Author Topic: Pelosi missed CR votes for wedding anniversary that took place 3 weeks ago  (Read 1107 times)

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House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi missed Saturday night’s votes on legislation to continue funding the government because she was out of town celebrating her 50th wedding anniversary, according to news reports.

“Speaker Boehner has told me he has the votes for his proposals on his side of the aisle and that he will not need our help,” Pelosi wrote in a letter to colleagues. “I have been in contact with our leadership team and members, and we appreciate the united front from members as we proceed.”

Pelosi’s wedding anniversary, however was three weeks ago, on Sept. 7, according to at least three of Mike Allen’s Politico Playbooks.

“IF YOU’RE MEETING WITH LEADER PELOSI, or your boss is: NANCY and PAUL PELOSI celebrate their 50th on Saturday,” Allen wrote in Playbook on Sept. 5.

“NANCY and PAUL PELOSI celebrate 50 years TOMORROW,” Allen reminded readers on Sept. 6.

“–HOUSE DEMOCRATIC LEADER NANCY PELOSI, who today celebrates 50 years of marriage to Paul, sent this “Dear Colleague” letter to House Dems this a.m. (POLITICO’s Ginger Gibson points out this is Pelosi’s fifth letter in a week):” Allen wrote on the big day, Sept. 7.

According to Roll Call, the anniversary Pelosi missed Saturday’s votes for was a “long scheduled event.”

“Instead of legislating responsibly, they want to live dangerously, and that’s not good for the American people,” Pelosi said Friday morning. “Their tea party ransom demands come at a significant cost to our economic security.”

To be sure, Pelosi was not the only politician to miss votes last week due to prior commitments. Friday, Republican Sens. Orrin Hatch, of Utah, and Jeff Flake of Arizona missed votes to keep the government open due to family weddings.

Pelosi’s office did not immediately respond to request for comment.