, if you don't see it in the New York Times, read the Washington Post. If you don't see it there, go turn to CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN.  If you I miss it there, read the LA Times.  If you miss it here, you've missed it.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2011, 11:54:33 pm by DCPatriot »
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #59 on: January 15, 2011, 12:03:59 am »
Fineman Laments: Obama Couldn't Make Shooting His Oklahoma City

January 14, 2011


RUSH: Howard Fineman.  This is last night on MSNBC's countdown. They had a fill-in host and they talked to the Huffing and Puffington Post senior political editor Howard Fineman about Obama's Tucson speech and favorable conservative reaction to it.  The guest host said to Fineman, "How is the favorable response from the right change politics going forward?"

FINEMAN:  It's not gonna be any wholesale change.  But I do think -- and you can tell that from what some of the other people on the right have been saying, not just Rush Limbaugh and others, they grant that the president gave a nice speech but then they say it's gonna be business as usual come tomorrow.

RUSH:  So the fill-in host says, "What does it mean that Republican presidents seem to have their moments of national unity and response to some kind of external event, the shuttle, 9/11, while it seems like Democrats, Bill Clinton, Obama, have both had theirs in response to domestic political violence."

FINEMAN:  What interests me now is the difference between Oklahoma City and Tucson.  I started out last weekend thinking that they were very much related, but I think in the end it's different because in Oklahoma City, that was an attack on a federal office building, it was clear that the bomber had sort of political, in the broad sense, motivation for what he was doing, that it was sort of anti-governmentalism taken to a violent extreme.  And I think in a way it had a lot to do with politics with Bill Clinton and the politics of the nineties.  I think this is different because I think there's no evidence so far that Jared Loughner had anything political on his mind whatsoever.

RUSH:  Damn it.  So they had their chance, they were really hoping, they were rubbing their hands together, "Oh, gosh, this is it, this is it, this is Obama's Oklahoma... damn it, it's just nothing but a lunatic insane asylum who happens to like us.  How can we paper this over?  Okay, we'll blame it on rock music, yeah, conservatives like that. We'll blame it on some group called Drowning Pool.  Yeah, yeah, we'll send the sheriff out there. He'll run cover for us.  Damn it, damn it, damn, we were hoping for Oklahoma City, we didn't get Oklahoma City, it's not the same thing.  Damn it." Another attempt blown up in smoke, speech or not, it didn't work.



As I said, we're darn lucky that they overreached and lost their super majorities....else we'd be looking at radical changes to the 2nd Amendment over this Tucson Massacre.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 12:05:44 am by DCPatriot »
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #60 on: January 15, 2011, 12:32:20 am »
Sheesh, these people are sick...... anyone who is affiliated with MSNBC seems to be infected with some sort of dis-cognitive disorder.

GILLIBRAND:  She's the most nonpartisan person I've ever met.  She represents a very conservative district,

Sorry, but this is no where near a conservative district.   Only a New York Liberal Senator would think this district in AZ is conservative...... ~LOL~
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #61 on: January 15, 2011, 12:36:56 am »
I think MSNBC has been given the go-ahead to be purposely outrageous in their programming.

Wish that the Right would just ignore them and realize nobody watches them.
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #62 on: January 15, 2011, 12:42:13 am »
I think MSNBC has been given the go-ahead to be purposely outrageous in their programming.

Wish that the Right would just ignore them and realize nobody watches them.

I do ignore them unless I see an outrageous youtube video or article, I have friends who watch and I cringe when I go to their house and PMSNBC is on.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #63 on: January 15, 2011, 01:10:47 am »

As I said, we're darn lucky that they overreached and lost their super majorities....else we'd be looking at radical changes to the 2nd Amendment over this Tucson Massacre.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
Ronald Reagan

Shame, isn't it?  Even though we are (purportedly) a free people we are forever fighting to protect the Bill of Rights against the forces of tyranny.  Reagan understood this.

