Author Topic: Martin Bashir apologizes for dirty, disgusting slam at Sarah Palin Howard Kurtz By Howard Kurtz  (Read 1702 times)

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Martin Bashir apologizes for dirty, disgusting slam at Sarah Palin

By Howard Kurtz
Published November 18, 2013

When I first saw a headline about what Martin Bashir said, I figured it must be exaggerated.

No responsible cable news host would call for defecating on a public figure. That’s just beyond the pale, right?

But that’s exactly what Bashir did on his MSNBC show, while spewing venom at Sarah Palin.

He made an abject apology yesterday, and we’ll get to that in a moment.

I’ve long been amazed by Bashir’s brand of name-calling. He despises Republicans, we get it. But the highly personal nature of his assaults, while delivered in an erudite British accent, stands out even by the loose standards of cable news.

This guy was a co-anchor of “Nightline” when he was at ABC, but was apparently seething with liberal resentment that we now see displayed daily on his weekday show. MSNBC once suspended Ed Schultz for calling Laura Ingraham a “right-wing slut”; why on earth does it tolerate Bashir's brand of bile?

Bashir once said that the NRA “deserves to be equated with Hitler,” so he’s practiced at indendiary comparisons.

What happened last week is that Bashir used his hatred of Palin—calling her the country’s “resident dunce” and a “world-class idiot”—to descend deeper into the gutter than I ever thought he’d go.

Now the issue on which he went after the former Alaska governor and Fox News contributor is fair game. Palin had spoken in Iowa of borrowing from China to pay for the national debt, saying: “This isn’t racist. But it’s going to be like slavery when that note is due.”

Lots of people didn’t approve of Palin likening government borrowing to the awful legacy of buying and selling African-Americans.

But Bashir chose to tell his audience of the diary of a plantation overseer in Jamaica named Thomas Thistlewood.

“In 1756, he records that a slave named Darby ‘catched eating kanes had him well flogged and pickled, then made Hector, another slave, sh** in his mouth.’

“This became known as ‘Darby’s Dose,’ a punishment invented by Thistlewood that spoke only of inhumanity. And he mentions a similar incident in 1756, his time in relation to a man he refers to as Punch. ‘Flogged punch well, and then washed and rubbed salt pickle, lime juice and bird pepper, made Negro Joe piss in his eyes and mouth.’”

And that brings Bashir to his disgusting denouement: “When Mrs. Palin invokes slavery, she doesn’t just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, she would be the outstanding candidate.”

That’s right. Wrapped in the language of literary allegory, Bashir is saying he’d like to see someone assault and abuse Sarah Palin in this horrifying fashion.

And no one at MSNBC bats an eye? This is deemed acceptable discourse?

What would MSNBC say if a conservative had talked about defecating on, say, Hillary Clinton?

In his televised apology, directed to both Palin and to viewers, Bashir said his remarks were “unworthy” and “deeply offensive,” and that he is “deeply sorry.” He said he wished he had been “more thoughtful” and “more compassionate.” He said “the politics of vitriol and destruction is a miserable place to be and a miserable person to become,” and promised to learn a lesson.

An abject apology is all well and good. But as Mediaite’s Joe Concha writes, invoking MSNBC President Phil Griffin: “Could you imagine if Neil Cavuto or Jake Tapper, who occupy the same timeslot on Fox and CNN, respectively, suggested anyone s*it in anyone’s mouth on national television, as Bashir did last week?

“And it’s not as he’s killing it in the ratings. Day after day, Bashir easily owns the lowest-rated show in his timeslot among the big three. If Griffin were smart, he’d use this episode as an excuse to get rid of Bashir.”

MSNBC rightfully suspended Alec Baldwin for two weeks for hurling an anti-gay slur at a photographer. But the corporate attitude is different because Palin is the target?

This is nothing short of shameful, as even Martin Bashir now seems to recognize.

All Ford All The Time

You might think a mayor might lay low for awhile after admitting to smoking crack, getting too drunk, threatening to murder someone, and using a sexually explicit term on live television while denying that a female friend was a hooker.

Not Rob Ford.

Instead, Toronto’s hard-living chief executive gives interviews to Fox and CNN as he prepares to launch his own Canadian TV show. Oh, and he knocked over a female City Council member yesterday as he rushed to help his brother in an “altercation.” Oh, and he’s thinking of running for prime minister.

"I’m seeking professional help, I’m not an alcoholic, I’m not a drug addict," Ford told Fox’s John Roberts. "Have I had my outbursts in the past? Absolutely I have John. But you know what I’m only human. I’ve made mistakes I’ve apologized. That’s all I can do."

Ford also turned on CNN’s Bill Weir, saying: “I’m not an addict. You can spin it. You can tell me whatever you want. These people know that I’m not—have you ever got drunk before, Bill?” After Weir allowed that he had, Ford said: “I don’t look at myself as the mayor. I look at myself as just a normal, regular person.”

“Normal” and “regular” are not the first words that come to mind. There’s a reason that “SNL” is lampooning Ford, who crashed a Toronto Argonauts Canadian football game despite a request by the league’s commissioner that he stay away.

