Author Topic: Obama’s Valerie Jarrett: Often Whispered about, But Never Challenged  (Read 1208 times)

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 Obama’s Valerie Jarrett: Often Whispered about, But Never Challenged
By John Fund
October 25, 2013 9:55 AM

President Obama’s aides went to extraordinary lengths to uncover the identity of a senior official who was using Twitter to make snarky comments about White House staffers. Suspicion gradually centered on Jofi Joseph, the point man on nuclear nonproliferation at the National Security Council. So at a meeting in which everyone was in on the scam an inaccurate but innocuous news tidbit was revealed. When Joseph used his anonymous Twitter handle #natlsecwonk to broadcast the tidbit he was caught and promptly fired. He was not fired for revealing any secrets, but for making disparaging comments about thin-skinned administration players ranging from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel.

What apparently intensified the campaign to identify the “snarker” was a comment about Valerie Jarrett, the senior Obama adviser who has her own Secret Service detail and appears to exercise an inordinate amount of power behind the scenes. Joseph tweeted “I’m a fan of Obama, but his continuing reliance and dependence upon a vacuous cipher like Valerie Jarrett concerns me.”

Jarrett, an old Chicago friend of both Barack and Michelle Obama, appears to exercise such extraordinary influence she is sometimes quietly referred to as “Rasputin” on Capitol Hill, a reference to the mystical monk who held sway over Russia’s Czar Nicholas as he increasingly lost touch with reality during World War I.

Darrell Delamaide, a columnist for Dow Jones’s MarketWatch, says that “what has baffled many observers is how Jarrett, a former cog in the Chicago political machine and a real-estate executive, can exert such influence on policy despite her lack of qualifications in national security, foreign policy, economics, legislation or any of the other myriad specialties the president needs in an adviser.” 

Delamaide believes the term “vacuous cipher” that was applied to Jarrett stung so much because it could be used as a metaphor for the administration in general. He writes that what “has remained consistent about the Obama administration is that vacuity — the slow response in a crisis, the hesitant and contradictory communication, a lack of conviction and engagement amid constant political calculation.” The stunning revelation that President Obama wasn’t kept properly apprised of problems with Obamacare’s website is just the latest example of how dysfunctional Obama World can be.

Whether Jarrett’s influence is all too real or exaggerated is unknowable. What is known is the extent to which she has long been a peerless enabler of Barack Obama’s inflated opinion of himself. Consider this quote from New Yorker editor David Remnick’s interview with her for his 2010 book The Bridge.

 “I think Barack knew that he had God-given talents that were extraordinary. He knows exactly how smart he is. . . . He knows how perceptive he is. He knows what a good reader of people he is. And he knows that he has the ability — the extraordinary, uncanny ability — to take a thousand different perspectives, digest them and make sense out of them, and I think that he has never really been challenged intellectually. . . . So what I sensed in him was not just a restless spirit but somebody with such extraordinary talents that had to be really taxed in order for him to be happy.
. . . He’s been bored to death his whole life. He’s just too talented to do what ordinary people do.”

Up against a court flatterer of that caliber it’s no surprise that Jarrett has outlasted almost everyone who was in Obama’s original White House team — from chief of staff Rahm Emanuel to political guru David Axelrod to Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. All are known to have crossed her, and all are gone. As one former Obama aide once told me: “Valerie is ‘She Who Must Not be Challenged.’” 

When the revealing histories of the Obama White House are written it will be fascinating to learn just how extensive her role in the key decisions of the Obama years was.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Obama’s Valerie Jarrett: Often Whispered about, But Never Challenged
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2013, 02:19:25 am »
I find it interesting this week people are suddenly finding the nerve to speak her name. Up til now the only person who has is Ulsterman.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

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Re: Obama’s Valerie Jarrett: Often Whispered about, But Never Challenged
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2013, 02:55:22 am »
Jarrett is the mother Obama always wished for. We all know Obama had a very disfunctional upbringing, and was abandoned by both his father and his mother. He was dumped on White communist grandparents and felt alone and confused as a child. Obama has said in his ghost written books that he always distrusted and even hated the White non-Muslim side of his family.
Jarret is Obama's perfect surrogate mother. She is Muslim and dark skinned, like him. And yes, she must not be challenged, not even by Obama himself. At this point, given her access and her personality, she has enough on Obama and the entire nation of America to sink the whole boat if she wants to, at a whim.
You cannot "COEXIST" with people who want to kill you.
If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
Rational fear and anger at vicious murderous Islamic terrorists is the same as irrational antisemitism, according to the Leftists.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: Obama’s Valerie Jarrett: Often Whispered about, But Never Challenged
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2013, 03:06:51 am »
Jarrett is the mother Obama always wished for. We all know Obama had a very disfunctional upbringing, and was abandoned by both his father and his mother. He was dumped on White communist grandparents and felt alone and confused as a child. Obama has said in his ghost written books that he always distrusted and even hated the White non-Muslim side of his family.
Jarret is Obama's perfect surrogate mother. She is Muslim and dark skinned, like him. And yes, she must not be challenged, not even by Obama himself. At this point, given her access and her personality, she has enough on Obama and the entire nation of America to sink the whole boat if she wants to, at a whim.

�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776