Author Topic: SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: October 2, 2022 Edition  (Read 931 times)

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SEMI-NEWS/SEMI-SATIRE: October 2, 2022 Edition
« on: October 01, 2022, 05:54:48 am »
Dem Says Laxalt Abandoned Rape Victims

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) charged her Republican opponent Adam Laxalt with "abandoning rape victims. Instead of sticking with his Attorney General job, where he was very successful, he decided to pursue a selfish ambition to try to take my Senate seat."

During Laxalt's four-year stint as Nevada's Attorney General he cleared a 4,000 case backlog of rape kits that had been left unexamined by the previous holder of the office. Ironically, the previous AG was none other than Catherine Cortez Masto. During her eight year tenure only 16% of the 5,231 rape kits collected from victims were examined. The evidence in these rape kits is crucial for prosecuting rapists.

Laxalt wryly observed that "the Senator's campaign boasts about keeping our communities safe and standing up for vulnerable women and girls seem out-of-line with her actions when she was in a position to do something about it."

The Senator brushed aside the criticism, saying "rape was only a small portion of the total crimes committed while I was AG. The much bigger threat to women comes from those who want to restrict access to abortions. These are the vulnerable women and girls that I will always stand up for. Besides, as an enemy of democracy, Laxalt is not qualified to serve in the Senate."

Jews Censored at Berkeley Law School

The Women of Berkeley Law, the Asian-Pacific-American Law Students Association, the Middle Eastern and North African Law Students Association, the Law Students of African Descent and the Queer Caucus all amended their bylaws to exclude inviting anyone who supports Israel from speaking on campus.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) praised the action, calling it "an encouraging development for the suppression of the insidious Zionist cult that oppresses Muslims in Israel and has infiltrated the governments, businesses, and education systems around the globe. We must never give up our struggle to stop these villains from taking over the world."

Berkeley is not alone in taking steps to discriminate against Jews. At the State University of New York at New Paltz, two Jews were expelled from a sexual assault victims support group. At the University of Southern California, anti-Semitic activists threatened to "impeach student government vice president Rose Ritch's Zionist ass." At Tufts University, anti-Semitic activists demanded Max Price be ousted from the student government judiciary committee because he supports Israel.

Nazi persecution of the Jews began with a boycott in April 1933, moved on to deprivation of their rights as citizens, murder in the streets, and ultimately to extermination in concentration camps. While Tlaib admitted that "there certainly were excesses committed, but we should not overlook the fact that Jews had a disproportionate role in Germany—far beyond their tiny share of the population. Neutralizing the disproportionate influence of Jews by more humane methods must be achieved. Since there is a reasonable expectation that the victims of Zionism would do harm to Jewish speakers, banning these speakers is for their own safety."

Fauci Makes Killing During Pandemic

From a net worth of $7.5 million at the end of 2019, Dr. Anthony Fauci was able to boost his wealth to $12.6 million by the end of 2021. During 2021, as the federal government's highest paid bureaucrat, Fauci made $903,497 in federal income and benefits, royalties and travel perks totaling $919,205; and $910,174 in investment gains.

"I could see early on that Pfizer was going to make billions from its covid vaccine so I bought their stock," Fauci boasted. "By relentlessly advocating for vaccinations, including advising President Biden to mandate them hundreds of millions of jabs were administered in just the United States alone. Since Pfizer had a patent on the vaccine the mark-ups were fabulous."

"Then as the 'face of the pandemic' in America I became so famous that many people offered me paid speaking gigs," the Doctor said. "The best is yet to come, though. Eight-figure book deals are being thrown my way by several major publishing houses. As far as finances go, my coming retirement should be worry free."

For those who aren't doing so well financially, Washington Post Columnist Michelle Singletary has thoughtfully pointed out how the coming recession will benefit them, writing "if you've been wise enough to save your money, the crash in house prices will make it cheaper for you to buy the home you've always wanted. The rising cost of food will make losing the fat you've accumulated financially rewarding. And an abundance of jobs in the service sector for Uber drivers, pizza deliverers, sales clerks, waiters, cashiers, and customer service reps will increase your opportunities of landing a second job to supplement your income."

