Author Topic: Gunfacts  (Read 1434 times)

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Offline Ford289HiPo

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« on: January 03, 2013, 10:23:47 pm »

The goal of Gun Facts is to provide a quick reference guide for civil libertarians on gun control
issues. Use Gun Facts when composing arguments for debates, writing letters to editors,
emailing to your representatives, and sending statements to the media.

The problem Gun Facts addresses is the lack of intellectual honesty by gun control advocates. 
Over many decades they have presented “information” to the media and the public that is at best
inaccurate and at worst fraudulent. Gun Facts is dedicated to debunking gun control myths and
providing citable evidence.

Common gun control myths are listed in the pages that follow.  For each myth, one or more facts
are presented to refute the gun control claim and the source of the information is fully cited.

Copyright and free usage information
I wonder when the lies will stop and truth begin, even as grim as the truth may be. And then I remember that for 70 years, the reign of terror in Russia called itself "the people's government." We have so far to fall, yet we are falling fast and Hell yawns to receive us.