Author Topic: Obama Pressures Jewish Groups Not to Lobby for New Iran Sanctions  (Read 980 times)

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resident Barack Obama is pressuring Jewish and pro-Israel organizations not to lobby for new sanctions against Iran, which Congress is considering this month. The Obama administration wants to give Iran time prove its good faith in new diplomatic efforts to resolve concerns about its nuclear program.

Last month, the Obama administration enlisted Jewish and pro-Israel groups to lobby for military action in Syria.

The Jerusalem Post reported Wednesday that "national security advisor Susan Rice, her deputies Ben Rhodes and Tony Blinken and Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman" met with "four major American Jewish organizations" and that there was a "serious exchange" over policy towards Iran.

Israel's Ha'aretz newspaper identified the four groups as "the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, AIPAC, the Anti Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee."

Earlier this month, Sherman had asked Congress to delay new sanctions that would severely restrict Iranian global oil sales.

The major sticking point in negotiations is that Iran insists on its "right" to enrich uranium. Current UN Security Council resolutions prohibit Iran from enriching uranium. The Obama administration has offered compromises such as allowing Iran to conduct a limited amount of enrichment.

Israel has argued that Iran should be prevented from enriching any uranium at all, given the potential for its use in nuclear weapons.

Lobbying now ovens later.  :smokin:

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Re: Obama Pressures Jewish Groups Not to Lobby for New Iran Sanctions
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2013, 07:03:17 pm »
A bit ago I was watching FoxNews. I think it may have been Bill Hemmer, anywho he had on KT Mcfarland (I think that is her last name). She told him that Obama would lift sanctions.......the look on Hemmers face was pure shock.   

Offline raml

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Re: Obama Pressures Jewish Groups Not to Lobby for New Iran Sanctions
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2013, 07:10:24 pm »
You would think with their past Jews would recognize someone who hates them as Obama does. I do believe the Jews in Israel are aware of it but those in this country seem oblivious to it. He hates us Christians and Jews and would love to see us eliminated. Anyone who thinks different hasn't been watching this devil.

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Re: Obama Pressures Jewish Groups Not to Lobby for New Iran Sanctions
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2013, 07:28:09 pm »
You would think with their past Jews would recognize someone who hates them as Obama does. I do believe the Jews in Israel are aware of it but those in this country seem oblivious to it. He hates us Christians and Jews and would love to see us eliminated. Anyone who thinks different hasn't been watching this devil.
The terrifying thing  at this rate he may get both soon.

Offline Cincinnatus

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Re: Obama Pressures Jewish Groups Not to Lobby for New Iran Sanctions
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2013, 07:39:56 pm »
Jewish Vote Goes 69 Percent For Barack Obama: Exit Polls

WASHINGTON -- Exit polls indicate that President Barack Obama received 69 percent of the Jewish vote Tuesday. Partisans have just begun to argue whether that was an overwhelming endorsement or the latest evidence that one of the Democratic Party's most reliable constituencies is becoming less so with every presidential election.

It's like those areas of the country which voted overwhelmingly for the guy and are now wailing because of the impact of ObamaCare.

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