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #64 on: January 17, 2011, 10:37:02 pm »

Liberals Lament: Tucson Shooting Fails to End the Right-Wing Media

January 17, 2011


RUSH: Did you see where the ChiComs, Hu Jintao questions the future of the dollar.  Hu Jintao is saying that the world's currency system is a thing of the past.  Now, who else said that recently?  Jared Loughner, a currency kook, the Tucson shooter, absolutely right.  Could it be that the ChiComs are listening to extremist lunatics from the radical left? Could well be.  

By the way, the AP has a story that runs -- well, it's probably all over the place today, I have the LA Times version of it: "Opposition to Healthcare Law Eases, Poll Finds." Get this.  Only about one in four poll respondents favor repealing.  Now that's 65% down to 25% only favor repeal Obama's health care law.  This is a bogus poll, and Jeffrey Anderson, the Weekly Standard, has documented how.  We'll get to that in due course.  

"Two things are clear from Saturday's ABC News town hall meeting in Tucson.  One:  Tucsonans are eager to move forward and recover from last week's horrible shooting rampage."  Oh.  Let me find this.  It's a story from the New York Times, Matt Bai. Only in the New York Times would you see this. "After Tucson, Is the Anger Gone?"  Now, this is presented as a news article, not an editorial or even a sermon.  But we are too stupid, apparently, to receive the flash of clarity this shooting provided us, so the New York Times has to tell us what it all meant.  The headline, "After Tucson, Is the Anger Gone?"  And here's one of the pull quotes. "If the shooting didn’t feel like the turning point in the civic life of the nation that some of us had imagined it might become, then it may be because such turning points aren’t always immediately evident. Or maybe it’s because the murder suspect appeared to have no obvious ideology, his crime an imperfect parable for the consequences of political rhetoric."

This is shameless.  Let me reread the paragraph and translate for you.  "If the shooting didn’t feel like the turning point in the civic life of the nation that some of us had," hoped and tried to make it real, "then it may be because such turning points aren’t always immediately evident. Or maybe it’s because the murder suspect," couldn't get pinned with being a right-winger, despite or best efforts.  "Perhaps, though, we have to consider another explanation -- that the speed and fractiousness of our modern society make it all but impossible now for any one moment to transform the national debate," damn it.
So here you have this guy, Matt Bai, desperately hoping that this one event would get rid of right-wing media.  That's what he means here, turning point in civic life of the nation is get rid of right-wing media.  And, damn it, now the speed and the fractiousness of our modern society makes it all but impossible for any one moment to transform the national debate, so they're gonna have to come up with many more of these.  One moment is not enough.  We need more of these.

Now, I don't want to hear from anybody saying, "Mr. Limbaugh, Mr. Limbaugh, that's shameful of you to say that."  It's the Democrats that keep talking about the opportunity such events present them.  Mark Penn: Obama needs this like Clinton had the Oklahoma City bombing, to reconnect with the American people.  Not all transformational moments entail violence.  "Not all transformational moments entail violence. John Lewis Gaddis, the pre-eminent cold war scholar and Yale professor, sees a national turning point in 1954, when Senator Joseph McCarthy testified before a Senate subcommittee in what came to be known as the Army-McCarthy hearings.  The interrogation of McCarthy by Joseph Welch, an Army lawyer -- 'Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?' -- resonated throughout a country that was just then discovering the nascent power of television. Years of ruinous disagreement over the threat of internal Communism seemed to dissipate almost overnight." Oh, yeah, years of ruinous disagreement over the threat of internal communism.  It did no such thing.  All it did was humiliate McCarthy.  It didn't get rid of the notion that there was internal -- for crying out loud, there was a Communist Party USA.

At any rate, what a triumph here.  Never mind that the whole thing was staged.  The Army McCarthy hearings were staged, and never mind that we are still suffering from the ravages of years of internal communism.  In fact, several of them are in this regime.  Several of them have been in this regime.  Van Jones, for crying out loud, folks, we got varying degrees of communism, Marxism, socialism throughout this regime.  The New York Times is still claiming the shooting was the consequences of political rhetoric, just not the kind that they wanted?  Oh, yeah, the Cold War did not end after those hearings, of course not.  So anyway, the shootings aren't changing enough.  We need more shootings. (interruption) Well, Snerdley, I'm just telling you, let me read this to you again.  If you understand the mind-set of the left, which I do, here you go.

