Author Topic: I have another video I'd like your input on.  (Read 23770 times)

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Offline massadvj

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #75 on: October 19, 2013, 01:08:00 am »
They've gotten worse because all of our politicians answer to the same masters.

And exactly how would you propose solving this problem?


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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #76 on: October 19, 2013, 01:21:29 am »
And exactly how would you propose solving this problem?

Vote third party and put in a candidate that is not entrenched in corruption.

Offline ABX

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #77 on: October 19, 2013, 01:43:16 am »
Vote third party and put in a candidate that is not entrenched in corruption.

While I won't argue there is a need for good third party, we shouldn't be fooled to think they (existing options) are any better. There is always the 'grass is always greener' view. Unfortunately, some of the people the Libertarians and Constitution party have put up have been as much as, if not more of a joke than the main party candidates. And don't get me started on the fourth tier candidates, lol.

And for my liberal friends, don't think I'm leaving you out. Come on... Cynthia McKinney, Cindy Sheehan, & Rosanne Barr- good grief, sounds more like the line up at a mental ward.

Offline NavyCanDo

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #78 on: October 19, 2013, 01:47:21 am »
Liberal-spy pretends he's knows more about the Reagan Years than we who lived it.

Ronald Reagan, For Those Under 40

 written in 2004

This may sound shocking to anyone under 40, but 25 years ago, a lot of serious people were seriously wondering whether America’s best days were already past us.
 Time magazine ran a cover story asking “Where have all the Heroes Gone?”
Inflation was 12%, Unemployment over 7% and both were rising simultaneously, giving birth to a new term, “stagflation”. Gasoline was just as expensive as it is today (accounting for inflation), except there wasn’t much to buy and long lines snaked around the block. Articles in respected magazines and newspapers asked whether the American Presidency was “too big a job for just one person”.
American soldiers weren’t the good guys. Just watch any war movie made in the mid-to late 70’s. If our guys weren’t bad, they were distraught, discouraged, crazy or suicidal.
 Just 10 short years before becoming the world’s only Superpower, America seemed paralyzed after Vietnam while the Soviet empire expanded throughout the Third World. And it wasn’t just the Communists pushing us around. Millions of Americans watched Islamic militants sack the American embassy in Iran and march 52 blindfolded American hostages in front of television cameras. They wouldn’t release them for over 400 days.
 In the Spring of 1979, President Jimmy Carter delivered one of the most unusual presidential speeches ever delivered from the White House. Known today as the “Malaise” speech, its theme was that America was suffering a “crisis of the spirit”. Even Democrats were not impressed. Carter was challenged for renomination by Senator Ted Kennedy. Carter won (or Kennedy lost, more accurately), but his party was divided and his nation was despondent.
 Enter Ronald Reagan. Against this somber background, Reagan insisted that America’s brightest days were still in front of us, not behind us. He rejected the Vietnam syndrome, instead declaring that America was not the cause of corruption and evil abroad, but the cure for it, particularly in facing down Soviet communism. As for solving problems at home, we didn’t need the government to do more, we needed it to do less. The size, girth and expense of government was the problem, not the solution. In an era preoccupied with the “complexity” of insoluble problems, Reagan said “There are simple solutions - just not easy ones.”
Sophisticated people found Reagan, well....... unsophisticated. Also naive, not all that bright, and much too hard line.
 But Reagan was telling Americans what they wanted to hear and what they wanted to believe about their country. And when they elected him by a 41 State landslide, he went to work doing what he said he would do.
 He said his program to cut income taxes, government regulation and domestic government spending would unleash a rising tide of jobs, prosperity and opportunity. It did. He said that deregulating oil prices would lower the price of gasoline and end the “energy crisis”. It did. He said he would fire the air traffic controllers who were illegally striking if they didn’t return to work. He did.
 As for dealing with the Soviets, Reagan said that his program of vastly increasing military spending, planting Pershing missiles in NATO countries and aiding anti-Soviet rebels throughout the Third World would one day relegate Marxist Leninism to “the ash heap of history”. This was too much for his critics, made up of a big chunk of Congress, most university professors, and much of the national news media. They regarded Reagan as either dumb, a warmonger or both, and they insisted that his policies would trigger a never-ending arms race and perhaps lead to the unthinkable – a nuclear war.
 When Reagan announced his support for a space-based system to defend the country from a nuclear strike, tensions rose even higher. ABC aired a movie, “The Day After”, about America under nuclear attack. The “nuclear freeze” movement in 1984 was every bit as intense and its demonstrations every bit as large as the anti-Iraq-War movement is in 2004. History has yet to render a verdict on Iraq, but we already know who was right about the Soviets. The dumb warmonger won the Cold War without firing a shot. And soldiers were the good guys in the movies again. Martin Sheen and Marlon Brando in “Apocalypse Now” gave way to Tom Cruise and Tom Skerrit in “Top Gun”.
But Reagan did more than unlock the American economy and liberate millions of people from Communist captivity. He gave America back its smile. His sense of humor helped, but so did his belief that political differences weren’t personal differences, a sentiment that seems to have gone missing on both sides in recent years.
 Where should history rank Reagan? Probably as the greatest President in the last 50 years because, like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Reagan defined and ignited an entire political movement. For FDR it was New Deal liberalism. For Reagan, American conservatism.
 Before Reagan, conservatism was instinctively reactive and mostly negative: stop spending on this, don’t do that, etc. Reagan made it both positive and pro-active - a movement based on core beliefs and clear ideas. As Ted Kennedy, of all people, put it, Reagan “wrote most of these ideas not only into law, but into the national consciousness.”
Dozens of conservative think tanks and more than 40 state-based policy centers around the country are daily churning out ideas for policymakers based on free markets, limited government and personal responsibility. Reaganism lives on.
 Today we take it for granted in America that great days are still in front of us. We take for granted that lower taxes will stimulate growth. We take for granted that the best way to deal with deadly adversaries is to stand up to them, not make excuses for them.
 25 short years ago, Americans didn’t take any of those things for granted. That’s what Reagan changed.
A nation that turns away from prayer will ultimately find itself in desperate need of it. :Jonathan Cahn

