Author Topic: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool  (Read 2740 times)

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Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« on: December 22, 2013, 08:33:18 pm »

Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool

by Jason Scheurer 21 Dec 2013

When I was a kid I used to pray for the snowy days of winter. When the other kids were dreaming of a day free from the drudgery of school and the fun of sledding and snowmen, I was thinking of making money. Cold, hard cash from crumpled hands would fill my pockets as I worked the neighborhood trying to service as many neighbors or “clients” that I could.

Maybe some of the other former young entrepreneurs out there can relate to this quirk—I actually took the time to individually press my hard-earned fortune using the family iron so that all the bills would lie neatly and crisply in my Velcro wallet. I was a businessman like my dad. I provided a service at an agreed-upon price which was beneficial to all involved, and it was wonderful.

Today’s job market is radically different. Gone are the days of the local fast food restaurants and landscaping companies staffed by pimply-faced teens hoping to save for their first car. Children whose fathers have lost their jobs to outsourcing are now themselves competing against in-sourced labor. Invading armies of illegal immigrants who are dotting the landscape of America have surreptitiously been allowed to cross over into our borders. This has been, and continues to be, the largest cause of wage suppression in the country.

Let’s take a minute so I can clearly state where I stand on this matter before a whole group of political hacks twist and distort what I’m saying. It is my opinion that legal immigration is one of the greatest assets of this country—it is one of our Golden Goose advantages that has blessed our nation from its inception and continues to shower us with dividends too numerous to list.

If I lived in just about 99% of the other countries of the world, I would be doing all I could to move my entire family to our shores; I believe that these United States are the best place to live a life of Liberty. But I would do it legally. The process we have in place for legal immigration is in serious need of significant reform, but as a whole, should not be tossed to the wayside just because millions of people decided to skirt the process and immigrate illegally.

In the ongoing debate over illegal immigration, many of those in favor of the current amnesty plan lack the fundamental understanding of how simple supply and demand works. Their starry eyes are filled with Utopian visions in which the country can digest just about any number of immigrants without its affecting the overall balance of the country’s labor pool. They’re WRONG. The greatest tragedy of their logic is that the very people they claim to be the advocates of (the poor, the uneducated and the downtrodden) are the very members of society who will bear the full brunt of this half-baked proposal.

The illegal immigration problem has grown in proportion to the growth of the welfare state. Years ago, Milton Freedman remarked on how “you can’t have free immigration and a welfare state.” The fundamental reason is that the wages one pays to an illegal immigrant mask the true cost to the existing labor pool. In essence, illegal immigrants suppress wages for existing workers while burdening the already straining social safety nets.

Ask yourself, "In what direction has the average hourly earnings of production and nonsupervisory employees wages (blue collar labor) been going over the last 40 years?" The existing surplus of low-skilled workers even had democratic-socialist Senator Bernie Sanders say that, “At a time when nearly fourteen percent of Americans do not have a full-time job, and when the middle class is working longer hours for lower wages, I oppose a massive increase in temporary guest worker programs that will allow large corporations to import hundreds of thousands of blue-collar and white-collar workers from overseas.”

Bernie can’t go all the way and call out all of the existing illegals, as it would most likely tarnish his image, but if even those like him on the far left can see the inherent dangers of these policies to the middle and lower classes, you know this has to be a serious problem. You just can’t bring in immigrant (primarily illegal) workers faster than you can create jobs without its destroying the very fabric of our society.

Evidence of this deliberate wage suppression policy is evident, in my opinion, by the continued failure to effectively secure the borders and deal with the millions of illegals currently living here. You cannot hide twelve million people! If illegals were a state of their own, it would be bigger than all but the top six. This failure appears conscious and deliberate to keep the status quo; there are too many advantages for those in power to maintain a permanent underclass. Unfortunately, this class of people can be (and are) used as pawns in the power struggles of politics and business at the expense of the average citizen.