Perhaps, though, we have to consider another explanation for why this didn't get rid of right-wing media, that the speed and fractiousness of our modern society make it all but impossible now for any one moment to transform the national debate.  Shootings aren't changing enough.  I mean if one is not enough to get rid of right-wing media, then what is needed?  Again, I remind you, it's these guys that wish for events like this so that their presidents can reconnect with the American people: Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, Mark Penn going after this guy.

Now we move to Tucson.  "Two things are clear from Saturday's ABC News town hall meeting in Tucson.  One:  Tucsonans are eager to move forward and recover from last week's horrible shooting rampage.  And two:  that process is going to be slow and painful.   That latter point was driven home by the arrest of a shooting victim, who threatened a speaker during the taping of the program." You have to read to the second page to find out the speaker was a Tea Party member.  ABC News Anchor Christiane Amanpour single-handedly destroying the show Sunday with Brinkley, whatever it is, they're going downhill fast.  What did the show used to be called?  Yeah, This Week Needs David Brinkley. Here I am one of America's foremost political figures, I couldn't remember the name of the show.  That's how badly they have destroyed it.  Is it This Week with Christiane Amanpour?  Well, whatever it is, "ABC News Anchor Christiane Amanpour hosted the remarkable gathering of victims, heroes, witnesses and first responders.  It was the first time most of them had been together since Jared Lee Loughner opened fire in a Safeway parking lot, killing 6, and wounding or injuring 14 others -- a rampage that happened one week earlier almost to the hour."

On the platform, the names of people that were there.  "On the front row was Kenneth Dorushka, who was shot shielding his wife from Loughner's gunfire; and J. Eric Fuller, who was shot in the knee."  J. Eric Fuller is the lib Democrat who threatened the Tea Party spokesman at the ABC News town hall called After the Tragedy: An American Conversation Continued.  Correspondent Bob Muir spoke with Tea Party cofounder Trent Humphries about the shootings.  And while Humphries is answering -- you'll hear it in a minute -- he is interrupted by Tucson shooting victim J. Eric Fuller.  Muir says, "Christiane, Trent Humphries is a Tea Party member, and I'm curious, Trent, if you could stand for just a moment, the congresswoman supported the Second Amendment.  She had a gun.  And I'm curious when you hear this, that there needs to be debate from Democrats and Republicans in the room, where do you see us heading forward?"  Here's the Tea Party guy, Trent Humphries.

HUMPHRIES:  It's not just gun laws that are standing in the way of this happening.  There are all kinds of laws that Congress needs to look at, and I think there is a time for this debate, but for what we saw and felt right now, I'm not sure that applause and things going on are appropriate right now until we've had actually maybe had the funerals finished for the people that have -- that were suffered and died.  My neighbor is one of those people.  And I love that man.  And --

FULLER:  You're dead.

HUMPHRIES:  -- and I want to see -- I want to see some introspection, maybe, from the people before the national debate happens.

RUSH:  Did you hear the "you're dead"?  It was somewhat off mic, "You're dead."  That was James Eric Fuller who last Friday night, syndicated public TV show Democracy Now during a discussion about what happened in Tucson, he said this.

FULLER:  The first thing that I wrote down and what my reaction was to it was how many other people, how many other demented people are out there.  It looks like Palin's back, Sharron Angle and the rest got their first target.  Their wish for Second Amendment activism has been fulfilled, senseless hatred leading to murder, lunatic fringe anarchism subscribed to by John Boehner, mainstream rebels with vengeance for all, even nine-year-old girls.

RUSH:  Now, Obama's speech was Wednesday.  This was Friday.  Where's the civility?  Besides, this guy is a Looney Toon leftist, as was Loughner.  Loughner hated Bush. He believed that Bush was behind 9/11.  Oh, yeah, he hated George W. Bush.  We have learned over the weekend Loughner hated Bush, he believed he was behind 9/11, was screwing up the currency.  Oh, yeah, that's left-wing kookism, absolutely right. We knew some of that on Friday.  We also know that his best friend said on Good Morning America he didn't listen to political radio, he didn't care about that.  But he hated George W. Bush.  Now, this guy comes along, James Eric Fuller.  That was a great speech Obama gave, right?  I mean the oratory, he really got through to everybody, right?  Here's two days later: how many other demented people, looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle, the rest got their first target?  Their wish for Second Amendment activism has been fulfilled, subscribed to by John Boehner, mainstream rebels with vengence for all, even nine-year-old girls.  Vicious, vicious, vicious anger, ladies and gentlemen, from James Eric Fuller.  


