Author Topic: SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: October 16, 2022 Edition  (Read 907 times)

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SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: October 16, 2022 Edition
« on: October 15, 2022, 07:35:37 am »
Dems Blame Moderators

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich) and Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-Mich) blamed their lackluster performances in two separate debates this week on the debate moderators.

During her debate with Whitmer, Republican challenger Tudor Dixon argued that "I am merely trying to call attention to the gap between the Governor's 2018 pre-election promises and her performance in office. Rather than keeping the people safe from criminals she wants to disarm law-abiding gun owners. While rioting in America's streets over the death of George Floyd was killing people and destroying property the Governor said she supported the 'spirit' of the defund the police movement."

Whitmer complained that Dixon "showed complete disregard for my emergency powers as governor. She was repeatedly allowed to use my own words against me. The moderators should have called her out for doing this to me. There was no real-time fact-checking of the sort that the media has consistently applied to proponents of unacceptable views and opinions over the past two years of the pandemic."

After her debate with Republican state Sen. Tom Barrett, Slotkin was especially aggrieved that Tim Skubick of WLNS, the person she hand-picked to moderate, did not raise the abortion issue during the October 6 debate. "Skubick's excuse that we had already covered this ground in our September 25 debate was indefensible," Slotkin ranted. "I didn't choose him as a moderator to be an impartial journalist. I chose him to help me make my case for reelection. His failure to fulfill my expectations was disrespectful." After the tongue lashing from Slotkin, Skubick apologized.

Pennsylvania to Ignore Election Law

In a ruling this week, the US Supreme Court held that Pennsylvania state law requires that mail-in ballots must be dated and signed. Acting Secretary of State Leigh Chapman (D) has decided that the Court's ruling "will not change how we count mail-in ballots."

"Basically, it's a state's rights issue," Chapman explained. "Gov. Wolf (D), the State's Commonwealth Court, and I have decided that the statutory law is too strict. We used our discretionary powers under the emergency decree during the 2020 election to ignore these strict requirements. The results were highly satisfactory. More votes were cast and counted than ever before. In some precincts turnout exceeded the number of eligible voters. This demonstration of robust democracy proved that the statutory strictness was unnecessarily limiting the number of votes that could be counted."

"From a human rights perspective adding a signature and date hurdle to the casting of a mail-in vote makes no sense," Chapman said. "Voting is a human right that should be available to all regardless of whether they can read or write their name and date on the envelope. I would also remind everyone that we have a secret ballot. Demanding to know whether a ballot is cast by a registered voter or someone else is moot. Every human, registered or not, has the right to vote."

In related news, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D) says that the 30,000 post cards sent to non-citizens urging them register to vote was "an honest mistake. We inadvertently sent mailers out to residents who have driver's licenses. We just forgot that some of them are here illegally and that others who are here legally aren't yet citizens." Despite this "mistake," Griswold promised that "even if these errant offers result in some non-citizens getting registered we will make every reasonable effort to try to stop them from voting."

Trump Plea for Peace Rejected

Alarmed by the increasingly dangerous rhetoric regarding the Ukraine-Russian war, former President Donald Trump has offered to try "to negotiate peace before we lapse into World War III." President Biden objected to "this unwanted intrusion. I won the 2020 election, not Trump. I represent the will of the people. What Trump wants doesn't matter. What I want does. We are confronting Putin's threat to use nukes in Ukraine and countering it with our threat to nuke Russia if he does."

Biden went on to point out that "all the great thinkers are with me on this. European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell says we should annihilate the Russian Army if they use nukes against Ukraine. Rep. Liz Cheney and all the mainstream Republicans back standing up to Putin. Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has already called for a nuclear strike on Russia. We are unified in our position of strength."

Biden went on to mock those who fear nuclear war, saying "I see that failed presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard—you know, I beat her before I beat Trump—has leaped on the cowards' express train—even going so far as to leave the Democratic Party that allowed her to represent the state of Hawaii in Congress. And that kooky Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban who believes Trump could do a better job on this issue than I can. Does he not recognize that I can have the FBI arrest Trump whenever I want to? Putin should know that nobody f***s with a Biden. And if he doesn't, well, we are prepared. I can be inside the White House bomb-proof shelter within minutes. I have purchased $290 million worth of Chinese anti-radiation drugs to treat the survivors of any nuclear exchange we have with Russia."

Gabbard responded to Biden's eagerness for war, saying that "his thinking on this issue vindicates my decision to leave the Democratic Party because it is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue, stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, are dragging us ever closer to nuclear war."

In related news, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn) suggested that "a little saber rattling in the direction of Saudi Arabia for their refusal to help out our Party by delaying their oil production cuts until after the November elections seems warranted. For years we have looked the other way as Saudi Arabia has chopped up journalists and engaged in massive political repression, for one reason: we wanted to know that when the chips were down, we could count on them to help us out. If we're going to nuke Russia maybe we could also launch a few at Saudi Crown Price Mohammed bin Salman."

Biden Touts "Transformed Economy"

With poll results showing widespread disapproval of his economic policies, President Biden went on the campaign trail to urge voters to "not lose faith in the decision you made to elect me in 2020. The enemies of our democracy are trying to use current inflation, fuel shortages, and recession to persuade you to jump ship. I assure you, the pain is only temporary. The transformation we are wreaking on our economy will totally change the way we live."