Why do we give Ford all this coverage? Most politicians are boring, and this one is a slow-motion train wreck. Every day he seems to top himself. And Canada, usually ignored by the American media, hasn’t gotten this much coverage since the War of 1812.
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Offline happyg

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Alcohol is a drug, and another form of drug addiction. When you abuse it constantly you are an alcoholic/drug addict.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 12:57:43 am by happyg »

Offline Cincinnatus

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Kurtz, get a clue.

You state Bashir's comments were
Wrapped in the language of literary allegory
, but can't figure out the same thing could be said about Sarah's?
Lots of people didn’t approve of Palin likening government borrowing to the awful legacy of buying and selling African-Americans.

She was alluding to a statement about indebtedness in the Bible, which, accept scripture or not, is also a literary work; and one of far more profound influence than the writings of some 18th century Jamaican slave overseer.
We shall never be abandoned by Heaven while we act worthy of its aid ~~ Samuel Adams

Offline musiclady

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Kurtz, get a clue.

You state Bashir's comments were , but can't figure out the same thing could be said about Sarah's?
She was alluding to a statement about indebtedness in the Bible, which, accept scripture or not, is also a literary work; and one of far more profound influence than the writings of some 18th century Jamaican slave overseer.

Why, back in the day when high schools used to actually educate students (not that long ago), many schools offered a course called "The Bible as Literature."

I guess Kurtz isn't educated enough to understand that, Cincinnatus.....
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.

Offline Cincinnatus

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Why, back in the day when high schools used to actually educate students (not that long ago), many schools offered a course called "The Bible as Literature."

I don't care who you are nor what or how many degrees you may have, you are not educated unless you have some working knowledge of the Bible. Its impact on Western history, art, literature, law, and all other facets of Western culture is that immense and that undeniable.
We shall never be abandoned by Heaven while we act worthy of its aid ~~ Samuel Adams

Offline aligncare

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Kurtz, get a clue.

You state Bashir's comments were , but can't figure out the same thing could be said about Sarah's?
She was alluding to a statement about indebtedness in the Bible, which, accept scripture or not, is also a literary work; and one of far more profound influence than the writings of some 18th century Jamaican slave overseer.

Even when they muster the will and find reasons to fault the left's attacks, journalists get it wrong.


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This "apology" was a liberal attack on women disguised as Bashir being humble.  Don Imus was fired for being far less vulgar using a term that is used every day in the black community.  As the article indicated MSNBC personnel have a history of demeaning white women and this is a shame for a liberal network which a "champion of women." If anyone thinks for one second Bashir would still be working if he had made that comment about Moochelle Obama, or any black woman, you belong with Michael Jackson in Neverland.  This was a blatant attack on a white women by MSNBC who must have known the statement was coming, as it was a prepared statement, and approved it anyway. :2gunz:

Offline musiclady

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Why, back in the day when high schools used to actually educate students (not that long ago), many schools offered a course called "The Bible as Literature."

I don't care who you are nor what or how many degrees you may have, you are not educated unless you have some working knowledge of the Bible. Its impact on Western history, art, literature, law, and all other facets of Western culture is that immense and that undeniable.

Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.

Offline Relic

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Two thoughts:

Bashir's comments reveal the man's true thoughts. Bashir should never be given a public forum again. He is a vile, evil little man who is sorely in need of a physical beating.

Slavery isn't exclusive to Africans.
slav·er·y  (slv-r, slvr)
n. pl. slav·er·ies
1. The state of one bound in servitude as the property of a slaveholder or household.
a. The practice of owning slaves.
b. A mode of production in which slaves constitute the principal work force.
3. The condition of being subject or addicted to a specified influence.
4. A condition of hard work and subjection: wage slavery.


  • Guest
Two thoughts:

Bashir's comments reveal the man's true thoughts. Bashir should never be given a public forum again. He is a vile, evil little man who is sorely in need of a physical beating.

Slavery isn't exclusive to Africans.
slav·er·y  (slv-r, slvr)
n. pl. slav·er·ies
1. The state of one bound in servitude as the property of a slaveholder or household.
a. The practice of owning slaves.
b. A mode of production in which slaves constitute the principal work force.
3. The condition of being subject or addicted to a specified influence.
4. A condition of hard work and subjection: wage slavery.

Indeed!  There have been more people through history who have been slaves to governments than to individuals, as we are starting to discover in America. 9999what

Offline musiclady

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Two thoughts:

Bashir's comments reveal the man's true thoughts. Bashir should never be given a public forum again. He is a vile, evil little man who is sorely in need of a physical beating.

Slavery isn't exclusive to Africans.
slav·er·y  (slv-r, slvr)
n. pl. slav·er·ies
1. The state of one bound in servitude as the property of a slaveholder or household.
a. The practice of owning slaves.
b. A mode of production in which slaves constitute the principal work force.
3. The condition of being subject or addicted to a specified influence.
4. A condition of hard work and subjection: wage slavery.

I don't think too many are aware of the amount of slavery that exists to this day, and how much of it is bonded labor - much of which is based solely on financial indebtedness to the slave owner.

And in fact, there are a number of countries in Africa where Africans are enslaved to other Africans.  But there is also a significant problem with slavery in India and in Brazil.

Bashir and the entire left are completely ignorant.

Stupidly, brainlessly ignorant.

And when you add the vile, evil nature of these creeps, you come up with Martin Bashir, Ed Schultz, Alan Grayson, and a plethora of other leftist cretins.
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.