Author Topic: Michael Flynn - Texas Is Entitled to Use Military Force to Repel the Border Invasion  (Read 239 times)

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Online libertybele

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This is rather lengthy, but a good read.

Texas Is Entitled to Use Military Force to Repel the Border Invasion

The Supreme Court’s decision this week to order Texas not to protect its border with Mexico will go down in history as one of that Court’s most cowardly decisions which could doom our nation — if it is allowed to stand. That decision was not just about razor wire — it was about the role of states in our federal system, and the betrayal of the nation – first by a President, and now by two Republican-appointed Justices.

I ask you to invest the time to stay with me through this article — as we need to spend some time together to think through the background for the crisis that is now upon us — for it could be a truly existential threat to the nation.

Biden and The Wall

Within hours of Biden being sworn into office, he signed a Proclamation that ordered an end to construction of President Trump’s southern border wall. His stated reason was that the wall was “a waste of money that diverts attention from genuine threats to our homeland security.” This statement was so absurd that we knew at once that this man who had somehow assumed the Presidency was not on our side. Biden had just sworn the President’s constitutionally prescribed oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” and within hours he flung open the nation’s borders to all comers. Biden was announcing that he was the second act of the Obama Administration to “fundamentally transform” the United States. Biden was declaring that the Trump years were over, and the revolutionaries were back in charge.
Was the Trump wall really a “waste of money?” The establishment press had attacked Trump for spending $11 billion to put barriers along around 50 miles of our southern border. But the corrupt press thought nothing of spending more than 10 times that to defend Ukraine and its border. And the House GOP now estimates the annual cost of the Biden open border in caring for illegal aliens will be $451 billion. Biden opened the door, and over 3.8 million people walked through. That number of illegals is greater than the population of at least 22 states and is on the verge of destroying the nation in every way by causing crime, drug deaths, child trafficking, terrorism, deficit spending, and more. He could not have done any more damage to the nation if he had tried.

 Did the wall really “divert attention from genuine threats to our homeland security?” Under Biden, military age men are pouring over the border from countries that despise our nation. Migrants on the Terrorism Watch List keep walking through — with only some being identified. Biden’s claims about the Wall were so patently false, so in your face, that we got his thuggish message — we have the power and we know how to use it.

 Where were the Congressional Republicans?

 Americans have been waiting for a very long time for Republicans to bring an end to the chaos. We held our breath and waited during Biden’s first two years, when Democrats enjoyed a majority of the House and a tie in the Senate which the Vice President could break in his favor. But for the last year, since January 2023, when Republicans took control of the House, we have waited for our party to do whatever is necessary to stop this existential threat to the nation. Remember that no money can be spent from the U.S. Treasury without approval by the House. Republicans could have stopped the assault on our borders, but they didn’t. For whatever reason — loyalty to the billionaire donor class, fear of the negative press, whatever — they caved, being afraid they would be blamed for a government shutdown..................

Romans 12:16-21

Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly, do not claim to be wiser than you are.  Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.  If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all…do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Offline Fishrrman

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I've been advocating that for years, not only in this forum, but before then "over at the other one", and BEFORE THAT, back on the old (and now-gone) AOL message boards. My postings on the border situation go back almost 30 years.

Texas is doing ok for now.
But... they have to push the edge of the envelope and do more.

They must take "the next step":
They need to start physically EXPELLING invaders, back to "the other side" of the fence.

It's not just about protecting the border and keeping more from coming across.
It's about REMOVING at least a good number of the invaders who are already here.

I think few -- including most of the members of this forum -- have given any real thought as to what that will involve. It won't be pretty.

But there's a choice to be made.
I've thought about it, and have made mine.