Author Topic: Obama White House Calls GOP a "Cult Worthy of Jonestown"  (Read 896 times)

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Obama White House Calls GOP a "Cult Worthy of Jonestown"
« on: December 18, 2013, 05:15:19 pm »

 December 18, 2013
Obama White House Calls GOP a "Cult Worthy of Jonestown"
Conn Carroll
12/18/2013 9:15:00 AM - Conn Carroll

Last week, when news broke that former-President Clinton Chief of Staff John Podesta had agreed to join the Obama White House as a "counselor," Townhall reported that, "Podesta Hire Shows Obama Is Done Dealing With Congress."

In that post we explained how Podesta literally wrote the book on how Obama should govern by fiat, without any input from Congress, after Republicans took control of the House in 2010. We concluded:

    The move to hire Podesta now, as opposed to waiting till after the 2014 elections, is an admission by the White House that their second term legislative agenda (immigration reform, gun control, and climate change) is already dead.

    If progressives are going to make any progress expanding government during the rest of Obama's presidency, it will only be through unilateral executive action. It will not be sanctioned by Congress.

Today, Politico confirmed that governing-by-executive-fiat is exactly what Podesta has in mind. The only shocking part of the story is Podesta's justification for shredding the Constitution:

    In effect, I was told, it represents the clearest sign to date of the administration’s interest in shifting the paradigm of Obama’s presidency through the forceful, unapologetic and occasionally provocative application of White House power. Podesta, whose official mandate includes enforcement of numerous executive orders on emissions and the environment, suggested as much when he spoke with me earlier this fall about Obama’s team. “They need to focus on executive action given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress,” he told me.

That's right. Obama's new counselor, the man in charge of saving his presidency, believes the Republican Party is a murderous cult and that this justifies Obama's extra-constitutional use of executive power.

Every Republican in Washington, DC, should read this article on Podesta's power grab, and those Republicans contemplating working with Democrats on immigration reform should read it twice.

Whatever legislation you write with Democrats, and Obama signs into "law," will not be worth the paper it is printed on. Obama's new counselor believes Republicans are evil and therefore Obama ought to be empowered to do whatever he wants no matter what the law says.

That is the new normal in Washington as long as Obama is still president.
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Re: Obama White House Calls GOP a "Cult Worthy of Jonestown"
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2013, 05:16:32 pm »

 John Podesta apologizes for Jonestown quote
By: Jonathan Allen
December 18, 2013 11:25 AM EST

Speaker John Boehner’s office ripped John Podesta, the incoming counselor to President Barack Obama, for comments he made to POLITICO, comparing House Republicans to followers of Jim Jones, who murdered five people, including then-Rep. Leo Ryan, before committing mass suicide in Guyana in 1978.

“For those who’ve forgotten, a Democratic member of Congress was murdered in Jonestown and a current one, Rep. Jackie Speier, was shot five times during the same incident,” Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck said in a statement to reporters. “If this is the attitude of the new White House, it’s hard to see how the president gets anything done again.”

Podesta, speaking to POLITICO Magazine’s Glenn Thrush earlier this year and quoted in an article that posted Tuesday evening, recommended that the president and his aides should “focus on executive action, given that they are facing a second term against a cult worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress.”

Podesta apologized in a tweet Wednesday morning.

“In an old interview, my snark got in front of my judgment. I apologize to Speaker Boehner, whom I have always respected,” he wrote.
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Re: Obama White House Calls GOP a "Cult Worthy of Jonestown"
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2013, 05:25:09 pm »
In an old interview, my snark got in front of my judgment.
Yes, just a youthful indiscretion. Nothing to see here.
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Re: Obama White House Calls GOP a "Cult Worthy of Jonestown"
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2013, 05:55:58 pm »
Podesta apologized in a tweet Wednesday morning.

“In an old interview, my snark got in front of my judgment. I apologize to Speaker Boehner, whom I have always respected,” he wrote.

The guy's not even in the WH yet, and he's putting out quotes like this?  Already?  An omen for things to come, I'm afraid.  For these people, when the going gets difficult they become even MORE thuggish.

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Re: Obama White House Calls GOP a "Cult Worthy of Jonestown"
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2013, 02:38:19 am »
[[ For these people, when the going gets difficult they become even MORE thuggish. ]]

Actually, Michael Barone warned about this, in an opinion piece written 'way back in 2008, entitled "The Coming Obama Thugocracy":


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Re: Obama White House Calls GOP a "Cult Worthy of Jonestown"
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2013, 02:42:39 am »
[[ For these people, when the going gets difficult they become even MORE thuggish. ]]

Actually, Michael Barone warned about this, in an opinion piece written 'way back in 2008, entitled "The Coming Obama Thugocracy":


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Re: Obama White House Calls GOP a "Cult Worthy of Jonestown"
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2013, 02:53:39 am »
John Podesta is a Clintonite goombah who is being brought in SPECIFICALLY to test the limits of executive orders.

He has a potty mouth, an angry disposition, and will soon draw his red lines.

He's not a likable person, so the GOP should hammer the hell out of him.  There'll be more remarks like this out of his despicable mouth.
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Re: Obama White House Calls GOP a "Cult Worthy of Jonestown"
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2013, 08:25:30 am »

Every Republican in Washington, DC, should read this article on Podesta's power grab, and those Republicans contemplating working with Democrats on immigration reform should read it twice.

Oh No!  Podesta called us a cult!  He's so mean.  This does change everything!  We can't let the rats get away with calling us vile and nasty things.  Before you know it other rats beside Podesta will be saying bad things that indicate they don't like us too.

Whatever legislation you write with Democrats, and Obama signs into "law," will not be worth the paper it is printed on. Obama's new counselor believes Republicans are evil and therefore Obama ought to be empowered to do whatever he wants no matter what the law says.

So then there is no harm in passing new law.  Obama's gonna do what Obama's gonna do.  He already ignores enforcing the laws he doesn't like and if he wants new laws he just reaches into his alphabet bag and pulls out new regulations from the EPA, NSA, OSHA, FDA, HSA, EEOC...

Obama makes up new rules for Obamacare at the drop of the hat.  He already doesn't need Congress.  What can Podesta do that Obma can't do already?

It doesn't matter what Podesta says.  It's nothing new.  "Cult" is a refreshing change of pace from the usual gun-toting Jesus preaching racist/fascist/sexist/homophobe tripe.