RUSH:  So James Eric Fuller says, "You're dead" to the Tea Party guy.  At that point "State Rep. Terri Proud (R-Tucson) rose to explain and clarify current and proposed gun legislation in the state, several people groaned or booed her.  One of those booing, according to several witnesses, was Fuller.   Witnesses sitting near Fuller told KGUN9 News that Fuller was making them feel very uncomfortable," sort of like Jared Loughner did to his classmates in the community college out there. "The event wrapped up a short time later.  Deputies then escorted Fuller from the room.  As he was being led off, Fuller shouted loudly to the room at large.  Several witnesses said that what they thought they heard him shout was, 'You're all whores!'  

"Fuller, age 63, is a political operative who specializes in gathering petitions for ballot initiatives.   Before the program began, he passed out business cards to people sitting around him that read: 'Signatures 'Expediting Initiatives since 2006 'J. Eric Fuller 'Political Circulator.'  A Pima County Sheriff's spokesman told KGUN9 News that the department has charged Fuller with one count of threats and intimidation, and said they plan to charge him with at least one count of disorderly conduct.  Humphries told KGUN9 News that he does plan to press those charges..." Now, this threaten-er, Eric Fuller, is getting a mental evaluation.  Yet Frank Rich and Paul Krugman and Matt Bai of the New York Times are all walking around free.  

They have made just as incendiary comments in the written word as this guy has in the spoken word.  

And what are the differences between what Jared Loughner is supposed to have espoused and what Reverend Wright espoused? Reverend Wright believes that 9/11 was a Bush inside job.  "America's chickenssss are coming home to roost!"  I mean, how could Obama sit in a peeeew in Reverend Wright's church, listen to the rantings of Jeremiah Wright for 20 years, and not demand he get a mental evaluation?  We've all played for you those sound bites.  I mean, like Loughner, Wright hates Bush, says "9/11's an inside job." He even has weird number theories like Wright's hero, the Reverend Farrakhan.  They're all whores? Does that mean...? Did Fuller work for Jerry Brown during the elections? 'Cause that he says one of his big statements.  Here's Geraldo last Saturday night on Geraldo At Large. He said this about Fuller's death threat and arrest at the ABC News town hall.

RIVERA:  Despite Mr. Obama's appeal to our better angels, there was a very public death threat today in Tucson that prompted police action.  Ironically, it came from a hard-core liberal.

RUSH:  Uh, "Ironically it came from a hard-core liberal"?  Ironically?  Yeah, yeah, because we'd all expect it to come from a conservative, I guess.  Wow.  Interesting.  "Ironically it came from a hard-core liberal," "despite Obama's appeal to our better angels."


RUSH: Now, this guy Eric Fuller is out there saying that Boehner and all these gun control people got what they wanted out there, right?  They're Second Amendment people.  Well, Gabrielle Giffords is one of those.  They joins Boehner in support of the Second Amendment. Does this lunatic believe that she's therefore responsible for her own shooting? That's what he was upset about, and that's what he was talking about on that program Friday night.

"Yeah, well, all these people out there, they got their first victim! These Second Amendment types."

Well, she's one of them.  She is one of them.



"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #65 on: January 18, 2011, 02:20:11 am »
Obama is selling us out and the media is fixated on Sarah Palin blaming her for a crime she had nothing to do with.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #66 on: January 18, 2011, 11:16:20 pm »

Call for "Civility" is Call for Tea Party to Shut Up, Drop the Agenda
January 18, 2011


RUSH:   We find ourselves in the midst now of a whole brand-new template that has been created, and that template is we are to shut up, in the name of civility, we are to abandon our principles, we are to stop arguing for our principles, when this isn't about civility or any of the rest of it.  Accusing the president of trampling on our liberties and so forth is hate language.  So Obama, he's showing the way.  How about this.  Ho-ho.  I can't wait to dig deep and find the polling sample on this.  The ABC News/Washington Post poll is out, and among other things in this poll, 78% of the American people approve of the way Obama handled Tucson in the aftermath.  Thirty percent approve of the way Sarah Palin handled it.  