Offline massadvj

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #79 on: October 19, 2013, 01:48:20 am »
Vote third party and put in a candidate that is not entrenched in corruption.

Name a candidate who would fit the bill for you.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #80 on: October 19, 2013, 01:53:53 am »
Liberal-spy pretends he's knows more about the Reagan Years than we who lived it.

Ronald Reagan, For Those Under 40

 written in 2004

 goopo if only he'd read it and some it would sink in.  I lived through Carter, (and Nixon) it is one reason I revere Reagan.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #81 on: October 19, 2013, 02:05:06 am »
Name a candidate who would fit the bill for you.

I'd vote for any candidate that ran on breaking up the banks.

Offline happyg

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #82 on: October 19, 2013, 02:10:56 am »
Nixon was the first president I voted for, because at that time, you had to be 21 to vote. I didn't like the change to 18 because kids normally go for the liberal faction. They don't have the experience to understand all the issues. Now, the democrats in some areas want to give illegal immigrants voting rights. The immigration issue is supported by democrats because they are a new voting bloc. As the 18 year olds get older, many change parties, because they are part of the workforce and see problems up close and personal.

I was comfortable under Reagan. He reminded us of our greatness, and instilled a sense of pride and security, that Kennedy and Carter lacked. With Kennedy, we worried about a nuclear war. With Carter, it was joblessness and high inflation. Reagan changed that.


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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #83 on: October 19, 2013, 02:28:39 am »
I'd vote for any candidate that ran on breaking up the banks.

Can I get anyone's input on this response after 4+ "pages" of discussion?  Anyone?

Offline massadvj

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #84 on: October 19, 2013, 02:31:02 am »
I'd vote for any candidate that ran on breaking up the banks.

Ron Paul?

Offline alicewonders

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #85 on: October 19, 2013, 02:50:41 am »
Can I get anyone's input on this response after 4+ "pages" of discussion?  Anyone?

Well, I don't want to get into an involved discussion - but I see Liberal Spy's remarks to be consistent with what I hear from my niece and nephew.  I don't have children myself, so they - being college age - are my closest connection to the mind of the younger generation.  My sister is very conservative - more than I am on some issues - so I know her kids have been raised with the right values.  She was vigilant about what schools they would attend, etc. 

However, once they attended public schools, my sister's influence lessened and both my nephew and niece consider themselves liberals - even to voting for Obama (the first time - my niece says she didn't vote for him the second time). 