The very notion that in today’s day and age that borders cannot be secured is beyond contempt. Meanwhile, your grandmother is getting cavity-searched by the TSA and yet another anchor baby is born in a U.S. hospital (which accounts for 8% of all births). The average American knows this “look the other way” policy very well, with all of its repercussions, because he has been dealing with suppressed wages for decades. This suppression has not only helped gut lower and middle-class Americans, it has also caused millions of Americans to rely on government subsidies, i.e. welfare checks, section 8 housing, and EBT cards.

Even with illegal immigration’s chilling wage-wake, why are so many in favor of it? Well, for businesses it is easy; more labor available will help them maintain and even lower existing hourly pay. The greater the supply (both legal and illegal) of workers, the greater the profit margins. With unofficial U6 unemployment totaling over 20 million people, allowing even more people into the country will only make it harder for the bottom to find a permanent position in an already over-crowded job market. As for the political 1% crowd’s support of these amnesty plans, the answer is more insidious; it helps control the effects of inflation.

As the U.S. has continued to rack up mind-numbing debt loads in the trillions of dollars, the risk of an inflationary move up in interest rates would most likely plunge the Federal government into a sea of red ink it could never hope to repay. Inflation would expose the decades of manipulation and outright lying that has been fed to the public by elected officials and government bureaucrats who have been selling Keynesian “hopium” to the masses.

These economic solutions were nothing more than monetary manipulations since we dropped the Bretton Woods agreement on August 15, 1971, and adopted a fiat money system. Wages in a free market would have an upward pressure in response to these actions, and because of this, it is to the advantage of large players (big government and business) to counter this force by adding supply to the job market by selectively not enforcing existing immigration laws. It is not a hard equation to understand; more workers equal lower wages, with the number of existing jobs being constant.

The downward force on wages, and the decreasing cost of capital by Fed manipulation, has lead to a widening wealth gap. With wages being flat, those with capital at their disposal will find themselves at the top of the food chain because labor is not their sole source of income. Those without access to capital are fighting a losing war if their weapon of choice is to work harder. For example, a doctor can only do so many surgeries a day, while an asset can grow exponentially. Once we began our fiat experiment, the divergence between productivity (capital) and labor began; this is why there have been so many calls for raising the minimum wage and the fight over right-to-work states. Rather than cut off the supply of in-sourced illegal and now H1B legal labor, the addition of more attempted fixes doesn’t speak to the heart of the problem.

Maybe, hopefully, at some point in the future we will wake up to what has really been going on in the labor market. Manipulation is not a free market. Manipulation distorts the invisible hand of the marketplace and has been the tool of special interests and social engineering utopians throughout history. In the past, the limitations on government restricted the degree of damage it could do to the man on the street, but with the consolidation of corporate and political power over the last half-century, the battles will only become more difficult.

Next time you’re sitting around the dinner table, perhaps over the holidays, be sure and remember to bring up the good ol’ days when entry level jobs were once held by young Americans looking to save, not illegal workers who compete with displaced American adults, all under the eyes of a surveillance-state that is selectively blind.

Source: The Economic Policy Institute

Notice how this divergence coincides with when the U.S. effectively went off the Gold Standard on August 15th, 1971. Fiat money hurts all but the very rich.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2013, 01:35:15 am »
The process we have in place for legal immigration is in serious need of significant reform, but as a whole, should not be tossed to the wayside just because millions of people decided to skirt the process and immigrate illegally.

Again, this is a false dichotomy and the author simply isn't credible when he's tilting at strawmen he's set up.  In particular, other than the hardcore leftist democrats, no one is talking about getting rid of the immigration laws entirely in order to benefit illegal aliens currently in the country.  However, if everyone else inflexibly stands on current immigration law and insists that first every jot and tittle of it be enforced, no exceptions, then it will be those hardcore leftists who write the bills that reform current immigration law and Obastard will most certainly sign those bills into law.

Do you want that?  Then stop the asinine raving I keep hearing about how we cannot be a nation of laws unless we first enforce to the hilt all of the immigration laws we have right now, and about how there cannot be even an iota of concession to illegal aliens currently in this country as part of any reform of the immigration laws.  Those attitudes, when taken together, inevitably, necessarily, lead to witch-hunts, broad, sweeping searches of every business and every house for illegals, pogroms, mass internments, concentration camps, and forced marches.  In short, to everything the Nazis did to the Jews - other than actually gassing them and burning the corpses, of course.