Now, I don't believe either number for a moment.  Seventy-eight percent approve of the way Obama handled it and 30% approved of the way Palin handled it?  Why is she even being polled?  She has no official role in handling it.  She makes a video response after three or four days because she's dragged into it after being accused as an accessory.  They'll always tell us, as I keep saying, who they are afraid of.


RUSH: I want to go back to this setup here that has been in place since Tucson.  I've been thinking about that ever since we had that call from that brilliant caller who pointed out that this call for "civility" is nothing more than a call for censorship, a call for people to shut up.  You know, they say, "We have to get along. The American people want to see us get along."  Is that what the American people want? This ABC/Washington Post poll says the same thing, by the way: The vast majority of Americans want Republicans and Democrats to get along.  Isn't it amazing how everything the left wants or puts into an agenda shows up as a majority-supported item in a poll?

If the American people wanted Democrats to get along with Republicans, then why this massive Democrat defeat in November?  And of course not just in Washington but throughout the country.  Now, it's by no means time to start caving on the agenda.  We have won the right to try governing our way.  Whatever we do, it can't be any worse than what the left has done for the majority of the last 80 years.  You think we can do better than 9.4% unemployment?  Damn right we can!  You think we can do better than $3.50 a gallon a gasoline?  Yeah!  You think we can do better than a 25% reduction in home values across the board?  Damn right we can do better than that!  You think we can do better than the debasing of our currency?

Our annual deficit's over a trillion dollars; you think we can do better than that?  You know darn well we can do better in all of these areas.  Think we can do better in personal liberty and freedom?  Damn right we can.  We just need the energy and the commitment to do so.  Our view is very simple.  It isn't complicated at all.  Socialism doesn't work, it can't work, so why continue to follow such a disastrous path?  Because Obama insists on it?  Because Chuck-U Schumer insists on it? Because the media insists on it?  Because certain Republicans want to be seen as "civil"?

"We don't like all these loud voices in media.  We just want to get along, and Obama won and so forth."  There's a sense I think even among some Republican conservatives who have been in DC a long time, that they can speak out from time to time or they can cast a vote against this agenda from time to time, but there's really nothing else that can be done about it.  I really believe some DC, elected conservatives think, "There's really nothing can be done about it. So for the big picture, just go along."

RUSH:  That's right.  According to the November elections, Americans want Democrats to get along.  Go home! Get "a long way from Washington," not just get along.  Go home.  In fact, by the way, Senator Kent Conrad -- Democrat Senator from North Dakota -- is not running again.  Why is that?  You want me to hazard a guess, educated guess?  I'll tell you and it's not even a guess.  The truth is he can't win.  He's up in 2012.  Kent Conrad is getting out, knows he can't win.  Kent Conrad has played this moderate game to make himself look like a moderate while voting hard left for years, and that's because Tea Party is exposing politicians like this. Not the RNC, not the GOP.  They're impotent on this.  They have been for some time.

It's the Tea Party doing all this.  And the Tea Party, by the way, is no more loved in Washington now than they were before the election, including by establishment Republicans. There's a sense -- and you can see this when certain Republicans take to the microphones of these cable chat shows.  They've been in DC a long time, and, you know, they speak out from time to time and sound good, enthusiastic. They even cast a vote against Obama's agenda from time to time, but they just sense there's really nothing else that can be done about it.  They're not willing to make a full-fledged opposition commitment.  So just go along and wait and hope for the next election rather than doing the will the voters.  

The entire effort by the left, whether the media or the White House (and frankly, too many in the GOP leadership) is to control, if not silence, the Tea Party movement.  I am totally convinced of that, as are you.  I'm sure you know it.  This is primarily the agenda of the left: Discredit, silence, and control the Tea Party movement.  Now, I'm not trying to be negative. As you people know, I can't answer negativism.  I'm off-put by it.  But at the same time, you can't be phony optimistic.  You have to deal with reality.  You can't be blind to it.  And I think we have fabulous opportunities here.  But not thanks to the RNC or the GOP leadership.  They'd all but surrendered after Obama won, starting in 2009.  