"The key flaw in the Republicans' arguments against Democrat policies is that they are wed to old ways of thinking," the President said. "In the old way of thinking people are expected to work to support themselves and their families. This overlooks the advancement of new monetary theory that challenges the idea that everyone must work in order to consume. Republicans try to conceal that the government has the authority to create as much money as we need. So what if prices go up. The government will send you a check so you can afford to buy what you need. With the advances in digital currency this check will be automatically deposited in your account. You will always have money to spend."

"This is just phase one of the transformation we are working on," Biden continued. "Have you ever looked around and seen that too many people have more than they need? This keeps wealth from being more equitably distributed. Phase two will see to it that the excess wealth in the hands of the enemies of democracy are redistributed to loyal subjects just like they were before capitalism disrupted social harmony and sent everyone on a quest to feed their greed."

"Phase three was eloquently summed up by the great Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, when he said 'you will own nothing and be happy,'" Biden recalled. "It will be like the happiness you enjoyed as a child when your parents took care of you, except this time it will be me. Not me alone, but with the help of all the dedicated people who work for me. We will provide for all your needs and ease all your worries. All you'll have to do is obey a few simple rules and take on some chores we ask you to do. This is the future you can vote for this year by electing Democrats in every state and every district around the country. We will subdue the MAGA terrorists and bring the unity that we all crave for America."

Bank Cracks Down on Religious Freedom Organization

JPMorgan Chase & Co has canceled the account of the National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF). While giving no specific reason for its action, the bank said it would reconsider its decision if NCRF provides its donor list, and a list of political candidates it intends to support.

NCRF's founder Sam Brownback said "we started the organization in January of this year to defend religious freedom by providing a critically needed political response to the ongoing attacks, in law and culture, on America's First Freedom. The recent action by Chase illustrates why an organization like ours is needed now more than ever."

A Chase employee requesting anonymity explained that "corporate headquarters has become concerned that NCRF was the kind of enemy of democracy that the President is urging every loyal American to fight against. Canceling their account is the most effective step the bank can take to try to thwart their evil plans. If the officers of NCRF can prove that its donors are not members of the dangerous MAGA conspiracy and the candidates it plans to endorse or fund are legitimate mainstream candidates we may allow them to reopen an account with us."

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) said "the attempt by a bank to exclude advocates for religious freedom parallels the DOJ's siccing the FBI on pro-life advocates. The weaponization of federal law enforcement against Americans for their religious and political beliefs is an especially sinister abuse of power. Since outrage is piled upon outrage we can only hope that citizens will curb these abuses by voting out Democrats in the upcoming election."

In related news, PayPal has terminated the account of one of Hong Kong's last remaining pro-democracy activist groups. A spokesman for PayPal defended the move, saying "we have been advised by the Chinese government that the League of Social Democrats has been engaged in spreading disinformation accusing the government of suppressing the people's rights. We cannot let our platform be used by people or organizations that insult the People's Democratic Republic of China."

Covid Corruption Eruption

The Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra extended the COVID emergency declaration., "I know that the President said the pandemic is over, but the emergency declaration allows us to bypass statutory law if we feel it would be beneficial," the Secretary pointed out. The House Health Subcommittee's Republican Leader Brett Guthrie (R-Ken) castigated Becerra's action, calling it "a refusal to learn from previous mistakes. The arbitrary rulings under emergency powers cost our economy trillions of dollars, worsened the health of Americans, and trampled on our basic freedoms. We need to end, not extend this dangerous vehicle for misrule and tyranny."

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is refusing to release the results of its analysis of post-COVID-19-vaccination heart inflammation and death. The CDC cited the Public Health Service Act of 1944 to justify not responding to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center called "the claim that they cannot release de-identified abstraction information curated from the medical records of individuals, who have suffered myocarditis or died after COVID shots is a threat to public health. This looks and feels like a coverup of the true risks of COVID vaccines."

A peer-reviewed scientific article authored by cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra and published in the Journal of Insulin Resistance found "a greater risk of serious adverse events from the mRNA vaccines than being hospitalized from COVID-19. Pfizer, the US Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have all repeatedly lied about the safety and effectiveness of the shots." Malhotra called for "an immediate suspension of all COVID shots." CDC Director Rochelle Walensky characterized these findings as "a continuation of the same anti-science mindset that is being used to dissuade people from getting their booster shots. When the President says everyone should get vaccinated the patriotic thing to do is to obey his command."

Member of the European Parliament Mislav Kolakusic characterized the purchase of 4.5 billion doses of the Covid-19 vaccine for 450 million EU residents as "the biggest corruption scandal in the history of mankind. Over the last year we have learned that the Pfizer vaccine doesn't prevent a person from catching the disease. It doesn't prevent a vaccinated person from spreading the disease. We also now have a new 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome' that is linked to injections of this vaccine. So, I ask, why are we buying more of this hazardous drug?" Pfizer's president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that "our vaccine was never tested on its ability to prevent the transmission of COVID before we released it to the general public. So there is no way we would have known it would be ineffective or harmful. Fortunately, the government granted us immunity from all liability resulting from injecting billions of patients with our product."