Of those who refuse to countenance any concession whatsoever to illegals currently in the country I ask this simple question:  will you have the courage to don the brown shirt, invade everyone else's house without a warrant or probable cause, and march anyone you think is an illegal off to an internment camp, or frog-march them across the Rio Grande, or will you hide behind the skirts of those who will?

If so, then I salute you for your willingness to be honest, but I then insist that you also honestly accept as fact that you are utterly antithetical to everything that America stands for.

If you aren't willing to do so, then you're a coward and, more to the point, a "good German."

Steer, queer, or meaningful participation in reforming current immigration law.  Those are the only three choices.

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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2013, 02:23:03 am »
Many illegals got that way coming in with a legal status, then remaining here illegally. Student, expired work permit, tourist, etc.

The USA long ago lost both the competency and political will,  to run something so simple, as a legal immigration system like the bracero program of the 50s and 60s.

We also lost the competency to run a student visa system, a tourist visa system, or a work permit visa system.

We are politically unwilling to pay for or utilize a serious system. They money is spent instead, on the Americans who lost their jobs to illegals. Low skilled and young workers, often minorities.

If blacks had half a brain, they would oppose illegal immigration, for it deprives their young people of jobs. Who wants to employ 16 year old Antoine, when you can have 25 year old Pedro with several years experience?

"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln


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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2013, 04:12:35 am »
Many illegals got that way coming in with a legal status, then remaining here illegally. Student, expired work permit, tourist, etc.

The USA long ago lost both the competency and political will,  to run something so simple, as a legal immigration system like the bracero program of the 50s and 60s.

We also lost the competency to run a student visa system, a tourist visa system, or a work permit visa system.

We are politically unwilling to pay for or utilize a serious system. They money is spent instead, on the Americans who lost their jobs to illegals. Low skilled and young workers, often minorities.

If blacks had half a brain, they would oppose illegal immigration, for it deprives their young people of jobs. Who wants to employ 16 year old Antoine, when you can have 25 year old Pedro with several years experience?

The presence of illegal aliens also undercuts the employment opportunities of people on the bottom end of the economic spectrum because those who employ them can get away with paying them less than the minimum wage and without having to pay any of the payroll taxes - if you're going to cross the line and break the law by hiring illegals, you're very likely to keep going and not pay payroll taxes on them either - which means that an employer can reduce its cost of labor by hiring illegals instead of Americans (or legal residents) whom it might otherwise hire.

The answer to this, however, is not the draconian enforcement of current immigration laws, nor the imposition of even harsher penalties on illegals, but a comprehensive reform that acknowledges the existence of illegals and the futility of trying to keep every single illegal out, and that at least gives the US the ability to maintain information on, and contact with, those who enter only to do work - in other words, something like the bracero programs.  One benefit to such a program is that it would be much harder for employers to reduce their cost of labor by hiring illegals because there would be substantially fewer actual illegals, and those aliens who entered legally as guest workers would not be afraid of demanding they be paid the minimum wage, at least, and those employers would no longer be able to reduce costs by not paying the payroll taxes.  Even if guest workers for a particular employer didn't complain about substandard pay - perhaps because the employer threatened them - a guest worker program that required guest workers to provide the government with up-to-date information about their whereabouts and their employment would make it comparative child's play to identify employers that engaged in such conduct because the government would have sufficient information to identify which employers were employing significant numbers of guest workers and, if that employer was in an industry that historically hired and underpaid illegals - such as agriculture - then those employers could be audited to ensure that they were treating their employees - guest worker as well as American - legally, including by paying them at least the minimum wage and paying the required payroll taxes.  And best of all, this could all be accomplished by making the focus of enforcement the employer, not the guest worker, which would defang most of the criticisms that enforcement of the immigration laws discriminates against American citizens and residents who happen to look like someone from another country - such as an American citizen of Mexican ancestry who still looks very much like a Mexican currently living in Mexico.

