Author Topic: Don’t Be A Useful Idiot  (Read 187 times)

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Don’t Be A Useful Idiot
« on: August 22, 2023, 12:32:11 pm »
Don’t Be A Useful Idiot

John Nantz
Aug 22, 2023

Our country is mid-slide over a crumbling precipice into catastrophe because of useful idiots — some Republicans, but every current member of the Democrat party and their fellow travelers. The term useful idiot has been ascribed to Russia’s Lenin, Stalin, and even to the father of the Austrian school of economics, Ludwig von Mises.

The Urban dictionary ascribes the phrase “useful idiot” to Vladimir Lenin and defines it as “communist sympathizers in the West (America).” Lenin and the Soviets held useful idiots in utter contempt, viewing them as tools for dispensing communist propaganda to other countries.

Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals, was a big fan of the useful idiot. His entire theory of marxist exploitation and infiltration was based on the skillful manipulation of the political rube. Chief on that list are Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama — fawning fans of Alinsky. Hillary penned her college thesis in homage to the sly, greasy Stalinist, playing the cackling Biblical False Prophet to Alinsky’s anti-Christ.   

As the Biden administration shoehorns marxist-statist policies into every nook and corner of American life and politics, western society steadily devolves into a languid stupor. Things are so bad that Dodge can’t sell Challengers or Chargers, the modern muscle cars, to a feminized generation of Beta males. Production of the powerful hotrods are scheduled to be discontinued in 2024.

Instead, Dodge is promoting a new line of hybrid wokester mobiles designed to appeal to passives consumed by conformity and a trained obsequiousness before cultural and political masters. It’s a line of lithium chugging, coal powered go-carts for which raw materials are clawed from the earth by child slave labor enterprises in the Congo.

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