Author Topic: Former Boehner Aides, GOP Sources Expect House Speaker Will Step Down After 2014 Elections  (Read 2824 times)

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Offline Gazoo

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IMO, You could not get elected if your campaign reflected the views I've read on this forum,

Polls show differently.  The GOPe are progressive lites that like their slush funds and pay raises. While they still cower to the media political correctness that think true fiscal conservatism is mouthed by wacko birds. Obama's re-election was lining up the vans to vote many times in many states even taking the military towns vote. Bully tactics and cheating made Americas geographics change.
"The Tea Party has a right to feel cheated.

When does the Republican Party, put in the majority by the Tea Party, plan to honor its commitment to halt the growth of the Federal monolith and bring the budget back into balance"?

Offline happyg

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Polls show differently.  The GOPe are progressive lites that like their slush funds and pay raises. While they still cower to the media political correctness that think true fiscal conservatism is mouthed by wacko birds. Obama's re-election was lining up the vans to vote many times in many states even taking the military towns vote. Bully tactics and cheating made Americas geographics change.


Offline Cincinnatus

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I'll get you started...

Gosh, Once-ler, thank you for "gett[ing] me started", though I have no idea on what.

Here's what you said: Try reading the responses of Boehner and Ryan to reporters questions and you too can answer your own questions.

I'll get you started...

Ok, and here is what is at the link:

Congress Working on $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill

January 14, 2014

Negotiators in the U.S. Congress on Monday unveiled a $1.1 trillion spending bill that aims to prevent another government shutdown while boosting funding levels slightly for military and domestic programs - but not for "Obamacare" health reforms.

With a deadline looming at midnight Wednesday for new spending authority, lawmakers will still need a three-day stop-gap funding extension to ensure enough time for passage of the spending bill this week.

Does that even mention Boehner or Ryan? It answers no questions (which I didn't even know I was asking)(but thanks anyway), and merely states that Congress was working on yet another massive budget.

Whoopee! Now I know what was already common knowledge.

Thanks, guy. 

Oh, one more thing: that budget you seem so proud of is just a continuation of the poor fiscal policies of both the Dems and their GOPe counterparts. We will have to borrow to finance it which is not in the best interests of the Republic and is most certainly not "Conservative" in any sense, no matter how belligerently and how sarcastically you try to make it otherwise.
We shall never be abandoned by Heaven while we act worthy of its aid ~~ Samuel Adams

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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Does that even mention Boehner or Ryan? It answers no questions (which I didn't even know I was asking)(but thanks anyway), and merely states that Congress was working on yet another massive budget.

You asked what "conservative" stuff the GOPe passed.  I suggested you listen to Boehner or Ryan.

Offline Cincinnatus

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You asked what "conservative" stuff the GOPe passed.  I suggested you listen to Boehner or Ryan.

Well, then, shouldn't you offer some link to THEM showing what is Conservative about a $1.1 trillion budget?

And, no, this is not what you are asking for: Your quite capable of doing your own research.

What you are really saying is I should prove what you are saying. Uh, no. Not your secretary. You claim it, you prove it.
We shall never be abandoned by Heaven while we act worthy of its aid ~~ Samuel Adams

Offline Rapunzel

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I have yet to hear an answer to my legitimate question. What is conservative about screwing the veterans and funding benefits for illegals?  I could ask the same about the following as well.

Ryan voted for the $700 billion bank bailout

Voted for the auto industry bailout - one of just 32 Republicans to do so and after Romney's op-ed saying NO!

Medicare Part D  (the biggest Medicare expansion in U.S. history)

A massive highway bill that included the “Bridge to Nowhere” 

In 2012 the House voted on a stand-alone balanced budget amendment, Paul Ryan was one of four House Republicans voting “no

In 2007 he was one of just 32 Republicans who joined with Democrats to pass the workplace discrimination act.

�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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You asked what "conservative" stuff the GOPe passed.  I suggested you listen to Boehner or Ryan.

Well, then, shouldn't you offer some link to THEM showing what is Conservative about a $1.1 trillion budget?

And, no, this is not what you are asking for: Your quite capable of doing your own research.

What you are really saying is I should prove what you are saying. Uh, no. Not your secretary. You claim it, you prove it.

Here is the link and the quote again for you to ignore.


    “I am particularly pleased that this measure contains no earmarks, which were once a pervasive symbol of a broken Washington.  Also of note is the fact that we are not providing any new or additional funding for the president’s health care law,” Boehner said in a statement.

Offline Cincinnatus

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Here is the link and the quote again for you to ignore.

Negative on that. I saw the quote. Only thing is I, and anyone who is really concerned about our nation's fiscal health, finds it wanting.