Embracing a sensible guest worker immigration reform should be a no-brainer, particularly for those who are concerned about the deleterious effects of illegal immigration on the employment opportunities of Americans on the lower end of the economic spectrum.

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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2013, 01:13:25 pm »
all the Corporatists sing:

1.  If a robot can do what 10 workers can do, why hire 10 workers with attached luggage:  benefits, salaries and personal problems?  So they can piss, moan and play pinocle all day?

2.  It's still probably cheaper to build a factory anywhere in the world than North America, Europe or Japan.  Employ the natives there.  Ship from there.  Sell here for 100 years.

3.  Not pay taxes or a reduced amount of taxes.

4.  No unions.

5.  Limited government interference.

That's just the major reasons to NOT to build in the "civilized" world.
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.


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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2013, 02:21:33 pm »
all the Corporatists sing:

1.  If a robot can do what 10 workers can do, why hire 10 workers with attached luggage:  benefits, salaries and personal problems?  So they can piss, moan and play pinocle all day?

2.  It's still probably cheaper to build a factory anywhere in the world than North America, Europe or Japan.  Employ the natives there.  Ship from there.  Sell here for 100 years.

3.  Not pay taxes or a reduced amount of taxes.

4.  No unions.

5.  Limited government interference.

That's just the major reasons to NOT to build in the "civilized" world.

The basic laws of economics sing that tune; anyone who chooses not to follow is simply engaged in welfarism.

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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2013, 03:27:16 pm »
The basic laws of economics sing that tune; anyone who chooses not to follow is simply engaged in welfarism.

And I thought I was going to need a /sarc tag!
You are the ginchiest!
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.

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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #7 on: December 23, 2013, 03:39:11 pm »
Again, this is a false dichotomy and the author simply isn't credible when he's tilting at strawmen he's set up.  In particular, other than the hardcore leftist democrats, no one is talking about getting rid of the immigration laws entirely in order to benefit illegal aliens currently in the country.  However, if everyone else inflexibly stands on current immigration law and insists that first every jot and tittle of it be enforced, no exceptions, then it will be those hardcore leftists who write the bills that reform current immigration law and Obastard will most certainly sign those bills into law.

Do you want that?  Then stop the asinine raving I keep hearing about how we cannot be a nation of laws unless we first enforce to the hilt all of the immigration laws we have right now, and about how there cannot be even an iota of concession to illegal aliens currently in this country as part of any reform of the immigration laws.  Those attitudes, when taken together, inevitably, necessarily, lead to witch-hunts, broad, sweeping searches of every business and every house for illegals, pogroms, mass internments, concentration camps, and forced marches.  In short, to everything the Nazis did to the Jews - other than actually gassing them and burning the corpses, of course.

Of those who refuse to countenance any concession whatsoever to illegals currently in the country I ask this simple question:  will you have the courage to don the brown shirt, invade everyone else's house without a warrant or probable cause, and march anyone you think is an illegal off to an internment camp, or frog-march them across the Rio Grande, or will you hide behind the skirts of those who will?

If so, then I salute you for your willingness to be honest, but I then insist that you also honestly accept as fact that you are utterly antithetical to everything that America stands for.

If you aren't willing to do so, then you're a coward and, more to the point, a "good German."

Steer, queer, or meaningful participation in reforming current immigration law.  Those are the only three choices.

I find it strange indeed that a skilled practitioner of law would hold such an opinion but you are STILL entitled to it and I STILL vehemently disagree!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien


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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #8 on: December 23, 2013, 03:43:51 pm »
I find it strange indeed that a skilled practitioner of law would hold such an opinion but you are STILL entitled to it and I STILL vehemently disagree!

Hold what opinion?  That failing to fully enforce each and every single law to the hilt is nothing less than lawless anarchy?  Why?  What else is jury nullification than the refusal to enforce a particular law?  Shall we punish jurors for engaging in jury nullification because, by that single act, they've turned us all into lawless savages?  Should the common sense exercise of prosecutorial discretion be banished as the act of lawless savages?  Is rolling through a stop sign at an empty intersection in an unpopulated area of the country equally as reprehensible as intentionally murdering someone?  After all, both are violations of "The Law" so excusing the former is just as much an act of savage lawlessness as excusing the latter, is it not?