There was a peep of oposition.  They were positioning themselves to get on the support train!  "First black president? No, we're not gonna dare be critical! Ain't no way." So had it been left to them, there would not have been any upset election in November of 2010.  But there were people out there who followed principles: You, me, Tea Party.  That means, and continues to mean, getting behind people who are not afraid to advance this agenda, these ideas.  So it's very simple.  We're not gonna be controlled.  We're not gonna be silenced.  We're gonna be heard. We're gonna be listened to.  This is a republic, we are the people, and we insist on it.  

Now, Palin -- this is breathtaking to behold this. She is despised, irrationally, by the establishment in Washington.  Both left and right.  Democrat and Republican.  Certain inside the Beltway conservatives despise her, and that's because she's a leading voice of the Tea Party movement, which is a huge threat to the establishment in Washington of both parties.  Ruling class.  We've talked of all this.  This poll, Washington Post poll: 78% approve of Obama handling of Tucson; 30% approve Palin.  It's ridiculous.  But that poll was designed and timed to absorb all the hate and damage done by the media throughout this Tucson episode.  

Obama was wonderful! Palin was responsible!  The media do their damage and then head on down the road to the next story, and then they take a poll.  After they do the damage, they take a poll almost to brag about the damage they do.  You think when this poll came out they're not smirking and happy?  "Look what we did! Look what we did: 78% love Obama, 30% love Palin.  Oh, it's just wonderful, isn't it?" They brag about the damage that they get to do.  So who is it, folks? Who is it, actually, that is creating all of this desperation and despair and pessimism and playing on people's fears and weaknesses?  I'll tell you who it is.  These people that hate Palin, I don't care left or right, they are obsessed with attacking her.  

Look at Tom DeLay.  Tom DeLay may go to prison, convicted on a bogus money-laundering charge first brought by a left-wing Democrat prosecutor Ronnie Earl. He was tried in the most liberal county in Texas.  The judge is a liberal Democrat, and what happened to DeLay is what they would do to all of us if they could -- and, by the way, what's DeLay's nickname?  The Hammer!  DeLay was the poster boy in Washington for lack of civility.  So here's the warning shot.

« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 04:25:02 am by DCPatriot »
"It aint what you don't know that kills you.  It's what you know that aint so!" ...Theodore Sturgeon

"Journalism is about covering the news.  With a pillow.  Until it stops moving."    - David Burge (Iowahawk)

"It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living" F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #67 on: January 18, 2011, 11:31:57 pm »

They'll always tell us, as I keep saying, who they are afraid of.


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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #68 on: January 19, 2011, 02:44:05 am »
this call for "civility" is nothing more than a call for censorship,


and this is why the sitting together thing is a set up as well... can't believe the GOP fell for it
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #69 on: January 19, 2011, 02:44:48 am »

Don't Be Fooled: Liberals Despised Reagan and Were Not Civil About It
January 18, 2011


RUSH: The one-hundredth year anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth is coming up.  Yeah, it is.  And the Drive-Bys and the Democrats, you'll see it popping up, "Oh, what a wonderful time the eighties was.  Tip O'Neill and Ronaldus Magnus, yeah, they mighta gone at it tooth and nail in the daytime, but then they went out and had a beer after work."  That never happened.  Reagan never left the White House for a beer.  The 1980s were just as vitriolic as they are today.  Reagan was called a Nazi, just like Bush was.  Nothing's different. (mine) Folks, if you weren't alive then or if you weren't old enough to be paying attention, do not doubt me.  The hatred for Ronald Reagan was universal in the Democrat Party and throughout the media. These people blamed AIDS on Reagan.  Sound familiar?  They blamed homelessness on Reagan.  You know why they blamed AIDS on Reagan?  He didn't care because he never delivered a speech about it.  And because of that AIDS was spread. 

