Author Topic: Evidence of Widespread Voter Fraud Found in Virginia Governor’s Race  (Read 749 times)

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NationalReport>Richmond, VA–Merely hours after the close of a bitter and divisive Governor’s race in Virginia that saw Democrat Terry McAuliffe pull out a win over Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, irregularities in voting data have emerged.  According to mainstream media outlets McAuliffe supposedly defeated Cuccinelli in a razor-thin 47-46 percent victory to become the next Governor of the great state of Virginia.

Immediately following the announcement, Cuccinelli’s office opened a full investigation into the legitimacy of the vote and quickly turned up surprising results.  In 13 districts, multiple instances of intimidation at the polls were reported.  Large black men wearing traditional Black Panther garb were reported lingering around polling places approaching older voters asking questions about who they intended on voting for.  In Loudoun and Fairfax counties (traditional Democratic strongholds), election officials withheld submitting voter data in order to get an idea of whether to count absentee ballots or not.  In an audit of the voter registration information, it quickly became apparent that MULTIPLE votes were cast by people who were either deceased or had long ago moved out of the district.

According to exit polling Cuccinelli won the race by big margins reaching a high percent of the key voting blocks of women, Latinos and Blacks.

Cuccinelli was a target of large amounts of out of state financing as the Democrats set out to make the race be a referendum against the Tea Party movement.  McAuliffe got a late boost from Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as Joe Biden, who campaigned hard for the Democrat.

Even in defeat Cuccinelli reminded voters that the election was in fact a referendum against President Obama’s Affordable Care Act.  “Despite being outspent by an unprecedented $15 million,” he said, ”this race came down to the wire because of Obamacare. That message will go out across America tonight.”

Sources within Cuccinelli’s office have warned that “this is not over” and that Ken will be challenging the results of the election in court.

No such irregularities have been discovered in New Jersey where Republican candidate Chris Christie was re-elected in a landslide victory.

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Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Evidence of Widespread Voter Fraud Found in Virginia Governor’s Race
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2013, 02:19:51 am »
He is still AG for a while longer.........  :2popcorn:
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776