Author Topic: Understanding the Benghazi/Chappaquiddick connection  (Read 703 times)

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Understanding the Benghazi/Chappaquiddick connection
« on: January 10, 2014, 04:49:56 am »
Understanding the Benghazi/Chappaquiddick connection
    By Chris Adamo

On July 18, 1969, while most Americans were feverishly devouring the unfolding events of America's first manned moon landing, the late Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy was doing what cretins typically do. He was tooling around in the backwaters of coastal Massachusetts with Mary Jo Kopechne, a young political aid, who was not his wife. This was after throwing a reunion party for the "Boiler Room Girls" a group of women (including Kopechne) who had participated in the presidential campaign of Robert Kennedy.

Most of the tragic events that followed are well known. Kennedy vehemently denied that he had been drinking alcohol. Yet he drove off the road and into a tidal channel, leaving Kopechne trapped in the vehicle where she eventually suffocated. It was nine hours before Kennedy reported the accident to anyone. Forensic investigation revealed that Kopechne could have been rescued after more than an hour, had help arrived in time.

In the aftermath of the Chappaquiddick incident, Kennedy went on to serve one of the most distinguished careers in the United States Senate, eventually being given the title of "Lion of the Senate" by his colleagues. On his death in August of 2009, he was eulogized as a noble statesman. And since that time, it has of course been considered poor form to speak ill of so dignified an individual.

Nevertheless, the ugly reality of Chappaquiddick, and the emptiness of Kennedy's soul and conscience that it revealed, should be considered as telling evidence of the true nature of American liberalism. Having moved on to other acts of hedonism throughout his later life, the manner in which his colleagues, and the left-leaning ones in particular, were willing to laud him is a testament to their own ethical bankruptcy. And the pattern still fits to this day, with the entire atrocity of Benghazi and its aftermath standing as incontrovertible proof.

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Re: Understanding the Benghazi/Chappaquiddick connection
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2014, 04:51:18 am »
It's a shameful disgrace that the American people tolerate this from their so called leaders