Author Topic: CDC Releases Report on Omicron Variant and Guess Who Is Getting It Most  (Read 151 times)

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CDC Releases Report on Omicron Variant and Guess Who Is Getting It Most
daniel daniel December 17, 2021   

Joe Biden and his bureaucratic puppets working for the CDC have all repeatedly labeled every surge in COVID-19 cases as “a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” This is simply a lie. It is a corrupt manipulation of the facts to try to force everyone to “get the COVID jab”.

The latest variant of SARS CoV-2, Omicron, is proving what many experts have been saying for months. This virus, unleashed on the world through a leak from a Chinese virology lab, is something the world must learn to live with.

To accomplish this, scientists must acknowledge the breadth of potential immunity that some people naturally have. They refuse. Every single strategy bureaucrats propose, involves mandatory compliance. There are no discussions about natural immunity. Why not?

According to these people, it doesn’t exist. That, in and of itself, is contradictory to true science. Now Omicron is exposing these failed policies, especially the “critical vaccine mandates” for what they are. Government power grabs with no basis in true science.