Trump Offers Services

The recent success of Ukraine's counterattack against the Russian troops that invaded has sent them into a disorderly retreat. Putin has sent press gangs around Russia to draft 300,000 more men into his army. A bogus referendum held in parts of the Russian-occupied portions of Ukraine is being used to justify their annexation to Russia. Belarus is offering to send 100,000 troops to help defend the annexed territory from Ukrainian aggression. Last, but not least, Putin is threatening to use nuclear weapons—citing the precedent established by the atomic bombs the US dropped on Japan to end World War II.

President Biden has taken a basic "bring it on stance" and promised to "do whatever is necessary to defeat Russian aggression." This included a February 24 threat to prevent the use of Russia's Nord Stream Pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraine. This week, that pipeline was blown up. In addition, Biden has managed to funnel more than $50 billion in military aid to the government of Ukraine—a step which leaves US stockpiles of non-nuclear weapons at severely depleted levels.

Concerned that we may be on the road to World War III, former President Trump has offered his deal-making services to President Biden. "We need to be strategic, be smart and get a negotiated deal done NOW!" Trump said. "Both sides need it. The entire World is at stake."

Biden rejected Trump's offer, saying "if the American people had wanted Trump to handle foreign affairs they wouldn't have elected me. His attempt to meddle in foreign affairs is a violation of the Logan Act. This is yet another demonstration of Trump's intent to overthrow our democracy and will be added to the list of charges against him which is currently being compiled by Attorney General Garland. I will do things my way. I will call Putin's bluff. I will remind him that the bunker I have is far more secure than the Hitler bunker that Russian troops overran at the end of World War II was."

Hurricanes Blamed on GOP

As Hurricane Ian ripped its way across Florida, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn) asserted "things like this wouldn't be happening if Democrats were in charge everywhere. Republicans are the ones who refuse to help Democrats save the climate. They insist that the prosperity enabled by low taxes, adequate supplies of energy, and widespread mobility are too valuable to sacrifice for the small fractions of carbon dioxide we're trying to eliminate. Voters can save themselves from the Hellish environment that will overtake us in the next century by electing Democrats across-the-board in November."

Christina Pushaw, spokesperson for Gov. Ron DeSantis' reelection campaign, slammed Klobuchar's comments as "idiotic. America has experienced hurricanes throughout recorded history and before Democrats and Republicans existed. The so-called remedies that Democrats propose always involve diverting more power to the government. The odds that this would have any significant beneficial effects on the climate are slim and none. It is prosperity that generates the inventions and resources that have greatly improved our society's ability to deal with the devastating storms that used to kill much larger numbers of people. The GOP approach of preserving freedom is our best chance for preserving human lives."

Klobuchar questioned "the idea that human lives should be our focus. Experts already say that the optimal human population for a healthy environment is 500 million. Currently, there are nearly eight billion humans alive on the planet. Clearly, some severe winnowing is needed. Abortion and the sterilization that comes from transgender surgery are options that move us in the right direction as are one child per family regulations and adding contraceptives to public water supplies. Yet, it is Republicans that want to limit these options. And they say we Democrats are the crazy ones. We'll see what the voters say when they cast their ballots next month."

Scientist Changes His Mind

This week, Dr Aseem Malhotra, one of the most influential cardiologists in Britain, wrote a pair of scientific papers concluding that "I have slowly and reluctantly concluded that contrary to my own initial dogmatic beliefs, Pfizer's mRNA vaccine is far from being as safe and effective as we first thought."

"First of all, the Pfizer product that is labeled a Covid vaccine does not deserve to be called a vaccine," Malhotra said. "It doesn't behave like any vaccine that has come before, and it's not effective at doing what other vaccines do. It doesn't protect you from getting the disease. It doesn't prevent you from spreading the disease."