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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2013, 03:51:02 pm »
Hold what opinion?  That failing to fully enforce each and every single law to the hilt is nothing less than lawless anarchy?  Why?  What else is jury nullification than the refusal to enforce a particular law?  Shall we punish jurors for engaging in jury nullification because, by that single act, they've turned us all into lawless savages?  Should the common sense exercise of prosecutorial discretion be banished as the act of lawless savages?  Is rolling through a stop sign at an empty intersection in an unpopulated area of the country equally as reprehensible as intentionally murdering someone?  After all, both are violations of "The Law" so excusing the former is just as much an act of savage lawlessness as excusing the latter, is it not?

I would remind you sir that what a JURY does is a VASTLY different thing than what the government does! The government has a duty, clearly laid out in our Constitution, to enforce the law as it exists and the duty of the jury is to rule on the LAW and the FACTS of each and every case that comes before them!

It is NOT, and never should be,  the province of the government to make judgments about the law as it currently exists.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 03:55:31 pm by Bigun »
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #10 on: December 23, 2013, 04:00:33 pm »
Hold what opinion?  That failing to fully enforce each and every single law to the hilt is nothing less than lawless anarchy?  Why?  What else is jury nullification than the refusal to enforce a particular law?  Shall we punish jurors for engaging in jury nullification because, by that single act, they've turned us all into lawless savages?  Should the common sense exercise of prosecutorial discretion be banished as the act of lawless savages?  Is rolling through a stop sign at an empty intersection in an unpopulated area of the country equally as reprehensible as intentionally murdering someone?  After all, both are violations of "The Law" so excusing the former is just as much an act of savage lawlessness as excusing the latter, is it not?

Members of juries, otherwise known as citizens, as opposed to subjects, as most in the law enforcement would see them, know the difference between a law of sense and a law of subjugation.
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.


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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #11 on: December 23, 2013, 04:21:52 pm »
I would remind you sir that what a JURY does is a VASTLY different thing than what the government does! The government has a duty, clearly laid out in our Constitution, to enforce the law as it exists and the duty of the jury is to rule on the LAW and the FACTS of each and every case that comes before them!

It is NOT, and never should be,  the province of the government to make judgments about the law as it currently exists.

Really?  So the extremely long history of prosecutorial discretion that we inherited from the English when we incorporated English common law into this country is unconstitutional, even though it was clearly within the contemplation of the Founders?  You can't just willy-nilly pick and choose what you want from what the Founders had before them.


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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2013, 04:23:41 pm »
Members of juries, otherwise known as citizens, as opposed to subjects, as most in the law enforcement would see them, know the difference between a law of sense and a law of subjugation.

They do?  What about the jury that nullified California criminal law and found OJ not guilty?  Are you saying, then, that the California criminal law he was charged under was senseless, and merely a law of subjugation.

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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #13 on: December 23, 2013, 04:26:45 pm »
Really?  So the extremely long history of prosecutorial discretion that we inherited from the English when we incorporated English common law into this country is unconstitutional, even though it was clearly within the contemplation of the Founders?  You can't just willy-nilly pick and choose what you want from what the Founders had before them.

Prosecutorial discretion is about deciding whether or not you have enough evidence in a PARTICULAR case to warrant prosecution and NOT at all about making judgements about the law in general. You well know this and are just throwing chaff up in the air in an attempt to cloud the issue!
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 05:31:20 pm by Bigun »
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #14 on: December 23, 2013, 04:41:00 pm »
They do?  What about the jury that nullified California criminal law and found OJ not guilty?  Are you saying, then, that the California criminal law he was charged under was senseless, and merely a law of subjugation.

I'm not talking about morons.  I'm speaking about people who can recognize the difference between a law that prevents people from doing what they wish on their property, such as cutting down a tree or open a lemonade stand.  Your attitude is one of the reasons why people have such disrespect for the laws that are passed for nothing more than revenue growth or social control.
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.