Liberal Spy reminds me of my niece.  He believes it is the corporations that are the problem.  He believes that government can do a lot of good for people that need help.  I think he and my niece are good people that really care, but they have been indoctrinated to believe that gov't is actually "helping" people.  It doesn't make them bad people.  I don't know what drew him here - to want to engage US - in philosophical and political banter, but I am enjoying the discourse.  It keeps you alive.
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Offline massadvj

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #86 on: October 19, 2013, 03:01:45 am »
Can I get anyone's input on this response after 4+ "pages" of discussion?  Anyone?

I'd say Reagan was the best POTUS in my lifetime.  From a policy standpoint, he did not accomplish all that much, but what he did do was set a very positive tone for the country.  He expected the best from people, and he believed very strongly in freedom and traditional American values.  He was simply an amazing leader who inspired the country to want to be great again, and the country responded.

As for Liberal's contention that he'd like to see politicians unbeholden to masters, I think I can say that there was once a very, very decent man elected to the presidency.  He worked his ass off in the job, was beholden to no special interests that I know of, and turned out to be utterly incompetent.  His name was Jimmy Carter.

Although many consider OPapaDoc to be Carter's reflection, I don't consider OPapaDoc decent.  Far from it.  He's Chicago con man all the way. 

Offline ABX

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #87 on: October 19, 2013, 03:03:47 am »
I'd say Reagan was the best POTUS in my lifetime.  From a policy standpoint, he did not accomplish all that much, but what he did do was set a very positive tone for the country.  He expected the best from people, and he believed very strongly in freedom and traditional American values.  He was simply an amazing leader who inspired the country to want to be great again, and the country responded.

As for Liberal's contention that he'd like to see politicians unbeholden to masters, I think I can say that there was once a very, very decent man elected to the presidency.  He worked his ass off in the job, was beholden to no special interests that I know of, and turned out to be utterly incompetent.  His name was Jimmy Carter.

Although many consider OPapaDoc to be Carter's reflection, I don't consider OPapaDoc decent.  Far from it.  He's Chicago con man all the way.

0 reminds me a lot more of LBJ than Carter. Carter was a fool, LBJ was down right nasty.

Offline ABX

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #88 on: October 19, 2013, 03:08:13 am »
I'd vote for any candidate that ran on breaking up the banks.

'Breaking up' is usually reserved for monopolies within an industry. You don't have that with banks. You have thousands of choices. Banks are also very highly regulated.  I don't see breaking up as the way to go. Cracking down on criminality such as insider trading as well as separating private banks from our currency would be a better move.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #89 on: October 19, 2013, 03:13:35 am »
'Breaking up' is usually reserved for monopolies within an industry. You don't have that with banks. You have thousands of choices. Banks are also very highly regulated.  I don't see breaking up as the way to go. Cracking down on criminality such as insider trading as well as separating private banks from our currency would be a better move.

AB how did that work out for us with congress?  It last almost as long as the requirment they - too - participate in Obamacare and then in the dead of night they voted it back in and now they - too - can insider trade legally. In lingo LS can understand Congress can legally do what they sent Martha Stewart to prison doing.

In fact I think Dodd Frank has done more damage to Americans ability to borrow money than had they left things alone.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776


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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #90 on: October 19, 2013, 03:13:50 am »
Ron Paul?

If Ron Paul had run for the Republicans I would have voted for him without a second thought. I don't agree with everything he says, but I agree with a lot of what he says, and I think he would be a magnificent president.

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #91 on: October 19, 2013, 03:14:10 am »
Well, I don't want to get into an involved discussion - but I see Liberal Spy's remarks to be consistent with what I hear from my niece and nephew.  I don't have children myself, so they - being college age - are my closest connection to the mind of the younger generation.  My sister is very conservative - more than I am on some issues - so I know her kids have been raised with the right values.  She was vigilant about what schools they would attend, etc. 

However, once they attended public schools, my sister's influence lessened and both my nephew and niece consider themselves liberals - even to voting for Obama (the first time - my niece says she didn't vote for him the second time). 

Liberal Spy reminds me of my niece.  He believes it is the corporations that are the problem.  He believes that government can do a lot of good for people that need help.  I think he and my niece are good people that really care, but they have been indoctrinated to believe that gov't is actually "helping" people.  It doesn't make them bad people.  I don't know what drew him here - to want to engage US - in philosophical and political banter, but I am enjoying the discourse.  It keeps you alive.