They actually wanted us to believe that Reagan had the disease, was sneaking into gay people's houses night, and impregnating them with the disease.  And when he left their houses, he went over to Grant Park or wherever it was, Lafayette Park, and stole the pork and beans from the homeless and took them back to the White House and fixed 'em up and ate 'em.  That's the kind of stuff they were saying about Reagan. Now all of a sudden, in this era of civility, this call for civility, you're gonna hear about how marvelous things were in the eighties, everybody hunkered down and got along.  Why, the Democrats went along with Reagan's tax cuts; it couldn't have been more harmonious.  It's not true, and it's part of a media onslaught, ladies and gentlemen.  I've been thinking about this ever since I had a call last week from a woman who correctly defined what this call for civility is all about, it's censorship.  She's right on the money.  And what's really going on now, the liberals are demanding that we abandon our principles and our arguments for our principles.  We give up our principles and we stop arguing for them.  (mine)

This isn't about civility or any of the rest of it.  They are saying that accusing the president of trampling on our liberties, accusing him of trying to transform this society to strengthen the government and weaken the individual, accusing him of destroying the financial health of the nation, that's all hate language.  No, it's not.  There's nothing hateful about it, particularly since it has the added benefit of being true.  And that's why they're trying to shut it up.  Stuff that they don't care about they ignore.  Now they're trying to characterize accurate depictions of Obama and his agenda and his intent as hate language.  This is how they've now positioned things.  Obama stands for civility.  Obama stands for centrism and governing.  We, on the other hand, are hateful, uncivil, and violent.  That's the template.  That's the narrative that's been put out there, and, of course, the Drive-Bys are all too happy to carry that water.  You're gonna see comparisons, Obama to Reagan.  They always find value in dead conservatives, never conservatives who are alive. 

I'll tell you something, this hacks me off like I can't tell you.  The Republicans going along with this joint seating plan the Democrats have put forward for the State of the Union address is so preposterous, even symbolically sitting next to each other at the State of the Union, that's another rip-off. ( mine)All that is is the Democrats trying to hide the size of the Republican majority in that chamber that night.  It's not anything else.  Like I said yesterday, if the shoe were on the other foot, tables were turned, situation reversed and the Republicans were in a big minority and asked, "Hey, you know what? Let's all sit together," the Democrats would say, "Sit together?  You're damn lucky we're gonna let you in that night.  To hell with you.  Sitting with us, who do you think you are?"  But, you know, since we have the template here: civility, centrism, governing, we're hateful, uncivil, violent, we have to agree with whatever people put forth as ideas in order to show that we're not what they say we are.  It doesn't appear, at least on this particular issue, that the Republican stance has changed.  We gotta show everybody we're not who they say we are. 

Tip O'Neill, by the way, back to this, called Ronald Reagan the most ignorant man who had ever occupied the White House.  He said that Reagan was Herbert Hoover with a smile, a cheerleader for selfishness.  He said that Reagan's policies meant that his presidency was one big Christmas party for the rich.  I'll never forget, 1984, Democrat National Convention, San Francisco, I was there.  I was sent there by a Kansas City radio station I worked for. They wanted me out of town.  I was the hardest worker they had but they didn't like the fact that I was controversial.  So they sent me out to cover the convention and buried me out there.  Well, they tried, anyway. (laughing) The show started at four o'clock in the morning our time.  They booked us in a gay hotel.  We didn't know it 'til we got there.  Everything was cool, but there were about five of us and there was Tip O'Neill sitting in the mezzanine of wherever this thing was, Moscone Center, I forget where the convention was. I didn't actually go to the convention itself.  I watched that on TV, but I did ancillary stuff, like took the trip over to Sausalito, checked out the restaurants there and did lifestyle reports.  You know, yuk-yuk. 

