Author Topic: The CDC finds a depression epidemic among teens — that it created  (Read 134 times)

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The CDC finds a depression epidemic among teens — that it created

By Sam Munson
April 5, 2022

The Irish poet W.B. Yeats wrote of sailing to an imagined Byzantium because his was “no country for old men.” The pandemic has proven that the United States is no country for the young.

A new Centers for Disease Control study reveals how badly teens have suffered from COVID policies — that the CDC itself pushed.

Many of us have lamented the terrible damage done to younger children by school closures and mask mandates — years of learning loss that may never be made up. Now we learn that the isolation and anxiety that accompanied school shutdowns have taken a heavy toll on adolescents.

The CDC found that more than a third of US high-school students reported poor mental health during the pandemic. Nearly half — 44% — said they felt sad or hopeless. A horrifying near-20% said they had seriously considered suicide in the previous 12 months.

The lifeline for those who made it through unscathed? Per the CDC data, it’s an obvious one: a feeling of “school connectedness.”

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The CDC admitted this, if only glancingly, in its report on the findings. What it doesn’t admit is its own role in creating this epidemic.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has created traumatic stressors that have the potential to further erode students’ mental well-being,” chirped the body’s acting principal deputy director, Dr. Debra Houry, about the new data.

But those “stressors” were, in large part, created by the CDC.

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