Author Topic: China Scuttles Second Phase of World Health Organization's Investigation of the Origins of COVID-19  (Read 194 times)

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China Scuttles Second Phase of World Health Organization's Investigation of the Origins of COVID-19

By streiff
February 20, 2023

In the aftermath of the disastrous international response to COVID, the World Health Assembly, which is the policymaking body of the World Health Organization, ordered an investigation into the origins of COVID. A lot of theories have been put forth by a lot of people. However, the explanation preferred by the scientific community was that somehow the virus “jumped” from a bat in a “wet market” in Wuhan, China.

The only problem is that Wuhan just happens to be the home of the People’s Liberation Army-affiliated Whuan Institute of Virology. This “institute” contains a BSL-4 lab engaged in “gain of function” research funded by EcoHealth Alliance. That company, run by a crony of former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases capo di tutti capi Anthony Fauci (see Fauci’s Parting Shot: A $3.3 Million Grant to Peter Daszak and Ecohealth Alliance to Study Bat Corona Viruses and EcoHealth Alliance Raked in Over $46 Million in Government Money Since Start of Pandemic, Investigation Shows), appears to have had a partnership with Wuhan Institute of Virology. Many people thought it damned curious that when the virus broke out, China permitted international flights to and from Wuhan but prohibited domestic flights.

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A second phase of the study was planned to get to the bottom of it all. Except that is not going to happen. The journal Nature announced last week that posted this news item: WHO abandons plans for crucial second phase of COVID-origins investigation.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has quietly shelved the second phase of its much-anticipated scientific investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, citing ongoing challenges over attempts to conduct crucial studies in China, Nature has learned.

Researchers say they are disappointed that the investigation isn’t going ahead, because understanding how the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 first infected people is important for preventing future outbreaks. But without access to China, there is little that the WHO can do to advance the studies, says Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada. “Their hands are really tied.”

That July, the WHO sent a circular to member states outlining how it planned to advance origins studies. Proposed steps included assessing wild-animal markets in and around Wuhan and the farms that supplied those markets, as well as audits of labs in the area where the first cases were identified.

But Chinese officials rejected the WHO’s plans, taking particular issue with the proposal to investigate lab breaches. Zhao Lijian, the spokesperson for China’s foreign ministry, said the WHO proposal was not agreed by all member states, and that the second phase should not focus on pathways the mission report had already deemed extremely unlikely.

In short, the Chinese got the answer they wanted in the initial report and saw no purpose in a more detailed investigation. If they didn’t have something to hide, commonsense and self-interest indicates that they would want to cooperate with the studies to find the real origins of the virus.

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