At any rate, I'm sitting there and I'm watching Tip O'Neill, looks like Jabba the Hut sitting up there in the club seats, if you will, in the mezzanine overlooking the thing.  He was in charge of the whole Democrat Party at the time.  This was the convention they nominated Mondull.  And this is the first convention where the nominee actually violated what was then standard operating procedure.  The nominee's nominated on Wednesday night and then doesn't show up until the next night to accept, but Mondull and the family were in their hotel suite, they had the cameras in there and Mondull loved hamburgers and cheeseburgers, that's what the family was eating when he was nominated, he grabbed everybody, okay, let's go over to the hall, grabbed the family, got in the limo, shut down traffic. Mondull went over there, just to accept the accolades and so forth.  I remember Tip O'Neill sitting up there like Jabba the Hut and they finally dragged him to the microphone, he started talking about the Republicans, "When they meet in Dallas in a couple weeks, you're gonna see 'em showing up in limousines and mink coats and furs and diamonds and so forth," the typical cliches.  You shoulda seen the receptions the Democrats held that I went to and the limos they were showing up in and all the money surrounding them. 

It's always been a joke that the Democrats are the party of the little guy, and even more so now.  It's the little guy getting the shaft by Democrats, and it has been for quite a while.


RUSH: You know, as I say, Reagan's one-hundredth anniversary of his birth is coming up, and his beloved, devoted son, Ron Reagan Jr., to hawk his latest book, is hitting the morning talk shows.  And you know what everybody's focusing on in the book is that Ron Reagan Jr. is claiming his father had Alzheimer's while he was in office.  This is his son on the one-hundredth anniversary of his dad's birthday, hawking a book.  This must be the new civility that everybody's talking about.


RUSH: This is Mary in La Crosse, Wisconsin.  Nice to have you on the EIB Network.  Hello.

  Hi, Rush.  You're on fire today.

RUSH:  Thank you very much.  Every day.

CALLER: Yes, every day.

RUSH:  Today is just how high are the flames?

CALLER:  (laughing)  Say, the reason I'm calling is because of this book that has come out by Ronald Reagan's son where he states that he believes his father could have had Alzheimer's disease while he was in office.  And my thought on that is, if he was as great as president as he was with Alzheimer's, my gosh, what would he be like without it?

RUSH:  Well, it just goes to show that Reagan could also do his job with half his brain tied behind his back just like I do.

CALLER:  Exactly.

RUSH:  I mean his dad's one-hundredth birthday and his son hawking this book with this story, it's made to order. The left has believed this. They wanted to believe Reagan was stupid from the day he was born.  So Ron Reagan, still feeding the left what they want to hear for whatever acceptance issues he's got.  I don't know.  Look, every family has wacko kids, and every family has kids who think they've got wacko parents, and some see the need to get even for the rest of their lives.  I can't relate to it, but I guess it does exist.  I just think it's very small.

CALLER:  I think it's small and I think it's pretty sad, and it just shows you that civility comes in all different shapes and sizes.

RUSH:  Yeah, that's a point I made when I mentioned this in the last hour.  This is real civil, isn't it?  Yeah, my dad had Alzheimer's when he was president.  Very civil.  Thanks, Mary.  I appreciate that.


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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #70 on: January 19, 2011, 03:01:52 am »
Rush has been real good the past two days.

...and this sitting together at the SOTU address is baloney and as said the dumb Repubs are falling for it..well wome are...
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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #71 on: January 19, 2011, 03:10:33 am »
I heard 30 senators...... jeeze Louise........... :thud: :thud: how many congresscritters?
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #72 on: January 19, 2011, 03:17:50 am »
Liberals were absolutely grotesque in their hatred for Reagan.  I should know, because, like P.J. O'Rourke, I was a brainless liberal college punk - until I actually had to go find a job to support myself - and the invective and vitriol we regularly spewed, along with plenty of snarky "knowing" laughs (funny how only the clueless can really give you a "knowing" laugh). 

Anyone remember the sophmoric line that started "why is Nancy always on top....?"

Liberals were, are, and always will be foul, disgusting creatures.


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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #73 on: January 19, 2011, 03:18:50 am »
Hey DCPatriot - thanks for carrying on with the Rush postings!  That's a lot of work, and I think we're all grateful that you're doing it.

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Re: Rush Limbaugh Live Thread
« Reply #74 on: January 19, 2011, 03:29:59 am »
Liberals were, are, and always will be foul, disgusting creatures.

True.  But, they know how to win.  America is far down the socialist path because Liberals know how to get their way.  That, and because Republicans are such Charlie Browns.