Author Topic: If The DeSantis Campaign is in Trouble Why is the Leftist Media Ramping up Their Attacks?  (Read 174 times)

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If The DeSantis Campaign is in Trouble Why is the Leftist Media Ramping up Their Attacks?

Partisans are so desperate to destroy DeSantis they will literally accuse him of anything

By Carpe Diem
August 2, 2023

In the last week, the leftist propaganda media—practically in unison, has ramped up their attacks against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in a concerted effort to declare the Republican primary race over—before the first debate has even occurred, and more than five months before the Iowa Caucuses.

These partisans are so desperate to destroy his campaign and sway public opinion that they will literally accuse him of anything, no matter how far removed it is from reality.

Here’s a small fraction of the recent headlines we’ve seen, which I’ve taken the liberty of correcting in bold, below the original.

“The Sputtering DeSantis Campaign Looks for a Restart,” writes the New York Times.

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Considering that these radical outlets have never had anything nice to say about DeSantis, despite the fact that he has never lost a single election, it might be best for the Marxists to sit this one out.

Or we can listen to the analysis of certified morons like Sidney Blumenthal, yes the same Clinton flack who ran cover for the former president’s sexual affair with an intern, and helped peddle the Russian Collusion hoax. According to Blumenthal, DeSantis’s campaign strategy is to “belittle and hurt the helpless – Black people, migrants, women, gay people, trans people, academics – targets he wraps up as ‘the woke.’”

You almost have to laugh at how moronic a statement like that is, especially when there is no irony, or a shred of evidence attached to it.

If Blumenthal had bothered listening to any of DeSantis’s speeches, instead of regurgitating Left-wing talking points and falsehoods, he would see that the governor has clearly outlined his presidential priorities, which includes but is not limited to: declaring a national emergency to secure our border, stopping the drug cartels, preventing human trafficking, finishing the wall; becoming energy independent, utilizing our natural resources and rejecting Green New Deal policies that eliminate jobs and raise the cost of living; rejecting Bidenomics, which incentivizes reckless spending and has created inflation, thus making life miserable for the middle class; reducing taxes, eliminating ESG, and dependence on China; removing wokeness from the military and restoring it to its original purpose of preventing war and ensuring our nation’s security; returning rights to parents, removing sexualized education and promoting civics education, not indoctrination; and ending the weaponization of the federal government’s targeting of its political enemies.

All of those policies are not only reasonable, but beneficial to working class Americans and to ensuring the strength and prosperity of our country as a whole. The only people who don’t benefit from those proposals are Marxists, communists, race baiters, Green New Deal socialists, and radical leftist propaganda outlets who seek to weaken and destroy the country.

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