Author Topic: Rod Dreher: The Twitchy Stump  (Read 235 times)

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Offline Kamaji

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Rod Dreher: The Twitchy Stump
« on: June 15, 2022, 09:50:24 pm »
The Twitchy Stump

By Rod Dreher
June 15, 2022

Read this thread from a man who had sex-change surgery in an attempt to become female, but who is now detransitioning. If you check it out on Twitter now, there are two posts missing; he says he didn’t delete it, but Twitter did because so many pro-trans people complained that this is “transphobic”. Someone archived the whole thing before Twitter’s censors got to work; this link includes what was missing. I’m going to post photos of the entire thread — including the restored censored parts — just in case someone else tries to take it down. I’ve drawn from both the archived version and shots I took just now from the live thread; this accounts for the different time stamps. What you see below is the content as it first appeared on Twitter:

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Here is a link to one of the posts on TullipR’s Substack about life as a detransitioner. Excerpts:

To catch you up, I began medical transition at age 26 and had penile inversion with a scrotal graft at 30. If you’re wondering what that is and only if you have the stomach for it (You have been warned!), go here to see for yourself what the ‘procedure’ looks like.

If you want to see the potential outcomes, horrors, and disasters, as well as the butchers that do this, head over to this thread on kiwi farms. I cannot possibly stress enough that these links are not for the faint of heart.

I share this only because this thread has saved some of my detrans friends from doing this. Not all. Some of us have to live with this shit forever. We were too unwell and socially inept to understand what it meant when we went through it.

Detrans people who have been on HRT for only a few months may get off lucky. Some people can get rapid development in a short time frame depending on age and sensitivity to hormone treatment, but many will effectively return to normal. Then you have those who were cut; had their breasts, testicles, genitals inverted, changed, mutilated, amputated, lobotomized – whatever term you feel fits – but the impact is the same. It’s gone forever.

For detrans women who have had mastectomies, there is a promising field of breast reconstruction thanks to the developments in care for breast cancer patients (if you can get funding, that is…). Unfortunately, if they’ve had a hysterectomy, like detrans men who had their testicles removed, they will be reliant on HRT for the rest of their lives.

Gonads play an important part in our endocrine system, responsible for more than just reproduction, which is something I didn’t learn until I detransitioned. In nearly a decade of medical care, not one medical professional made this clear.

He goes on:

I feel panicked at the thought of being a hairy dude with a front hole. It’s a devastating thought, and no disrespect to other detrans men who have found solace in taking testosterone but it’s not just the physical aspects that scare me, it’s the psychological ones too.

Like my transition itself, my inverted penis is a caricature of a female body part that despite being dressed up to appear female, is unmistakably male. During surgery, they retain the Kepler gland, which produces seminal fluid. You can produce quite a lot, but only once you climax. Women produce fluid leading up to, during, and after – and the difference is unmistakable, which is why I struggle to call it a vagina. It’s not. It’s a lobotomised penis.

Read all of TullipR’s Substack posts here.

A twitchy stump. A lobotimized penis. A hairy dude with a front hole.

This is what we are doing to people — especially to our children! Permissive parents are allowing this. The medical profession celebrates this, as do the media, universities, Democratic politicians, and of course, Woke Capitalism. I used to wonder how in the world all the right-thinking educated people of the early 20th century embraced eugenics. Now I know.

Yesterday I was in Cambridge, giving a couple of talks to people at the university, and meeting others for conversation. It was an amazing day. I learned the extent to which wokeness and soft totalitarianism have captured this, one of the world’s great universities, and I also met some people who, with tremendous courage, are taking and have taken risks to resist it. These are the Live Not By Lies dissidents — always few in number, always unspeakably admirable. I can do what I do to tell the truth because I am fortunate enough to write for an independent magazine, and not to have an income dependent on not angering the woke. These people — some of them students, which is to say, young people at the most vulnerable time of their adult lives — do not.

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« Last Edit: June 15, 2022, 09:51:11 pm by Kamaji »

Offline Smokin Joe

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Re: Rod Dreher: The Twitchy Stump
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2022, 06:49:56 am »
Doctor Mengele would be so proud...

And they don't even have to issue the triangle patches. **nononono*

How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis