Hey, pa. Sorry, George.
I am totally unusual in that I like reading about current issues. I looked through some of the forums before registering, and I see a lot of useful information in them.
I went to a college that was very liberal by Texas standards. As a result, during the whole sb 5 debacle, people were making posts about it every day on my facebook. The Republicans hate women. Democracy now. Yada yada yada. I only saw one pro life post during that time. I have to say though, the response to my post took me by surprise. Instead of the supernova that usually occurs when you challenge a liberal, and you know your argument is stronger, people were actually fairly receptive. I got a few "Being pro choice does not make me pro abortion, and I just think people should have a choice" responses. To me that's vague and weak. If you think something is wrong, you should at least stand by your opinions.
Yes, totally disingenuous. None of the liberal articles I read about the filibuster discussed why the 20 week mark is important in fetal development. Instead, there was this voracious tone that the left wing media has long been waiting for with regards to Texas. You have Wendy Davis, who is an attractive, successful Democrat in Texas taking on the evil Rick Perry. Rick Perry has done an excellent job as governor, and I'll take it as a compliment that this is the first opportunity the media has had to really sieze upon his leadership.
Have faith in your daughter. I supported Obama in 2008 (Sorry, pa). He had a message that resonated with people my age (I was 18) at the time: Change, hope, progress. I didn't see why we couldn't have "free" healthcare, since other countries have it. I also believed, like most people do, that the deficit is like a balloon that you just let go of and never see again. I have had substantial education during that time. I have realized a lot of truths and done a lot of research. I am a Conservative now.
Looking forward to having some discussions on this site.