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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #15 on: December 23, 2013, 04:41:43 pm »
They do?  What about the jury that nullified California criminal law and found OJ not guilty?  Are you saying, then, that the California criminal law he was charged under was senseless, and merely a law of subjugation.

So Michael Nifong would be a buddy of yours?
Why?  Well, because I'm a bastard, that's why.

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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2013, 05:04:27 pm »
Look. I looked into this, in depth.

If I were to come to live in the USA legally, it would take 3 years and several thousand dollars. I can come over on a visa waiver, over stay and never be caught. Total cost - the flight.

Which do you think is more appealing?
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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2013, 05:30:07 pm »
Look. I looked into this, in depth.

If I were to come to live in the USA legally, it would take 3 years and several thousand dollars. I can come over on a visa waiver, over stay and never be caught. Total cost - the flight.

Which do you think is more appealing?

You have summed up the entire problem in one short sentence!

Try doing that in any other country on earth!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2013, 05:48:13 pm »
You have summed up the entire problem in one short sentence!

Try doing that in any other country on earth!

Add into the mix that the USA is the only country apart from North Korea that does not permit dual nationality and that aggressively taxes monies earned abroad.
Can you see any benefits to legal citizenship? Your taxes go up, you are required to repudiate your heritage, lose your identity and forgo travel to countries that are not fond of the US.

No thanks. I'll stay illegal if I ever wander over.
The universe doesn't hate you. Unless your name is Tsutomu Yamaguchi

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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2013, 06:13:41 pm »
Add into the mix that the USA is the only country apart from North Korea that does not permit dual nationality and that aggressively taxes monies earned abroad.
Can you see any benefits to legal citizenship? Your taxes go up, you are required to repudiate your heritage, lose your identity and forgo travel to countries that are not fond of the US.

No thanks. I'll stay illegal if I ever wander over.

Given the current state of affairs I don't blame you one bit!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.

"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #20 on: December 24, 2013, 02:03:51 am »
You have summed up the entire problem in one short sentence!

Try doing that in any other country on earth!

Do you think illegals try to get into Switzerland, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, Nederland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Canada, Australia etc.

What do you think they have in common with the USA?

Do you think none of those nations have problems with illegal immigration?
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln


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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #21 on: December 24, 2013, 04:50:09 am »
Add into the mix that the USA is the only country apart from North Korea that does not permit dual nationality and that aggressively taxes monies earned abroad.
Can you see any benefits to legal citizenship? Your taxes go up, you are required to repudiate your heritage, lose your identity and forgo travel to countries that are not fond of the US.

No thanks. I'll stay illegal if I ever wander over.

Actually, the US does permit dual nationality or, to put it more precisely, it doesn't prohibit dual nationality.  There's a short summary of it from the Dept of State here:


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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #22 on: December 24, 2013, 04:52:07 am »
Look. I looked into this, in depth.

If I were to come to live in the USA legally, it would take 3 years and several thousand dollars. I can come over on a visa waiver, over stay and never be caught. Total cost - the flight.

Which do you think is more appealing?

Which is why liberalizing the immigration laws only makes sense because, at the least, it allows the government to keep better information on who's entered and what they're doing while they're here.


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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #23 on: December 24, 2013, 04:55:52 am »
Do you think illegals try to get into Switzerland, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Belgium, Nederland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Canada, Australia etc.

What do you think they have in common with the USA?

Do you think none of those nations have problems with illegal immigration?

Uhhh, they're all in Europe?  :silly:

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Re: Illegal Immigration: History's Greatest Wage Suppression Tool
« Reply #24 on: December 24, 2013, 05:22:07 am »
Actually, the US does permit dual nationality or, to put it more precisely, it doesn't prohibit dual nationality.  There's a short summary of it from the Dept of State here:

Fair point - thank you for the link. They don't, however, like it or encourage it. States that in the summary, and two people I know who did emigrate legally had it strongly suggested that they give up their original nationality (One UK, one Aussie).
I wouldn't. Got 4 nationalities (with matching passports) already - why would I give any of them up?

Far easier for me to just overstay and disappear.
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