It may take another depression for a lot of these kids to wake up.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline massadvj

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #92 on: October 19, 2013, 03:17:27 am »
If Ron Paul had run for the Republicans I would have voted for him without a second thought. I don't agree with everything he says, but I agree with a lot of what he says, and I think he would be a magnificent president.

How about Rand Paul?

Offline ABX

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #93 on: October 19, 2013, 03:20:58 am »
AB how did that work out for us with congress?  It last almost as long as the requirment they - too - participate in Obamacare and then in the dead of night they voted it back in and now they - too - can insider trade legally. In lingo LS can understand Congress can legally do what they sent Martha Stewart to prison doing.

In fact I think Dodd Frank has done more damage to Americans ability to borrow money than had they left things alone.

That seriously needs to change. There are many crimes Congress can commit that would land any of us in jail. I am a strong supporter of a Constitutional Amendment to require all members of government be accountable to the same laws as the people. (and enforceable statues on top of that as Congress has a way of ignoring the Constitution).


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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #94 on: October 19, 2013, 03:30:17 am »
How about Rand Paul?

I honestly don't know a lot about Rand Paul. If his stances on banks and drugs are the same as Ron I would vote for him.

Offline alicewonders

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #95 on: October 19, 2013, 03:33:48 am »
It may take another depression for a lot of these kids to wake up.

Probably true.  Sometimes you have to hit rock-bottom to finally see the light.  I've done that several times in my life.  Going through something like a depression is an awful thing - but most of the people I know that lived through it - it made them stronger and made them realize that they could survive even under the worst conditions. 

So yeah, it's going to take something big like that I guess - to force everyone to wake up.  It's coming. 
Don't tread on me.   8888madkitty

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Offline Rapunzel

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #96 on: October 19, 2013, 03:35:23 am »
That seriously needs to change. There are many crimes Congress can commit that would land any of us in jail. I am a strong supporter of a Constitutional Amendment to require all members of government be accountable to the same laws as the people. (and enforceable statues on top of that as Congress has a way of ignoring the Constitution).

Same here... It galls me they are treated "special."  They are not special and the founders never expected them to be treated as a special class separate from those they are supposed to represent.
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776

Offline massadvj

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #97 on: October 19, 2013, 03:35:27 am »
I honestly don't know a lot about Rand Paul. If his stances on banks and drugs are the same as Ron I would vote for him.

Then you'll need to register as a Republican so you can support him in 2016.  You won't need a third party.  What state are you in?


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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #98 on: October 19, 2013, 03:38:27 am »
Then you'll need to register as a Republican so you can support him in 2016.  You won't need a third party.  What state are you in?

Now I need to go research Rand Paul. I will come back to this.

EDIT: I definitely agree with a lot of what he says about the banks. I haven't found anything about his stance on drugs yet, though. Some of the stuff he says I disagree with, but the banks and the war on drugs are such a problem that they may outweigh the issues I disagree with him on. If he's for ending the drug war and legalizing all drugs like Ron, though, I would definitely consider it. I would MUCH prefer it if he ran third party though, because I still believe that corruption is infesting the 2 party system.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 03:58:37 am by Liberal_Spy »

Offline Rapunzel

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Re: I have another video I'd like your input on.
« Reply #99 on: October 19, 2013, 03:38:35 am »
Probably true.  Sometimes you have to hit rock-bottom to finally see the light.  I've done that several times in my life.  Going through something like a depression is an awful thing - but most of the people I know that lived through it - it made them stronger and made them realize that they could survive even under the worst conditions. 

So yeah, it's going to take something big like that I guess - to force everyone to wake up.  It's coming.

My grandparents on both sides lived through it. My dad's parents had their dairy farm and they survived - but my grandmother hoarded money until the day she died as a result and paid cash for everything  - a very good habit IMHO.  My mothers parents lost everything and they had to move from a beautiful big house out to the country into a small home.  I honestly do not think my mother ever recovered from that experience and I think it is what made her the way she was all my life. It never mattered how much money she had in her mind she was ALWAYS poor...
�The time is now near at hand which must probably determine, whether Americans are to be, Freemen, or Slaves.� G Washington July 2, 1776