it can't happen if all we want to do is be "keyboard cowboys"! It will take LOTS of hard work, time, and treasure but it can be done!
I've given this some serious thought over the last year since it was determined that 0bama was reelected in large part because too many Republicans sat home. I thought there was no way that the base would stay home even if they didn't like Romney. I believed that opposition to 0bama's policies would be enough to bring out the Republican base. Obviously, that was not the case.
So, what to do? I'm a computer nerd so my first inclination is to apply technology to the problem somehow. This is only useful, however, to the extent that it supports the main activity: boots on the ground.
My pie-in-the-sky idea is to get voter or party rolls by precinct and have someone (or a group, committee, staff, whatever) in each precinct lead an effort to visit or call every registered Republican. When the entire base is committed to making good things happen, our ability to reach out is exponentially increased. Ideally, every person would commit to some specific action. Not everyone can make a donation but maybe they can make phone calls & read a script. Perhaps they can pick someone up & drive them to the polls. As the base gets behind the effort, we should extend the outreach to Independents, Constitution Party members, Libertarians, and others who are looking for a way to be heard.
I enjoy the discussions on boards like this, but they don't get each of us very far toward getting one or two more people to the polls. Know what's scary? In at least 1 or 2 swing states, the difference between 0bama and Romney was an average of less than 1 vote per precinct. I'd certainly pick someone up & drive them to the polls in exchange for a better president. ;-)