No earmarks? So tell me, Once-ler, since you seem to be the expert, how much bloated and unnecessary spending is built into that $1.1 trillion budget? Earmarks? Don't need 'em. They are built into this budget.

But this one I truly love:
Also of note is the fact that we are not providing any new or additional funding for the president’s health care law
How great is that? No new or additional funding, but ObamaCare WILL be funded, won't it? And you apparently think that is a good thing.

Uh, no.
We shall never be abandoned by Heaven while we act worthy of its aid ~~ Samuel Adams

Offline Cincinnatus

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My goodness, Once-ler, quotes from your own link:

The House passed the so-called “omnibus” spending bill Wednesday afternoon by a vote of 357 to 64, despite objections from some outside conservative groups that the bill undid some of the mandatory spending cuts in the sequester.

“I would rather the Republican leadership come clean and admit that they have surrendered the fight for spending reform. The claims of victory coming out of some of these House offices are insulting to the intelligence of the fiscally conservative grassroots,” said Matt Kibbe, president of FreedomWorks, in a statement after the vote.

Here are some things that are – and aren’t – in the massive spending bill:

Oh, Once-ler:

President Obama’s signature legislative achievements, the Affordable Care Act and the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation, get most of their implementation funding

Domestic programs get about $20 billion back in money that would have been cut by the sequester, including an additional $1 billion for Head Start

What a great trade off. Whoopee!

Democrats managed to keep out a Republican provision that would have prevented the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions, but they do lose regulations that would have phased out incandescent light bulbs for more energy-efficient ones

Earmarks, anyone? Oh, that's right. We can't call them that.

Millions of dollars went out to programs that lawmakers took credit for, including research labs and programs, defense facilities, and construction projects like tanks and ships
We shall never be abandoned by Heaven while we act worthy of its aid ~~ Samuel Adams

Offline Rapunzel

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�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Formerly Once-Ler

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My goodness, Once-ler, quotes from your own link:

Oh, Once-ler:

What a great trade off. Whoopee!

Earmarks, anyone? Oh, that's right. We can't call them that.

Cincinnatus I've already said I can't prove that the $1.1T spending bill contains conservative elements to you.  Your definition of conservatism is not mine, nor IMO a majority of voters.  I believe an overwhelming majority of voters including the left, the center, and the right of center RINOs feel quite comfortable with this bill.  They see a budget that includes no new taxes, increased military spending, abstinence education funding, stopping Obama-Rail, and a reduction in the rate of growth and can justify in their minds that some conservative elements worked their way into this law.  I wasn't really trying to convince you it is conservative, but I felt compelled to explain the non-conservative view to anyone who wants to understand. 

My original point was conservatives have been unable to pass legislation.  Nobody is buying it.  The GOPe does not need conservatives to pass legislation.  The warning shot was the Senate immigration bill.  The response was epic.  A show of force by the right wing culminating in the threat of a government shutdown.  Websites.  FUNDRAISING, and endless talk radio...and they didn't stop nuthin'. Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, the SCF, Club for Growth, Rush, Heritage, Hannity, and Red State flexed their muscle for a couple weeks and then failed.

The October shutdown proved to the GOPe that the GOP can't function as a minority party, much less a majority party, if it has to placate the Tea Party, and now the GOPe can't be fooled by a bluff.  They have seen the mobilized political power of the right.  And the GOPe has given that power due consideration with every bill they passed since Oct 17th.  The GOPe just ain't that into you conservatives.  Conservatives didn't deliver a promised grassroots uprising to call Senators and Reps to keep the pressure on and provide cover for the Defunders during the shutdown.  So Boehner said they "lost all credibility," and then opened the a Boss.

Since then the GOPe has passed stuff and prevented stuff.  The are in the game, without the right wing. 

Now Boehner is working rapidly to pass immigration reform.   In response Mickey Kaus said...
If strong voter opposition makes itself heard again, as it has in the past, the majority of the GOP caucus that Boehner says he needs probably won’t go along with his pro- amnesty “principles.” If that opposition doesn’t materialize, some form of legalization-before-enforcement becomes an inevitability. The coming weeks will tell.,126957.0.html

I hope for your sake that conservatives do a little better job of working the phones and the emails than they did in October. You are not going to like amnesty when it passes with overwhelming rat support.   It will mean Boehner had to give away even more to get enough rat votes to replace conservative advocacy and input.

On a personal note despite my sarcasm, I have enjoyed bouncing my thoughts off you.  If you can't accept my sincere recognition that I know you believe what you write, and you believe your ideology is best for our country, then take heart in that I consider you a sharp spokesman for your views and feel it necessary to respond.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 07:50:41 am by Once-Ler »