Some strange words from some folks who were only too happy to bolster Mr. Ryan 13 months ago.
Ryan is a fraud. Many were duped by him when he "appeared" to be a budget hawk with Erskine Bowles and in his spending proposals last year. However, a through review of Ryan reveals that he is a pure fraud and firmly in the left wing of the GOP.
Ryan voted for the Bridge to Nowhere, the largest Medicaid expansion in the Nation's history in Medicare Part D, Voted for TARP, and was one of only 32 Republicans to vote for the automobile bailout. He also voted for No Child Left Behind. He is a flaming Neocon and interventionist. Did I mention that he fully embraces amnesty???? Now he has joined Patty Murray in giving us the "budget deal" that even most GOP Senators abhor. Ryan is a fraud, indeed.