The Doctor castigated Pfizer for falsifying its trial results, concealing adverse events connected to their vaccine, and participating in the campaign to censor differing opinions about the need for and efficacy of the vaccine. He was particularly critical of the classification of persons dying within 14 days of being injected with the Pfizer vaccine as being "unvaccinated. A more logical hypothesis would be that the vaccination itself caused many of these deaths. An honest response to the observed phenomena would have never leapt to the conclusion that inoculation with this substance should even be advised, much less mandated for otherwise healthy people."

CDC director Rochelle Walensky dismissed Dr. Malhotra's findings, calling them the same kind of disinformation that CNN has repeatedly warned us about over the last two years. The only people we should be listening to are President Biden and respected scientists like Dr. Fauci who worked night and day to get the science right. I admit that right now, it looks like the vaccines are losing their effectiveness, but as Dr. Fauci points out, 'if the effectiveness is waning, the sensible course is to get boosted as frequently as you can.' The President agrees with that and is providing unlimited funding to ensure that every person in this country can be vaccinated. If you are patriotic you'll do as he says."

Beto Blames Biden

Predicting he will lose his bid to unseat Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D) blamed President Biden. "I'm losing the Latino vote because the President didn't spend a dime or a day in the Rio Grande Valley or really anywhere in Texas," Beto complained. "You got to be locking eyeballs with the people that you want to fight for and dishing out loot to those whose votes you want to win."

O'Rourke contrasted "Biden's lame focus on abortion, climate, and Ukraine with the Republicans' more appealing offer of jobs, low crime, and low taxes. Latinos are Catholics. They love their children. They'd never think of aborting them. They're used to hot climates and don't want to fight in or pay for a war in Europe. Neither do they want to be robbed, raped, nor murdered. Even though I've adopted a cool Latino-sounding name Latinos don't believe I could deliver what they want because I, like the President, am a Democrat. I am weighed down by the national Party's unappealing platform."

Presidential Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre chastised O'Rourke for "his disloyalty to the President. The President's focus is on what's good for the whole nation, not just Texas. It's O'Rourke's duty to fall in line. Maybe he keeps losing because he's a bad candidate."

Imbalance of Poll Watchers

Election officials in Flint, Michigan have apportioned 442 poll watcher slots to Democrats, but only 27 to Republicans. In addition, the people scheduled to count absentee ballots had 56 Democrats and only four Republicans. Attorneys for Pure Integrity Michigan Elections (PIME) pointed out that state law requires equal representation of Republican and Democrat poll workers at polling locations.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) justified the lopsided staffing by citing "a shortage of qualified Republicans willing to serve." When PIME attorneys produced a list of 122 Republicans willing to serve, Whitmer countered with an assertion that "95% of registered Republicans have been identified by President Biden as MAGA enemies of our democracy and urged every loyal American to fight these domestic terrorists whenever we have the chance. Fighting these terrorists is what the Flint election officials are doing."

Some other examples of "loyal Americans" fighting MAGA terrorists include: (1) September 20: a North Dakota man runs over and kills a teenager with his SUV because the 18-year-old was a "Republican extremist;" (2) September 21: bullets fired into the window of the home of New Mexico Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Ronchetti; (3) September 25: two staffers for Gov. Greg Abbott's (R-TX) reelection campaign are assaulted in Houston; and (4) September 26: a Michigan man shoots an 84-year-old pro-life volunteer in the back.

Biden Yells at Foreigners

This week, President Biden denounced the election of Italy's first woman Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, calling it "a threat to democracy. Her program of 'yes to the natural family, no to the LGBT lobby, yes to sexual identity, no to gender ideology, yes to secure borders, no to mass migration, no to Islamist violence, no to big international finance, and no to the bureaucrats of Brussels!' sounds like the same kind of nonsense we hear from Donald Trump. I will do everything in my power to bring down her government."

Biden also rebuked United Kingdom Prime Minister Liz Truss's plan to lower taxes, characterizing it as "the same type of foolishness we saw when Trump was president. His obsession with lowering taxes destroyed our economy. That's why we have stagflation today. Every dollar left in the hands of those who earn them prevents the government from implementing a more equitable and efficient redistribution of the nation's wealth. Rather than repeat the mistakes of others, she needs to learn from them."